Converts the KML Color format into rgb 000000 - FFFFFF and opacity 0.0 - 1.0
KML Color format AABBGGRR alpha (00-FF) blue (00-FF) green (00-FF) red (00-FF)
Adds an Icon into the Database
Database Object for the style
The id from KML and the object data from KML
Converts node that contains a LatLonBox tag into a geopackage Bounding box
node from KML
Geopackage Bounding box.
Converts KML Ground Overlay into appropriate tile sets.
Ground Overlay KML node
Converts Item into a data URL and adds it and information about to the database.
Takes in a KML parsed LineString and returns a GeoJSON formatted object.
The data from xmlStream with the selector of Placemark.
Takes in a KML parsed Point and returns a GeoJSON formatted object.
The data from xmlStream with the selector of Placemark.
Takes in a KML parsed Polygon and returns a GeoJSON formatted object.
The data from xmlStream with the selector of Placemark.
Converts kml geometries (Point, LineString, and Polygon) into GeoJSON features
KML parsed Placemark node
Creates a list of node that need to be processed.
Placemark Node from kml via xml-stream
Provides default styles and Icons for the Geometry table. Currently set to White to match google earth. Icon set to yellow pushpin google earth default.
Name of the Main Geometry table
Writes and maps MultiGeometries into the database
List of Ids for the item in the Multi geometry
Geopackage Database
Name on the table that stores the id of the MultiGeometry
Used to connect tables.
Cross reference table (map) between the Geometry table and the MultiGeometry Table
Generated using TypeDoc
Function directly related the processing of parsed kml data