v6 Data Services

These services allow for the management of data within Scale.


A data JSON describes a set of data values that can be passed to an interface.

Example interface:

   "files": {'foo': [1234, 1235]},
   "json": {'bar': 'hello, this is a string value'}
files JSON Object Optional A JSON object representing every file-based value in the data. Each key in the object is the unique name of the data value (corresponding to a parameter name) and each value is an array of one or more file IDs (integers). Defaults to {}.
json JSON Object Optional A JSON object representing every JSON value in the data. Each key in the object is the unique name of the data value (corresponding to a parameter name) and each value is the appropriate JSON type/object that matches the parameter. Defaults to {}.

Interface JSON

An interface JSON describes a set of parameters that can be passed data values to process.

Example interface:

   "files": [{'name': 'foo', 'media_types': ['image/tiff'], 'required': True, 'multiple': True}],
   "json": [{'name': 'bar', 'type': 'string', 'required': False}]
files Array Optional Lists the parameters that take file(s) as input. Defaults to [].
json Array Optional Lists the parameters that take JSON as input. Defaults to [].
name String Required The unique name of the parameter. Can only contain the following characters: [a-zA-Z_-]
required Boolean Optional Indicates whether the parameter is required. Defaults to True.
media_types Array Optional (file parameter) List of strings describing the accepted media types for the parameter’s file(S)
multiple Boolean Optional (file parameter) Indicates whether the parameter takes multiple files. Defaults to False.
type String Required (JSON parameter) The accepted JSON data type. Must be one of ‘array’, ‘boolean’, ‘integer’, ‘number’, ‘object’, or ‘string’.

Data Filter JSON

A data filter JSON describes a set of filters that determines whether a set of data is accepted or not. A filter consists of a name, type, condition and a set of values.

The name determines which condition input parameter is examined. A condition node’s input parameters are defined when it is created as part of a recipe type definition and the values for the parameters are fed from recipe inputs or job outputs that the condition node depends on. The value ‘input_a’ means the filter will look at the value of the ‘input_a’ parameter if it exists. If a parameter with the given name does not exist, the filter will automatically fail. This can be useful for determining whether to continue when a previous job did not supply an optional output.

The type describes the form of data to be used in the condition. Valid types are ‘boolean’, ‘integer’, ‘number’, ‘object’, ‘string’, ‘filename’, ‘media-type’, ‘data-type’, or ‘meta-data’. The type for a filter must be compatible with the parameter being tested. File parameters should have a type of ‘filename’, ‘media-type’, ‘data-type’, or ‘meta-data’. Otherwise the type of the json parameter should match the condition type.

The condition describes how the incoming data (usually from a previous job) should be compared. Valid conditions are ‘<’, ‘<=’, ‘>’,’>=’, ‘==’, ‘!=’, ‘between’, ‘in’, ‘not in’, ‘contains’, ‘subset of’, or ‘superset of’. The list of conditions which are valid changes depending on the type. Here are the valid conditions for each group of types:

String Types: {‘filename’, ‘media-type’, ‘data-type’, ‘meta-data’} String conditions: {‘==’, ‘!=’, ‘in’, ‘not in’, ‘contains’}

Number Types: {‘integer’, ‘number’} Number Conditions: {‘<’, ‘<=’, ‘>’,’>=’, ‘==’, ‘!=’, ‘between’, ‘in’, ‘not in’}

Bool Types: {‘boolean’} Bool Conditions: {‘==’, ‘!=’}

Object Types: {‘meta-data’, ‘object’} Object Conditions: {‘subset of’, ‘superset of’}

Here is a description of what each condition tests:


Tests whether the first item in the list of values is less than the incoming data. The following will test parameter ‘input_a’ to see if it is less than 100. The 0 is ignored.

    "name": "input_a",
    "type": "integer",
    "condition": "<",
    "values": [100,0]


Tests whether the first item in the list of values is less than or equal to the incoming data. The following will test parameter ‘input_a’ to see if the meta-data for that file has an attribute at foo/bar less than or equal to 100. The 0 is ignored.

