v6 Recipe Services

These services allow for the creation and management of recipes. A recipe type is a user-defined workflow that allows jobs and recipes to be connected together in order to pass output from jobs to the input of other jobs.

Recipe Forced Nodes JSON

A recipe forced nodes JSON describes the set of recipe nodes (jobs, sub-recipes, etc) that should be forced to re-process even if there are no changes to the node.

Example recipe forced nodes:

   "all": False,
   "nodes": ["job_a_1", "job_a_2", "recipe_b", "recipe_c"],
   "sub_recipes": {
      "recipe_b": {
         "all": True
      "recipe_c": {
         "all": False,
         "nodes": ["job_c_1", "job_c_2"]
Recipe Forced Nodes
all Boolean Required If true, then all nodes within the recipe should be forced to re-process and the ‘nodes’ and ‘sub_recipes’ fields should be omitted. If false, then the ‘nodes’ array is used to indicate which nodes should be forced to re-process.
nodes Array Optional An array listing the names of the recipe nodes that should be forced to re-process.
sub_recipes JSON object Optional A JSON object where the key names are the sub-recipe node names that are being forced to re-process. The values are forced nodes JSON objects that recursively define the nodes with the sub-recipe to force to reprocess.

Recipe Instance JSON

A recipe instance JSON describes an instance of a running recipe.

Example recipe instance:

   "nodes": {
      "node_a": {
         "dependencies": [],
         "node_type": {
            "node_type": "job",
            "job_type_name": "job-type-1",
            "job_type_version": "1.0",
            "job_type_revision": 1,
            "job_id": 1234,
            "status": "COMPLETED"
      "node_b": {
         "dependencies": [{"name": "node_a"}],
         "node_type": {
            "node_type": "job",
            "job_type_name": "job-type-2",
            "job_type_version": "2.0",
            "job_type_revision": 1,
            "job_id": 1235,
            "status": "COMPLETED"
      "node_c": {
         "dependencies": [{"name": "node_b"}],
         "node_type": {
            "node_type": "recipe",
            "recipe_type_name": "recipe-type-1",
            "recipe_type_revision": 5,
            "recipe_id": 100,
            "is_completed": false,
            "jobs_total": 12,
            "jobs_pending": 0,
            "jobs_blocked": 2,
            "jobs_queued": 3,
            "jobs_running": 2,
            "jobs_failed": 1,
            "jobs_completed": 4,
            "jobs_canceled": 0,
            "sub_recipes_total": 3,
            "sub_recipes_completed": 1
      "node_d": {
         "dependencies": [{"name": "node_a"}],
         "node_type": {
            "node_type": "condition",
            "condition_id": 999,
            "is_processed": true,
            "is_accepted": false
Recipe Instance
nodes JSON object Required All of the nodes within the recipe stored by node name
dependencies Array Required The list of dependencies for this recipe node. Each JSON object in the list has a single string field called name giving the node name of the dependency.
node_type JSON object Required An object describing the type of the node
node_type String Required The type of the node, either ‘job’ or ‘recipe’
condition_id Integer Required (‘condition’ node) The unique ID of the condition
is_processed Boolean Required (‘condition’ node) Whether the condition has been processed (evaluated)
is_accepted Boolean Required (‘condition’ node) Whether the condition has been accepted. If accepted, the nodes depending on the condition will be created and processed. If not accepted, the nodes depending on the condition will not be created or processed.
job_type_name String Required (‘job’ node) The name of the job type
job_type_version String Required (‘job’ node) The version of the job type
job_type_revision Integer Required (‘job’ node) The revision of the job type
job_id Integer Required (‘job’ node) The unique ID of the job
status String Required (‘job’ node) The job’s status
recipe_type_name String Required (‘recipe’ node) The name of the recipe type
recipe_type_revision Integer Required (‘recipe’ node) The revision of the recipe type
recipe_id Integer Required (‘recipe’ node) The unique ID of the recipe
is_completed Boolean Required (‘recipe’ node) Whether the recipe has completed or not
jobs_total Integer Required (‘recipe’ node) The total number of jobs in the recipe
jobs_pending Integer Required (‘recipe’ node) The number of PENDING jobs in the recipe
jobs_blocked Integer Required (‘recipe’ node) The number of BLOCKED jobs in the recipe
jobs_queued Integer Required (‘recipe’ node) The number of QUEUED jobs in the recipe
jobs_running Integer Required (‘recipe’ node) The number of RUNNING jobs in the recipe
jobs_failed Integer Required (‘recipe’ node) The number of FAILED jobs in the recipe
jobs_completed Integer Required (‘recipe’ node) The number of COMPLETED jobs in the recipe
jobs_canceled Integer Required (‘recipe’ node) The number of CANCELED jobs in the recipe
sub_recipes_total Integer Required (‘recipe’ node) The total number of sub-recipes in the recipe
sub_recipes_completed Integer Required (‘recipe’ node) The number of completed sub-recipes in the recipe

