v6 Queue Services

v6 Queue Load

Example GET /v6/load/ API call

Request: GET http://.../v6/load

Response: 200 OK

  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [{
      "time": "2015-10-21T00:00:00Z",
      "pending_count": 1,
      "queued_count": 0,
      "running_count": 0
Job Load
Returns statistics about the current job load organized by job type. Jobs are counted when they are in the PENDING, QUEUED, and RUNNING states. NOTE: Time range must be within a one month period (31 days).
GET /v6/load/
Query Parameters
started ISO-8601 Datetime Required The start of the time range to query. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S). Defaults to the past 1 week.
ended ISO-8601 Datetime Required End of the time range to query, defaults to the current time. Supports the ISO-8601 date/time format, (ex: 2015-01-01T00:00:00Z). Supports the ISO-8601 duration format, (ex: PT3H0M0S).
job_type_id Integer Optional Count only jobs with a given job type identifier. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
job_type_name String Optional Count only jobs with a given job type name. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
job_type_category String Optional Count only jobs with a given job type category. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
job_type_priority Integer Optional Count only jobs with a given job type priority. Duplicate it to filter by multiple values.
Successful Response
Status 200 OK
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
count Integer The total number of results that match the query parameters.
next URL A URL to the next page of results.
previous URL A URL to the previous page of results.
results Array List of result JSON objects that match the query parameters.
.time ISO-8601 Datetime When the counts were actually recorded.
.pending_count Integer The number of jobs in the pending state at the measured time.
.queued_count Integer The number of jobs in the queued state at the measured time.
.running_count Integer The number of jobs in the running state at the measured time.

v6 Queue Status

Example GET /v6/queue/status/ API call

Request: GET http://.../v6/queue/status/

Response: 200 OK

  "count": 1,
  "next": null,
  "previous": null,
  "results": [{
      "job_type": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "scale-ingest",
        "version": "1.0",
        "title": "Scale Ingest",
        "description": "Ingests a source file into a workspace",
        "is_active": true,
        "is_paused": false,
        "is_published": true,
        "icon_code": "f013",
        "unmet_resources": "chocolate,vanilla"
      "count": 19,
      "longest_queued": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "highest_priority": 1
Get Queue Status
Returns the current status of the queue by grouping the queued jobs by their types.
GET /v6/queue/status/
Successful Response
Status 200 OK
Content Type application/json
JSON Fields
count Integer The total number of results that match the query parameters.
next URL A URL to the next page of results.
previous URL A URL to the previous page of results.
results Array List of result JSON objects that match the query parameters.
.job_type JSON Object The job type being summarized within the queue. (See Job Type Details)
.count Integer The total number of jobs of the type in the queue.
.longest_queued ISO-8601 Datetime When the job that has been queued the longest of the type was queued.
.highest_priority Integer The highest priority of any job of the type in the queue.

v6 Queue New-Job

see v6 job Queue New Job

v6 Queue New-Recipe

see v6 Recipe Queue New Recipe