    "name": "input_a",
    "type": "meta-data",
    "condition": "<=",
    "values": [[100,0]],
    "fields": [["foo", "bar"]


Tests whether the first item in the list of values is greater than the incoming data. The following will test parameter ‘input_a’ to see if it is greater than 100. The 0 is ignored.

    "name": "input_a",
    "type": "number",
    "condition": ">",
    "values": [100,0]


Tests whether the first item in the list of values is greater than or equal to the incoming data. The following will test parameter ‘input_a’ to see if it has an attribute at foo/bar greater than or equal to 100. The 0 is ignored.

    "name": "input_a",
    "type": "object",
    "condition": ">=",
    "values": [[100,0]],
    "fields": [["foo", "bar"]


Tests whether the first item in the list of values is equal to the incoming data. The following will test parameter ‘input_a’ to see if the parsed data-type is ‘ABC’.

    "name": "input_a",
    "type": "data-type",
    "condition": "==",
    "values": ["ABC"]


Tests whether the first item in the list of values is not equal to the incoming data. The following will test parameter ‘input_a’ to see if the filename is not ‘bad_file.txt’.

    "name": "input_a",
    "type": "filename",
    "condition": "!=",
    "values": ["bad_file.txt"]


Tests whether the incoming data is between the first two values in the list of values. Note the first value must be smaller than the second or this will never be true. The following will test parameter ‘input_a’ to see if it is >= 0 and <= 100.

    "name": "input_a",
    "type": "integer",
    "condition": "between",
    "values": [0,100]


Tests whether the incoming data is in the list of values (e.g. a job outputs “apple” and your values are [“orange”, “apple”] succeeds, an output of “pineapple” will fail). The following will test parameter ‘input_a’ to see if it’s media-type is either javascript or plain text.

    "name": "input_a",
    "type": "media-type",
    "condition": "in",
    "values": ["application/javascript","text/plain"]

‘not in’

Reverse of the previous condition. Will succeed if the input is not in the list of values. The following will test parameter ‘input_a’ to see if it’s media-type is neither javascript nor plain text.

    "name": "input_a",
    "type": "media-type",
    "condition": "not in",
    "values": ["application/javascript","text/plain"]


Iterates over each value and checks if it exists in the input. Succeeds if one value is present in the input. The following will check if either ‘abc’ or ‘def’ exists as a substring in the filename of ‘input_a’

    "name": "input_a",
    "type": "filename",
    "condition": "contains",
    "values": ["abc","def"]

‘subset of’

Only applicable for objects, this condition tests whether each item in the input object exists in the object defined in the first item in the list of values. This will inspect the meta-data for the file passed into ‘input_a’ to see if it contains any of the parameters ‘foo’ or ‘bar’ with values of 10 and 100 respectively and nothing else. Note that if the file’s meta-data is empty this will return true and this may need to be coupled with a filter that specifies the meta-data is not equal to an empty object.

    "name": "input_a",
    "type": "meta-data",
    "condition": "subset of",
    "values": [{"foo": 10, "bar": 100}]

‘superset of’

Only applicable for objects, this condition tests whether each item in the object defined in the first item in the list of values exists in the input object. This will inspect ‘input_a’ to see if it contains all of the parameters ‘foo’ or ‘bar’ with values of 10 and 100 respectively. Additional fields present in ‘input_a’ are ignored.

    "name": "input_a",
    "type": "object",
    "condition": "superset of",
    "values": [{"foo": 10, "bar": 100}]

The list of values is used by the filter to compare against the input from the preceding job (specified by the name). For most conditions, only the first entry in the list is used but this must always be a list. The values should correspond to the type but there is no type checking performed on values when validating the filter, only when the filter is run.