Recipe Queue New Recipe

Example POST /v6/recipes/ API call

Request: POST http://.../v6/recipes/

 "input": :ref:`rest_v6_data_data`,
 "recipe_type_id": 4,
 "configuration": :ref:`rest_v6_recipe_type_configuration`

Response: 201 CREATED

    "id": 1,
    "recipe_type": {
          "id": 1,
          "name": "test-recipe-type-1",
          "title": "Test Recipe Type 1",
          "description": "Test Description 1",
          "revision_num": 1
    "recipe_type_rev": {
          "id": 1,
          "recipe_type": {
                "id": 1
          "revision_num": 1
    "event": {
          "id": 3,
          "type": "USER",
          "occurred": "2018-11-01T13:59:38.462027Z"
    "recipe": null,
    "batch": null
    "is_superseded": false,
    "superseded_recipe": null,
    "superseded_by_recipe": null,
    "input": {
      "files": {'input_a': [1234], 'input_b': [1235, 1236]},
      "json": {'input_c': 999, 'input_d': {'hello'}}
    "input_file_size": 64.0,
    "source_started": "2015-08-28T17:55:41.005Z",
    "source_ended": "2015-08-28T17:56:41.005Z",
    "source_sensor_class": "classA",
    "source_sensor": "1",
    "source_collection": "12345",
    "source_task": "my-task",
    "jobs_total": 10,
    "jobs_pending": 0,
    "jobs_blocked": 0,
    "jobs_queued": 1,
    "jobs_running": 3,
    "jobs_failed": 0,
    "jobs_completed": 6,
    "jobs_canceled": 0,
    "sub_recipes_total": 2,
    "sub_recipes_completed": 1,
    "created": "2018-11-01T13:59:38.471071Z",
    "completed": null,
    "superseded": null,
    "last_modified": "2018-11-01T13:59:38.471175Z"
    "job_types": [
          "id": 1,
          "name": "my-job",
          "version": "1.0.0",
          "title": "My Job",
          "description": "A simple job type",
          "icon_code": "f013"
    "sub_recipe_types": [
          "id": 1,
          "name": "test-recipe-type-1",
          "title": "Test Recipe Type 1",
          "description": "Test Description 1",
          "revision_num": 1
Queue New Recipe
Creates a new recipe and places it onto the queue
POST /v6/recipes/
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
recipe_type_id Integer Required | The ID of the recipe type to queue
input JSON Object Required JSON defining the data to run the recipe on. See Data JSON
configuration JSON Object optional JSON defining the data to run the job on See Recipe Configuration
Successful Response
Status 201 CREATED
Location URL pointing to the details for the newly queued recipe data
Content Type application/json
Body JSON containing the details of the newly queued recipe see Recipe Details

