ingest.scan.configuration.json package


ingest.scan.configuration.json.configuration_v6 module

Manages the v6 batch configuration schema

class ingest.scan.configuration.json.configuration_v6.ScanConfigurationV6(configuration, do_validate=False)

Bases: object

Represents the configuration for a running Scan instance. The configuration includes details about mounting the transfer directory, the suffix for identifying files still being transferred, and regular expressions to identify files to ingest and how to store them.


Returns the scan configuration represented by this JSON

Returns:The scan configuration
Return type:ingest.scan.configuration.scan_configuration.ScanConfiguration:

Returns the internal dictionary that represents this Strike process configuration.

Returns:The internal dictionary
Return type:dict

Returns the v6 scan configuration JSON for the given configuration

Parameters:config (ingest.scan.configuration.scan_configuration.ScanConfiguration) – The scan configuration
Returns:The v6 scan configuration JSON
Return type:ingest.scan.configuration.json.configuration_v6.ScanConfigurationV6

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