The optional fields parameter specifies paths of fields to compare when testing json objects or file meta-data. If a job returns the following json for an output:

   "foo": {
      "bar": 100

then a fields value of [[‘foo’,’bar’]] will check the value 100 against the condition and first value specified in the filter. Multiple paths can be specified but the length of the fields array must equal the length of the values array and each entry in the values array must be an array itself. The nth entry in the paths array will be compared against the nth entry in the values array. By default all fields must pass for the condition to pass. If ‘all_fields’ is set to false then a single path succeeding will pass the filter.

When multiple files are passed to a parameter, the all_files field determines if all files must pass the condition for the filter to pass. By default only a single file must pass.

Finally, by default all filters must pass for a condition node to accept the data but setting the ‘all’ flag to false will accept the data if any filter passes.

Example interface:

  "filters": [
      "name": "input_a",
      "type": "media-type",
      "condition": "==",
      "values": ["application/json"]
      "name": "input_b",
      "type": "string",
      "condition": "contains",
      "values": ["abcde"]
      "name": "input_c",
      "type": "integer",
      "condition": ">",
      "values": [0]
      "name": "input_d",
      "type": "meta-data",
      "condition": "between",
      "values": [[0,100]],
      "fields": [["path", "to", "field"]],
      "all_fields": true
  "all": true
Data Filter
filters Array Optional List of filter definitions. Defaults to []. An empty list will not accept any data.
name String Required The name of the parameter this filter runs against. Multiple filters can run on the same parameter.
type String Required Type of parameter this filter runs against. Must be one of ‘array’, ‘boolean’, ‘integer’, ‘number’, ‘object’, ‘string’, ‘filename’, ‘media-type’, ‘data-type’, or ‘meta-data’
condition String Required Condition to test data value against. Must be one of ‘<’, ‘<=’, ‘>’,’>=’, ‘==’, ‘!=’, ‘between’, ‘in’, ‘not in’, ‘contains’, ‘subset of’, or ‘superset of’
values Array Required List of values to compare data against. May be any type.
fields Array Optional List of lists with each item being a list of keys for a path to a field in an object or file meta-data to be tested. e.g. For this data, {‘foo’: {‘bar’: 100}}, [[‘foo’,’bar’]] will check the value 100. If provided, this property must be of equal length to values
all_fields Boolean Optional Specifies whether all fields need to pass for filter to pass. Defaults to true
all_files Boolean Optional Specifies whether all files need to pass for filter to pass. Defaults to false
all Boolean Optional Specifies whether all filters need to pass for data to be accepted Defaults to true

Dataset JSON

A dataset JSON describes a specification for a bundle of data

Example interface:

  "global_data": { "files": { "input_a": [1234], "input_b": [1235, 1236] },
                   "json":  { "input_c": 999, { "input_d": {"greeting": "hello"} }
  "global_parameters": { "files": [ { "name": "input_a" },
                                    { "name": "input_b", "media_types": [ "application/json"], "required": False, "multiple": True, ],
                         "json":  [ { "name": "input_c", "type": "integer" }, { "name": "input_d", "type": "object", "required": False } ]
  "parameters": { "files": [ { "name": "input_e" },
                             { "name": "input_f", "media_types": [ "application/json"], "required": False, "multiple": True, ],
                  "json":  [ { "name": "input_g", "type": "integer" },
                             { "name": "input_h", "type": "object", "required": False } ]
global_data JSON Object Optional A JSON object representing data to be passed along with each item in the dataset. This is useful for doing parameter sweeps where the same algorithm and data file are run through a set of parameters. Must have values for each required parameter in global_parameters.
global_parameters JSON Object Optional A JSON object representing parameters that are fulfilled by global values in the dataset not tied to individual members. These are combined with regular parameters to define what is passed in to algorithms run with this dataset.
parameters JSON Object Optional A JSON object representing parameters to be passed to algorithms run with this dataset. These are fulfilled by individual members of the dataset.