V6 Recipe List

Example GET /v6/recipes/ API call

Request: GET http://.../v6/recipes/

Response: 200 OK

  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [
      "id": 1,
      "recipe_type": {
            "id": 1,
            "name": "test-recipe-type-1",
            "title": "Test Recipe Type 1",
            "description": "Test Description 1",
            "revision_num": 1
      "recipe_type_rev": {
            "id": 1,
            "recipe_type": {
                  "id": 1
            "revision_num": 1
      "event": {
            "id": 3,
            "type": "USER",
            "occurred": "2018-11-01T13:59:38.462027Z"
      "recipe": null,
      "batch": null
      "is_superseded": false,
      "superseded_recipe": null,
      "input_file_size": 64.0,
      "source_started": "2015-08-28T17:55:41.005Z",
      "source_ended": "2015-08-28T17:56:41.005Z",
      "source_sensor_class": "classA",
      "source_sensor": "1",
      "source_collection": "12345",
      "source_task": "my-task",
      "jobs_total": 10,
      "jobs_pending": 0,
      "jobs_blocked": 0,
      "jobs_queued": 1,
      "jobs_running": 3,
      "jobs_failed": 0,
      "jobs_completed": 6,
      "jobs_canceled": 0,
      "sub_recipes_total": 2,
      "sub_recipes_completed": 1,
      "created": "2018-11-01T13:59:38.471071Z",
      "completed": null,
      "superseded": null,
      "last_modified": "2018-11-01T13:59:38.471175Z"
Recipe List
Returns a list of all recipes.
GET /v6/recipes/
Query Parameters
page Integer Optional The page of the results to return. Defaults to 1.
page_size Integer Optional The size of the page to use for pagination of results. Defaults to 100, and can be anywhere from 1-1000.
started ISO-8601 Datetime Optional The start of the time range to query. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
ended ISO-8601 Datetime Optional End of the time range to query, defaults to the current time. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
source_started ISO-8601 Datetime Optional The start of the source file time range to query. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
source_ended ISO-8601 Datetime Optional End of the source file time range to query, default is current time. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
source_sensor_class String Optional Return only recipes for the given source sensor class Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
source_sensor String Optional Return only recipes for the given source sensor Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
source_collection String Optional Return only recipes for the given source collection Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
source_task String Optional Return only recipes for the given source task Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
recipe_id Integer Optional Return only recipes with a given recipe identifier. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
recipe_type_id Integer Optional Return only recipes with a given recipe type identifier. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
recipe_type_name String Optional Return only recipes with a given recipe type name. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
batch_id Integer Optional Return only recipes associated with the given batch identifier. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
is_superseded Boolean Optional Return only recipes that match this value, indicating if the recipe has/has not been superseded.
is_completed Boolean Optional Return only recipes that match this value, indicating if the recipe has/has not been completed.
order String Optional One or more fields to use when ordering the results. Duplicate it to multi-sort, (ex: order=name&order=version). Prefix fields with a dash to reverse the sort, (ex: order=-name).
root_recipe_id Integer Optional Return only recipes associated with the provided parent recipe. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
Successful Response
Status 200 OK
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
count Integer The total number of results that match the query parameters.
next URL A URL to the next page of results.
previous URL A URL to the previous page of results.
results Array List of result JSON objects that match the query parameters.
.id Integer The unique identifier of the model. Can be passed to the details API call. (See Recipe Details)
.recipe_type JSON Object The recipe type that is associated with the recipe. This represents the latest version of the definition. (See Recipe Type Details)
.recipe_type_rev JSON Object The recipe type revision that is associated with the recipe. This represents the definition at the time the recipe was scheduled. (See Recipe Type Revision Details)
.event JSON Object The trigger event that is associated with the recipe.
.recipe JSON Object The recipe instance containing this recipe. (See Recipe Details)
.batch JSON Object The batch instance associated with this recipe (See Batch Details)
.is_superseded Boolean Whether this recipe has been replaced and is now obsolete.
.superseded_recipe JSON Object The previous recipe in the chain that was superseded by this recipe. (See Recipe Details)
.input_file_size Decimal The amount of disk space in MiB required for input files for this job.
.source_started ISO-8601 Datetime When collection of the underlying source file started.
.source_ended ISO-8601 Datetime When collection of the underlying source file ended.
.source_sensor_class String The class of sensor used to produce the source file.
.source_sensor String The specific identifier of the sensor used to produce the source file.
.source_collection String The collection of the source file.
.source_task String The task that produced the source file.
.jobs_total Integer The total count of jobs within this recipe
.jobs_pending Integer The count of PENDING jobs within this recipe
.jobs_blocked Integer The count of BLOCKED jobs within this recipe
.jobs_queued Integer The count of QUEUED jobs within this recipe
.jobs_running Integer The count of RUNNING jobs within this recipe
.jobs_failed Integer The count of FAILED jobs within this recipe
.jobs_completed Integer The count of COMPLETED jobs within this recipe
.jobs_canceled Integer The count of CANCELED jobs within this recipe
.sub_recipes_total Integer The total count of sub-recipes within this recipe
.sub_recipes_completed Integer The count of completed sub-recipes within this recipe
.is_completed Boolean Whether this recipe is completed
.created ISO-8601 Datetime When the associated database model was initially created.
.completed ISO-8601 Datetime When every job in the recipe was completed successfully. This field will remain null if a job in the recipe is blocked or failed.
.superseded ISO-8601 Datetime When the the recipe became superseded by another recipe.
.last_modified ISO-8601 Datetime When the associated database model was last saved.

