v6 System Services

These services provide access to general system information.

v6 Get Scheduler Status

Example GET /v6/status/ API call

Request: GET http://.../v6/status/

Response: 200 OK

   "timestamp": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "detail": {
          "msg": "Logs are healthy",
          "logging_address": "tcp://localhost:1234",
          "logging_health_address": "http://www.logging.com/health"
        "errors": [],
        "warnings": []
      "msg_queue": {
          "msg": "Message Queue is healthy"
         "detail": {
           "msg": "Database alive and well"
              "msg":"Elasticsearch is healthy",
                 "tagline":"You know, for X"
         "OK": true,
         "detail": {
            "msg": "Enough nodes are online to function."
         "errors":[ {"NODES_OFFLINE":"No nodes reported."} ],
         "detail": {
           "geoaxis_authorization_url": "https://geoaxis.gxaccess.com/ms_oauth/oauth2/endpoints/oauthservice/authorize",
           "scale_vhost": "scale.io",
           "geoaxis_enabled": true,
           "backends": [
           "msg": "Geoaxis is enabled",
           "geoaxis_host": "geoaxis.gxaccess.com"
          "msg":"Silo is alive and connected"
   "scheduler": {
      "metrics": {
         "task_updates_per_sec": 0.0,
         "new_offers_per_sec": 0.0,
         "jobs_finished_per_sec": 0.0,
         "jobs_launched_per_sec": 0.0,
         "tasks_launched_per_sec": 0.0,
         "offers_launched_per_sec": 0.0,
         "tasks_finished_per_sec": 0.0
      "hostname": "scheduler-host.com",
      "mesos": {
         "framework_id": "framework-1234",
      "state": {
         "name": "READY",
         "title": "Ready",
         "description": "Scheduler is ready to run new jobs."
      "warnings": {[]
   "system": {
      "database_update": {
         "is_completed": true,
         "completed": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "services": [
            "name": "messaging",
            "title": "Messaging",
            "description": "Processes the backend messaging system",
            "actual_count": 1,
            "desired_count": 1
   "vault": {
     "status": "Secrets Improperly Configured",
     "sealed": false,
     "message": "A secrets backend is not properly configured with Scale."
   "num_offers": 4,
   "resources": {
      "mem": {
         "offered": 91445.0,
         "total": 177501.0,
         "running": 1024.0,
         "free": 72744.0,
         "unavailable": 12288.0
      "gpus": {
         "offered": 0.0,
         "total": 0.0,
         "running": 0.0,
         "free": 0.0,
         "unavailable": 0.0
      "disk": {
         "offered": 383051.0,
         "total": 676101.0,
         "running": 0.0,
         "free": 289722.0,
         "unavailable": 3328.0
      "cpus": {
         "offered": 7.3,
         "total": 28.0,
         "running": 1.0,
         "free": 11.0,
         "unavailable": 8.7
   "job_types": [
         "id": 1,
         "name": "my-job",
         "version": "1.0",
         "title": "My Job",
         "description": "My Job Description",
         "is_system": false,
         "icon_code": "f186"
   "nodes": [
         "id": 1,
         "hostname": "my-host",
         "agent_id": "my-agent",
         "is_active": true,
         "state": {
            "name": "READY",
            "title": "Ready",
            "description": "Node is ready to run new jobs."
         "errors": [
               "name": "my-error",
               "title": "My Error",
               "description": "My Error Description",
               "started": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "last_updated": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "warnings": [
               "name": "my-warning",
               "title": "My Warning",
               "description": "My Warning Description",
               "started": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
               "last_updated": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
         "node_tasks": [
               "type": "cleanup",
               "title": "Node Cleanup",
               "description": "Performs Docker container and volume cleanup on the node",
               "count": 1
         "system_tasks": [
               "type": "message-handler",
               "title": "Message Handler",
               "description": "Processes messages from Scale's backend messaging system",
               "count": 1
         "num_offers": 1,
         "resources": {
            "mem": {
               "offered": 26893.0,
               "total": 29965.0,
               "running": 0.0,
               "free": 0.0,
               "unavailable": 3072.0
            "gpus": {
               "offered": 0.0,
               "total": 0.0,
               "running": 0.0,
               "free": 0.0,
               "unavailable": 0.0
            "disk": {
               "offered": 95553.0,
               "total": 96577.0,
               "running": 0.0,
               "free": 0.0,
               "unavailable": 1024.0
            "cpus": {
               "offered": 1.0,
               "total": 4.0,
               "running": 0.0,