Dataset Member JSON

Example interface:

  "id": 65,
  "created": "",
  "file_ids": [421]
Dataset Member
id int The id of the dataset member.
created ISO-8601 Datetime The date the dataset member was created.
file_ids Array The list of Scale File ids associated with this member

Dataset File JSON

Example interface:

  "id": 65,
  "parameter_name": "INPUT_FILE",
  "scale_file": {
      "id": 3002,
      "file_name": "the-scale-file.txt",
      "countries": ["USA"]
Dataset File
id int The id of the dataset file.
parameter_name string The parameter the Scale File is associated to.
scale_file JSON Object  
.id int The id of the Scale File.
.file_name string The file name of the Scale File.
.countries Array The list of country codes associated with the Scale File.

v6 Retrieve Dataset List

Example GET /v6/datasets/ API call

Request: GET http://.../v6/datasets/?keyword=abc

Response: 200 OK

   "count": 1,
   "next": null,
   "previous": null,
   "results": [{
      "id": 1234,
      "title": "My abc Dataset",
      "description": "My Dataset Description",
      "definition": <:ref:`Dataset JSON <rest_v6_data_dataset>`>,
      "created": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
Dataset List
Returns a list of datasets that match the given filter criteria
GET /v6/datasets/
Query Parameters
page Integer Optional The page of the results to return. Defaults to 1.
page_size Integer Optional The size of the page to use for pagination of results. Defaults to 100, and can be anywhere from 1-1000.
started ISO-8601 Datetime Optional The start of the time range to query. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
ended ISO-8601 Datetime Optional End of the time range to query, defaults to the current time. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
dataset_id Integer Optional Return only datasets with given ids. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
keyword String Optional Performs a like search on title and description. Duplicate to search for multiple keywords.
order String Optional One or more fields to use when ordering the results. Duplicate it to multi-sort, (ex: order=title&order=created). Prefix fields with a dash to reverse the sort, (ex: order=-title).
Successful Response
Status 200 OK
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
count Integer The total number of results that match the query parameters
next URL A URL to the next page of results
previous URL A URL to the previous page of results
results Array List of result JSON objects that match the query parameters
id Integer The unique identifier of the dataset
title String The human readable display name of the dataset
description String A longer description of the dataset
definition JSON Object The definition of the dataset. (See Dataset JSON)
created ISO-8601 Datetime When the dataset was initially created
files Integer The number of files in the dataset

v6 Create Dataset

Example POST /v6/datasets/ API call

Request: POST http://.../v6/datasets/

   "title": "My Dataset",
   "description": "My Dataset Description",
   "definition": <:ref:`Dataset JSON <rest_v6_data_dataset>`>

Response: 201 Created Headers: Location http://.../v6/datasets/105/

   "id": 105,
   "title": "My Dataset",
   "description": "My Dataset Description",
   "definition": <:ref:`Dataset JSON <rest_v6_data_dataset>`>,
   "created": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "members": [<:ref:`Dataset Member <rest_v6_data_dataset_member>`>],
   "files": [<:ref:`Dataset File <rest_v6_data_dataset_file>`>]
Create Dataset
Creates a new dataset with the given fields
POST /v6/datasets/
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
title String Optional The human-readable name of the dataset
description String Optional A human-readable description of the dataset
definition JSON Object Required JSON definition for the dataset See Dataset JSON
Successful Response
Status 201 Created
Location URL for retrieving the details of the newly created dataset
Content Type application/json
Body JSON containing the details of the newly created batch, see v6 Retrieve Dataset Details

v6 Create Dataset with Members

Example POST /v6/datasets API call

Request: POST http://.../v6/datasets/

    "title": "My Dataset",
    "description": "My Dataset Description",
    "definition": <:ref:`Dataset JSON <rest_v6_data_dataset>`>,
    "data": <:ref:`Data JSON <rest_v6_data_data>`>