V6 Recipe Details

Example GET /v6/recipes/{id}/ API call

Request: GET http://.../v6/recipes/{id}/

Response: 200 OK

    "id": 1,
    "recipe_type": {
          "id": 1,
          "name": "test-recipe-type-1",
          "title": "Test Recipe Type 1",
          "description": "Test Description 1",
          "revision_num": 1
    "recipe_type_rev": {
          "id": 1,
          "recipe_type": {
                "id": 1
          "revision_num": 1
    "event": {
          "id": 3,
          "type": "USER",
          "occurred": "2018-11-01T13:59:38.462027Z",
          "description": {
              "file_name": "data-file.png",
              "version": "1.0",
              "parse_id": 1
    "recipe": null,
    "batch": null
    "is_superseded": false,
    "superseded_recipe": null,
    "superseded_by_recipe": null,
    "input": {
      "files": {'input_a': [1234], 'input_b': [1235, 1236]},
      "json": {'input_c': 999, 'input_d': {'hello'}}
    "input_file_size": 64.0,
    "source_started": "2015-08-28T17:55:41.005Z",
    "source_ended": "2015-08-28T17:56:41.005Z",
    "source_sensor_class": "classA",
    "source_sensor": "1",
    "source_collection": "12345",
    "source_task": "my-task",
    "jobs_total": 10,
    "jobs_pending": 0,
    "jobs_blocked": 0,
    "jobs_queued": 1,
    "jobs_running": 3,
    "jobs_failed": 0,
    "jobs_completed": 6,
    "jobs_canceled": 0,
    "sub_recipes_total": 2,
    "sub_recipes_completed": 1,
    "created": "2018-11-01T13:59:38.471071Z",
    "completed": null,
    "superseded": null,
    "last_modified": "2018-11-01T13:59:38.471175Z"
    "job_types": [
          "id": 1,
          "name": "my-job",
          "version": "1.0.0",
          "title": "My Job",
          "description": "A simple job type",
          "icon_code": "f013"
    "sub_recipe_types": [
          "id": 1,
          "name": "test-recipe-type-1",
          "title": "Test Recipe Type 1",
          "description": "Test Description 1",
          "revision_num": 1
Recipe Details
Returns details for a given recipe
GET /v6/recipes/{id}/
Where {id} is the unique identifier of an existing model.
Successful Response
Status 200 OK
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
id Integer The unique identifier of the model. Can be passed to the details API call. (See Recipe Details)
recipe_type JSON Object The recipe type that is associated with the recipe. This represents the latest version of the definition. (See Recipe Type Details)
recipe_type_rev JSON Object The recipe type revision that is associated with the recipe. This represents the definition at the time the recipe was scheduled. (See Recipe Type Revision Details)
event JSON Object The trigger event that is associated with the recipe.
recipe JSON Object The recipe instance containing this recipe. (See Recipe Details)
batch JSON Object The batch instance associated with this recipe (See Batch Details)
is_superseded Boolean Whether this recipe has been replaced and is now obsolete.
superseded_recipe JSON Object The previous recipe in the chain that was superseded by this recipe. (See Recipe Details)
superseded_by_recipe JSON Object The next recipe in the chain that superseded this recipe (See Recipe Details)
input JSON Object The input data for the recipe. (See Data)
input_file_size Decimal The amount of disk space in MiB required for input files for this job.
source_started ISO-8601 Datetime When collection of the underlying source file started.
source_ended ISO-8601 Datetime When collection of the underlying source file ended.
source_sensor_class String The class of sensor used to produce the source file.
source_sensor String The specific identifier of the sensor used to produce the source file.
source_collection String The collection of the source file.
source_task String The task that produced the source file.
jobs_total Integer The total count of jobs within this recipe
jobs_pending Integer The count of PENDING jobs within this recipe
jobs_blocked Integer The count of BLOCKED jobs within this recipe
jobs_queued Integer The count of QUEUED jobs within this recipe
jobs_running Integer The count of RUNNING jobs within this recipe
jobs_failed Integer The count of FAILED jobs within this recipe
jobs_completed Integer The count of COMPLETED jobs within this recipe
jobs_canceled Integer The count of CANCELED jobs within this recipe
sub_recipes_total Integer The total count of sub-recipes within this recipe
sub_recipes_completed Integer The count of completed sub-recipes within this recipe
created ISO-8601 Datetime When the associated database model was initially created.
completed ISO-8601 Datetime When every job in the recipe was completed successfully. This field will remain null if a job in the recipe is blocked or failed.
superseded ISO-8601 Datetime When the the recipe became superseded by another recipe.
last_modified ISO-8601 Datetime When the associated database model was last saved.
details JSON Object The running recipe instance details (See Recipe Instance)
job_types Array List of job type revisions in the recipe definition (See Job Type Revision)
sub_recipe_types Array List of sub recipe types in the recipe definition (See Recipe Type Details)

