ingest.scan.scanners package


ingest.scan.scanners.dir_scanner module

Defines a scanner that scans an S3 bucket backed workspace for files

class ingest.scan.scanners.dir_scanner.DirScanner

Bases: ingest.scan.scanners.scanner.Scanner

A scanner for an S3 bucket backed workspace


See ingest.scan.scanners.scanner.Scanner.load_configuration()


See ingest.scan.scanners.scanner.Scanner.validate_configuration()

ingest.scan.scanners.exceptions module

Defines the exceptions related to Scan scanners

exception ingest.scan.scanners.exceptions.InvalidScannerConfiguration(description)

Bases: ingest.scan.configuration.exceptions.InvalidScanConfiguration

Exception indicating that a scanner configuration was invalid

exception ingest.scan.scanners.exceptions.ScanIngestJobAlreadyLaunched(detail=None, code=None)

Bases: rest_framework.exceptions.APIException

Exception indicating that a scanner has already spawned an ingest scan job

default_code = 'conflict'
default_detail = 'Ingest Scan already launched'
status_code = 409
exception ingest.scan.scanners.exceptions.ScannerInterruptRequested

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Exception indicating that a scanner run was interrupted

ingest.scan.scanners.factory module

Defines the factory for creating monitors


Registers a scanner class so it can be used for Scale Scans

Parameters:scanner_class (class:ingest.scan.scanners.scanner.Scanner) – The class definition for a scanner

Returns a scanner of the given type that is set to scan the given workspace

Parameters:scanner_type (string) – The unique identifier of a registered scanner
Returns:A scanner for storing and retrieving files.
Return type:ingest.scan.scanners.scanner.Scanner

Returns a list of type identifiers for all registered scanners

Returns:A list of scanner types
Return type:[string]

ingest.scan.scanners.s3_scanner module

Defines a scanner that scans an S3 bucket backed workspace for files

class ingest.scan.scanners.s3_scanner.S3Scanner

Bases: ingest.scan.scanners.scanner.Scanner

A scanner for an S3 bucket backed workspace


See ingest.scan.scanners.scanner.Scanner.load_configuration()


See ingest.scan.scanners.scanner.Scanner.validate_configuration()

ingest.scan.scanners.scanner module

Defines the base scanner class

class ingest.scan.scanners.scanner.Scanner(scanner_type, supported_broker_types)

Bases: object

Abstract class for a scanner that processes existing files to ingest. Sub-classes must have a no-argument constructor that passes in the correct scanner type and supported broker types and should override the load_configuration(), run(), stop(), and validate_configuration() methods.


Loads the given configuration

Parameters:configuration (dict) – The configuration as a dictionary

Runs the scanner until signaled to stop by the stop() method or processing complete.

Parameters:dry_run (bool) – Flag to enable file scanning only, no file ingestion will occur

The type of this scanner

Returns:The scanner type
Return type:string

Support configuration of scanner recursive property

Parameters:recursive (bool) – The flag indicating whether workspace will be recursively scanned
setup_workspaces(scanned_workspace, file_handler)

Sets up the workspaces that will be used by this scanner


Signals the scanner to stop running.

It is the responsibility of sub-classes that override the run() call to monitor this instance variable and stop as gracefully and quickly as possible.


The broker types supported by this scanner

Returns:The broker types supported by this scanner
Return type:[string]

Validates the given configuration.

Sub-classes must validate scanner type specific configuration and return a list of warnings if encountered.

Parameters:configuration (dict) – The configuration as a dictionary
Returns:A list of warnings discovered during validation
Return type:[ingest.scan.configuration.scan_configuration.ValidationWarning]
:raises ingest.scan.scanners.exceptions.InvalidScannerConfiguration: If the given configuration is

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