Response: 201 Ok Headers: Location http://.../v6/datasets/106

   "id": 106,
   "title": "My Dataset",
   "description": "My Dataset Description",
   "created": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "definition": <:ref:`Dataset JSON <rest_v6_data_dataset>`>,
   "files": 42
Create Dataset
Creates a new dataset with the given fields
POST /v6/datasets/
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
title String Optional The human-readable name of the dataset
description String Optional A human-readable description of the dataset
definition JSON Object Required JSON definition for the dataset See Dataset JSON
data JSON Object Optional JSON definition for the dataset members See Data JSON
Successful Response
Status 201 Created
Location URL for retrieving the details of the newly created dataset
Content Type application/json
Body JSON containing the details of the newly created batch, see v6 Retrieve Dataset Details

v6 Validate Dataset

Example POST /v6/datasets/validation/ API call

Request: POST http://.../v6/datasets/validation/

   "title": "My Dataset",
   "description": "My Dataset Description",
   "definition": <:ref:`Dataset JSON <rest_v6_data_dataset>`>

Response: 200 Ok Headers: Location http://.../v6/datasets/validation/

   "is_valid": true,
   "errors": [],
   "warnings": [{"name": "EXAMPLE_WARNING", "description": "This is an example warning."}],
Validate Dataset
Validates the given fields for creating a new dataset
POST /v6/datasets/validation/
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
title String Optional The human-readable name of the dataset
description String Optional A human-readable description of the dataset
definition JSON Object Required JSON definition for the dataset See Dataset JSON
Successful Response
Status 200 OK
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
is_valid Boolean Indicates if the given fields were valid for creating a new dataset. If this is true, then submitting the same fields to the /datasets/ API will successfully create a new dataset.
errors Array Lists any errors causing is_valid to be false. The errors are JSON objects with name and description string fields.
warnings Array Lists any warnings found. Warnings are useful to present to the user, but do not cause is_valid to be false. The warnings are JSON objects with name and description string fields.

v6 Retrieve Dataset Details

Example GET /v6/datasets/{dataset-id}/ API call

Request: GET http://.../v6/datasets/105/

Response: 200 OK

   "id": 105,
   "title": "My Dataset",
   "description": "My Dataset Description",
   "definition": <:ref:`Dataset JSON <rest_v6_data_dataset>`>,
   "created": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "members": [<:ref:`Dataset Member <rest_v6_data_dataset_member>`>],
   "files": [<:ref:`Dataset File <rest_v6_data_dataset_file>`>]
Dataset Details
Returns the details for a specific dataset
GET /v6/datasets/{id}/
Where {id} is the unique ID of the dataset to retrieve
Successful Response
Status 200 OK
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
id Integer The unique identifier of the dataset
title String The human readable display name of the dataset
description String A longer description of the dataset
definition JSON Object The definition of the dataset See Dataset JSON
created ISO-8601 Datetime When the dataset was initially created
members Array List of members belonging to this dataset. See Dataset Member JSON
files Array List of files that are part of this dataset. See Dataset File JSON

v6 Create Dataset Members

Example POST /v6/datasets/ API calls

Request: POST http://.../v6/datasets/100/

   "data": [<:ref:`Data JSON <rest_v6_data_data>`>]

Response: 201 Created Headers: Location http://.../v6/datasets/105/

   "id": 105,
   "created": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
   "data": <:ref:`Data JSON <rest_v6_data_data>`>

Request: POST http://.../v6/datasets/100/

   "data_template": {
         "files": {"input_a": "FILE_VALUE"},
         "json": {}
   "source_collection": ['12345', '123456'],
   "dry_run": True

