Distance of the camera from the earth's surface, in meters.
Interpreted according to the Camera's
Specifies how the description balloon for placemarks is drawn. The
Defines the virtual camera that views the scene. This element defines the position of the camera relative to the Earth's surface as well as the viewing direction of the camera. The camera position is defined by
Within a Feature or
The following diagram shows the X, Y, and Z axes, which are attached to the virtual camera.
The X axis points toward the right of the camera and is called the right vector.
The Y axis defines the "up" direction relative to the screen and is called the up vector.
The Z axis points from the center of the screen toward the eye point. The camera looks down the −Z axis, which is called the view vector.
Color and opacity (alpha) values are expressed in hexadecimal notation.
The range of values for any one color is 0 to 255 (00 to ff).
For alpha, 00 is fully transparent and ff is fully opaque.
The order of expression is aabbggrr, where aa=alpha (00 to ff);
bb=blue (00 to ff); gg=green (00 to ff); rr=red (00 to ff).
For example, if you want to apply a blue color with 50 percent opacity to an overlay,
you would specify the following:
This element is required if your KML file uses shared styles. It is recommended that you use shared styles, which require the following steps:
Define all Styles in a Document. Assign a unique ID to each Style.
Within a given Feature or StyleMap, reference the Style's ID using a
(Folders, Placemarks, NetworkLinks, or Overlays). A Feature is visible only if it and all its ancestors are visible.
This element draws an image overlay draped onto the terrain.
How linestring or polygons work.
Any altitude value should be accompanied by an
from the surface of the Earth (relativeToGround), above sea level (absolute), or from the bottom of major bodies of water (relativeToSeaFloor). It can also be ignored (clampToGround and clampToSeaFloor)
The required
The root element of a KML file. This element is required. It follows the xml declaration at the beginning of the file. The hint attribute is used as a signal to Google Earth to display the file as celestial data.
A basic
Specifies how the
Line geometry includes the outlines of outlined polygons and the extruded "tether" of Placemark icons (if extrusion is enabled).
KML files fetched by network links
Image files used in any Overlay (the
When a file is fetched, the URL that is sent to the server is composed of three pieces of information:
the href (Hypertext Reference) that specifies the file to load.
an arbitrary format string that is created from (a) parameters that you specify in the
The element replaces the
Specifies how a Feature is displayed in the list view. The list view is a hierarchy of containers and children; in Google Earth, this is the Places panel.
Not Supported Defines a virtual camera that is associated with any element derived from Feature. The LookAt element positions the "camera" in relation to the object that is being viewed. In Google Earth, the view "flies to" this LookAt viewpoint when the user double-clicks an item in the Places panel or double-clicks an icon in the 3D viewer.
A 3D object described in a COLLADA file (referenced in the tag). COLLADA files have a .dae file extension. Models are created in their own coordinate space and then located, positioned, and scaled in Google Earth. See the "Topics in KML" page on Models for more detail.
Google Earth supports the COLLADA common profile, with the following exceptions:
Google Earth supports only triangles and lines as primitive types. The maximum number of triangles allowed is 21845. Google Earth does not support animation or skinning. Google Earth does not support external geometry references.
Controls the behavior of files fetched by a
A href (url) to a separate KML file that is added as part of the current KML. Used to provide dynamic data into the KML.
The URL for the PhotoOverlay image is specified in the
In Google Earth, a Placemark appears as a list item in the Places panel. A Placemark with a Point has an icon associated with it that marks a point on the Earth in the 3D viewer. (In the Google Earth 3D viewer, a Point Placemark is the only object you can click or roll over. Other Geometry objects do not have an icon in the 3D viewer. To give the user something to click in the 3D viewer, you would need to create a MultiGeometry object that contains both a Point and the other Geometry object.)
A geographic location defined by longitude, latitude, and (optional) altitude. When a Point is contained by a Placemark, the point itself determines the position of the Placemark's name and icon. When a Point is extruded, it is connected to the ground with a line. This "tether" uses the current LineStyle.
A Polygon is defined by an outer boundary and 0 or more inner boundaries. The boundaries, in turn, are defined by LinearRings. When a Polygon is extruded, its boundaries are connected to the ground to form additional polygons, which gives the appearance of a building or a box. Extruded Polygons use
including polygon extrusions (which look like the walls of buildings) and line extrusions (which look like solid fences).
A region contains a bounding box (
Specifies a custom KML schema that is used to add custom data to KML Features. The "id" attribute is required and must be unique within the KML file.
This element draws an image overlay fixed to the screen. Sample uses for ScreenOverlays are compasses, logos, and heads-up displays. ScreenOverlay sizing is determined by the
Typically a
that can be referenced by StyleMaps and Features.
Styles affect how Geometry is presented in the 3D viewer and how Features appear in the Places panel of the List view.
Shared styles are collected in a
Use an id to refer to the style from a
How linestring or polygons work. Any altitude value should be accompanied by an element, which tells Google Earth how to read the altitude value. Altitudes can be measured:
from the surface of the Earth (relativeToGround), above sea level (absolute), or from the bottom of major bodies of water (relativeToSeaFloor). It can also be ignored (clampToGround and clampToSeaFloor)