               "free": 0.0,
               "unavailable": 3.0
         "job_executions": {
            "running": {
               "total": 3,
               "by_job_type": [
                     "job_type_id": 1,
                     "count": 3
            "completed": {
               "total": 3,
               "by_job_type": [
                     "job_type_id": 1,
                     "count": 3
            "failed": {
               "total": 9,
               "data": {
                  "total": 3,
                  "by_job_type": [
                        "job_type_id": 1,
                        "count": 3
               "algorithm": {
                  "total": 3,
                  "by_job_type": [
                        "job_type_id": 1,
                        "count": 3
               "system": {
                  "total": 3,
                  "by_job_type": [
                        "job_type_id": 1,
                        "count": 3
Get Scheduler Status
Returns the current status of the scheduler, including information about nodes and running jobs.
GET /v6/status/
Successful Responses
The 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE response indicates that the Scale scheduler is either currently offline, so there is no status provide, or that something is causing the scheduler status update to be slow and the status is stale.
Status 200 OK
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
timestamp ISO-8601 Datetime When the status information was generated
dependencies JSON Object Status of Scale’s dependencies
dependencies.logs JSON Object Status of the logging service used by Scale
dependencies.msg_queue JSON Object Status of Scale’s message queue
dependencies.database JSON Object Status of Scale’s database
dependencies.elasticsearch JSON Object Status of configured elasticsearch service
dependencies.nodes JSON Object Status of nodes in Scale. Warns if too many are offline/degraded
dependencies.idam JSON Object Status of IdAM service (GEOAxIS)
dependencies.silo JSON Object Status of Silo service used for discovering and importing Seed images
scheduler JSON Object Scheduler configuration and metrics information
scheduler.metrics JSON Object Contains various near real-time metrics related to scheudling tasks and jobs
scheduler.mesos JSON Object Contains Scale’s framework ID and hostname and port of the Mesos master
scheduler.state JSON Object The current scheduler state, with a title and description
scheduler.warnings Array List of scheduler warning objects, with a title, description, and when the warning began and was last updated
system JSON Object System information
system.database_update JSON Object Information on if and when the current Scale database update completed
system.services Array List of services, with name, title, description, and task counts
vault JSON Object Secrets Vault information
vault.status String The status of the secrets vault
vault.sealed Boolean Whether the secrets vault is currently sealed
vault.message String Description of error reading the secrets vault, if any
num_offers Integer Number of resource offers currently held by Scale
resources JSON Object Describes the resource totals across all of Scale’s nodes. Each resource name is a key and its corresponding object breaks down the resource into several categories: running resources are used by current Scale tasks, offered resources are currently offered to Scale, free resources are available on the node and may be offered to Scale soon, unavailable resources are used by other tasks and cannot be used by Scale, and total resources are the total amounts for the node.
job_types Array List of job type objects, with a few basic fields
nodes Array List of node objects, with a few basic fields including the current node state
nodes.state JSON Object The current node state, with a title and description
nodes.errors Array List of node error objects, with a title, description, and when the error began and was last updated
nodes.warnings Array List of node warning objects, with a title, description, and when the warning began and was last updated
nodes.node_tasks Array List of node tasks running on the node, with a type, title, description, and count
nodes.system_tasks Array List of system tasks running on the node, with a type, title, description, and count
nodes.job_executions JSON Object The job executions related to this node. The running field describes the jobs currently running on the node, with a total count and count per job type. The completed field describes job executions that have completed on the node in the last 3 hours, with a total count and count per job type. The failed field is similar to completed, just with failed executions grouped by error category.

v6 Get System Version

Example GET /v6/version/ API call

Request: GET http://.../v6/version/

Response: 200 OK

    "version": "6.0.0"
Get System Version
Returns version and build information.
GET /v6/version/
Successful Response
Status 200 OK
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
version String The full version identifier of Scale. The format follows the Semantic scheme: http://semver.org/