Response: 200 Ok

[ <:ref:`Data JSON <rest_v6_data_data>`> ]
Create Dataset Members
Creates new dataset members with the given fields
POST /v6/datasets/{id}/
Where {id} is the unique ID of the dataset to add a member to
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
data Array Optional The data for the dataset members to be created See Data JSON
data_template JSON Object Optional JSON defining the data template for each member. Each member will make a copy of this template and replace FILE_VALUE with one of the files returned by the given filters. See Data JSON
dry_run Boolean Optional If true, only validate the data and return the list of data objects that would have been created and turned into dataset members. Useful to validate a template and set of filters and determine how many members would be added to the dataset.
data_started ISO-8601 Datetime Optional The start of the data time range to query. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
data_ended ISO-8601 Datetime Optional End of the data time range to query, defaults to the current time. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
source_started ISO-8601 Datetime Optional The start of the source file time range to query. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
source_ended ISO-8601 Datetime Optional End of the source file time range to query, default is current time. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
source_sensor_class String Optional Return only files for the given source sensor class Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
source_sensor String Optional Return only files for the given source sensor Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
source_collection String Optional Return only files for the given source collection Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
source_task String Optional Return only files for the given source task Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
modified_started ISO-8601 Datetime Optional The start of the last modified time range to query. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
modified_ended ISO-8601 Datetime Optional End of the last modified time range to query (default current time) Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
order String Optional One or more fields to use when ordering the results. Duplicate it to multi-sort, (ex: order=file_name&order=created). Nested objects require a delimiter (ex: order=job_type__name). Prefix fields with a dash to reverse the sort, (ex: order=-created).
job_output String Optional Return only files for the given job output. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
job_type_id Integer Optional Return only files associated with a given job type identifier. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
job_type_name String Optional Return only files with a given job type name. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
job_id Integer Optional Return only files produced by the given job identifier. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
recipe_id Integer Optional Return only files produced by the given recipe identifier. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
recipe_node String Optional Return only files produced by the given recipe node. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
recipe_type_id Integer Optional Return only files produced by the given recipe type identifier. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
batch_id Integer Optional Return only files produced by the given batch identifier. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
file_name String Optional Return only files with a given file name. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
Successful Response
Status 201 Created
Location URL for retrieving the details of the newly created dataset
Content Type application/json
Body JSON containing the details of the newly created dataset member see v6 Retrieve Dataset Member Details
Successful Response
Status 200 OK
Content Type application/json
Body JSON array containing the data for dataset members that would be created if not a dry run see Data JSON

v6 Retrieve Dataset Member List

Example GET /v6/datasets/{dataset_id}/members/ API call

Request: GET http://.../v6/datasets/100/members/

Response: 200 OK

   "count": 1,
   "next": null,
   "previous": null,
   "results": [{
      "id": 1234,
      "data": <:ref:`Data JSON <rest_v6_data_data>`>,
      "created": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
Dataset Member List
Returns a list of dataset members for the specified dataset
GET /v6/datasets/{id}/members/
Where {id} is the unique ID of the dataset to retreive members of
Query Parameters
page Integer Optional The page of the results to return. Defaults to 1.
page_size Integer Optional The size of the page to use for pagination of results. Defaults to 100, and can be anywhere from 1-1000.
Successful Response
Status 200 OK
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
count Integer The total number of results that match the query parameters
next URL A URL to the next page of results
previous URL A URL to the previous page of results
results Array List of result JSON objects that match the query parameters
.id Integer The unique identifier of the dataset member
.data JSON Object The data for this dataset member. (See Data JSON)
.created ISO-8601 Datetime When the dataset member was initially created

v6 Retrieve Dataset Member Details

Example GET /v6/datasets/members/{id} API call

Request: GET http://.../v6/datasets/members/100/

Response: 200 OK

   "id": 1234,
   "data": <:ref:`Data JSON <rest_v6_data_data>`>,
   "created": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
Dataset Member Details
Returns details for a specific dataset member
GET /v6/datasets/members/{id}/
Where {id} is the unique ID of the dataset member to retrieve
Successful Response
Status 200 OK
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
id Integer The unique identifier of the dataset member
data JSON Object The data for this dataset member. (See Data JSON)
created ISO-8601 Datetime When the dataset member was initially created