Scale provides a RESTful HTTP interface for its own web UI and for any external applications that would like to connect to Scale. The following sections describe the services available.

API Versions

Current Version: v6

The Scale API uses a versioning scheme based on a prefix in the URL path. Any time a breaking change is made to the API a new version prefix will be included so that users can opt-in to the changes over time. In the short-term, the system will support both the old (deprecated) and current API versions within the same release. Eventually, deprecated API versions will be removed in later releases.

It is recommended to make calls to the current REST API version. The future API version is still under construction and may change at any time. The deprecated versions will be removed in the future, so please migrate any calls to the current version.

All endpoints should include a prefix of the form vX, where X is the desired version number. Making a request without a version prefix or an invalid version prefix will result in a 404 error.

Request Example: /v6/jobs/