v6 Recipe Input File List

Example GET /v6/recipes/{id}/input_files/ API call

Request: GET http://.../v6/recipes/{id}/input_files/

Response: 200 OK

See Scale Files for an example response

Recipe Input Files
Returns detailed information about input files associated with a given Recipe ID.
GET /v6/recipes/{id}/input_files/
Where {id} is the unique identifier of an existing recipe.
Query Parameters
page Integer Optional The page of the results to return. Defaults to 1.
page_size Integer Optional The size of the page to use for pagination of results. Defaults to 100, and can be anywhere from 1-1000.
started ISO-8601 Datetime Optional The start of the time range to query. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
ended ISO-8601 Datetime Optional The end of the time range to query. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
time_field String Optional

Indicates the time field(s) that started and ended will use for time filtering. Valid values are:

  • last_modified - last modification of source file meta-data
  • data - data time of input file (data_started, data_ended)
  • source - collection time of source file (source_started,

The default value is last_modified.

file_name String Optional Returns only input files with this file name.
recipe_input String Optional Returns files for this recipe input.
Successful Response
Status 200 OK
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
count Integer The total number of results that match the query parameters.
next URL A URL to the next page of results.
previous URL A URL to the previous page of results.
results Array List of result JSON objects that match the query parameters. (See Scale Files)

v6 Reprocess Recipe

Example POST /v6/recipes/{id}/reprocess/ API call

Request: POST http://.../v6/recipes/{id}/reprocess/

  "forced_nodes": :ref:`rest_v6_recipe_json_forced_nodes`,
  "revision_num": 1

Response: 202 ACCEPTED

Re-process Recipe
Creates a new recipe using its latest type revision by superseding an existing recipe and associated jobs. Note that if the recipe type definition has not changed since the recipe was created, then one or more job names must be specified to force the recipe to be re-processed. A recipe that is already superseded cannot be re-processed again.
POST /v6/recipes/{id}/reprocess/
Where {id} is the unique identifier of an existing recipe.
JSON Fields
forced_nodes JSON Object
Required | Set of recipe nodes that should be forced to re-process
revision_num JSON Object Optional Specific revision of the recipe type that should be ran. The latest revision will be used if this parameter is not specified.
Successful Response
Status 202 ACCEPTED

Recipe Configuration JSON

A recipe configuration JSON describes a set of configuration settings that affect how a recipe executes. A recipe configuration is merged with job type configurations for jobs in a recipe to affect how those jobs execute.

Example interface:

   "mounts": {
      "mount_1": {"type": "host", "host_path": "/the/host/path"},
      "mount_2": {"type": "volume", "driver": "docker-driver", "driver_opts": {"opt_1": "foo"}}
   "output_workspaces": {
      "default": "workspace_1",
      "outputs": {"output_1": "workspace_2"}
   "priority": 100,
   "settings": {"setting_1": "foo", "setting_2": "bar"}
Recipe Configuration
mounts JSON Object Optional A JSON object representing the configuration for each mount to provide to jobs. Each key is the name of a mount defined in the job’s Seed manifest and each value is the configuration for that mount.
type String Required The type of the mount configuration. Must be either ‘host’ or ‘volume’.
host_path String Required (host mount) The absolute file-system path on the host to mount into the job’s container.
driver String Optional (volume mount) The Docker driver to use for creating the Docker volume that will be mounted into the job’s container.
driver_opts JSON Object Optional (volume mount) An object of key-value strings specifying the name and value of the Docker driver options to use for creating the Docker volume that will be mounted into the job’s container.
output_workspaces JSON Object Required A JSON object representing the workspaces to use for storing the recipe’s output files for each defined file output
default String Optional The unique name of the default workspace to use for storing any output files that don’t belong to an output configured in outputs.
outputs JSON Object Optional A JSON object representing the workspaces to use for storing the recipe’s output files for specific file outputs. Each key is the name of a file output and each value is the unique name of the the workspace to use.
priority Integer Optional The priority to use for scheduling the job off of the queue.
settings JSON Object Optional A JSON object representing the configuration for each setting to provide to jobs in the recipe. Each key is the name of a setting and each value is the value to provide for that setting.