GeoPackage object
FeatureDao to index
chunkQuery single chunk limit
connectionConnection to the GeoPackage
Definition for the extension
Name of the extension
extension table name
toleranceQuery range tolerance
EXTENSION_Extension author
EXTENSION_Extension definition URL
EXTENSION_Extension, with author and name
EXTENSION_Extension name without the author
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
count column name
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
distinct column values
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
distinct column values
count column name
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
count column name
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
distinct column values
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
distinct column values
count column name
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
Count features
distinct: booleandistinct rows
column: stringcolumn
where: stringwhere
whereArgs: any[]where args
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
count column name
geometry envelope
where clause
where arguments
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
distinct column values
geometry envelope
where clause
where arguments
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
distinct column values
count column name
geometry envelope
where clause
where arguments
Query for Geometry Index count within the bounding box, projected correctly
bounding box
Query for Geometry Index count within the bounding box, projected correctly
bounding box
Delete the index for the feature row
deleted rows, should be 0 or 1
feature row
Get the extension for the name, table name and column name
extension name
tableName: stringtable name
columnName: stringcolumn name
Query for the bounds of the feature table index
bounding box
Query for the feature index bounds and return in the provided projection
bounding box
desired projection
Get the extension
extensions object or null if one does not exist
Get the feature row for the Geometry Index
feature row
geometry index
Get the geopackage
Get a Geometry Index DAO
geometry index dao
Get the extension or create as needed
extension name
table name
column name
extension definition
extension scope type
Get the table index
table index
Get a Table Index DAO
table index dao
Index the feature row. This method assumes that indexing has been completed and maintained as the last indexed time is updated.
true if indexed
feature row
Indexes the table
Index the geometry id and geometry data
true if indexed
table index
geometry id
geometry data
Project the provided bounding box in the declared projection to the user DAO projection
projected bounding box
bounding box
Query for all Geometry Index objects
geometry indices iterator
Build a query builder to query for Geometry Index objects within the Geometry Envelope
query builder
geometry envelope
Query for all Features
feature results
where: stringwhere
whereArgs: any[]where args
Query for features
feature results
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
where clause
where arguments
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
where clause
where arguments
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
distinct rows
where clause
where arguments
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
distinct rows
where clause
where arguments
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
geometry envelope
where clause
where arguments
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
geometry envelope
where clause
where arguments
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
distinct rows
geometry envelope
where clause
where arguments
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
distinct rows
geometry envelope
where clause
where arguments
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
distinct rows
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
distinct rows
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
distinct rows
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
distinct rows
bounding box
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features
feature results
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features
feature results
distinct rows
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features
feature results
distinct rows
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
geometry envelope
field values
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
geometry envelope
field values
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
distinct rows
geometry envelope
field values
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
distinct rows
geometry envelope
field values
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
geometry envelope
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
geometry envelope
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
distinct rows
geometry envelope
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
feature results
distinct rows
geometry envelope
where clause
where arguments
order by
chunk limit
chunk query offset
Query for all Features
feature results
columns: string[]columns
where: stringwhere
whereArgs: any[]where args
Query for all Features
feature results
distinct: booleandistinct rows
where: stringwhere
whereArgs: any[]where args
Query for all Features
feature results
distinct: booleandistinct rows
columns: string[]columns
where: stringwhere
whereArgs: any[]where args
Query for features within the geometry envelope
feature results
geometry envelope
where: stringOptional
whereArgs: any[]Query for features within the geometry envelope
feature results
geometry envelope
where: stringOptional
whereArgs: any[]Query for features within the geometry envelope
feature results
geometry envelope
distinct rows
where: stringOptional
whereArgs: any[]Query for features within the geometry envelope
feature results
geometry envelope
distinct rows
where: stringOptional
whereArgs: any[]Query for Geometry Index objects within the bounding box, projected correctly
geometry indices iterator
bounding box
Query for Geometry Index objects within the bounding box, projected correctly
geometry indices iterator
bounding box
Query for Geometry Index objects within the Geometry Envelope
geometry indices iterator
geometry envelope
Set the progress tracker
progress tracker
Update the last indexed time
getGet a Geometry Index DAO
geometry index dao
getGet a Table Index DAO
table index dao
Generated using TypeDoc
Feature Table Index NGA Extension implementation. This extension is used to index Geometries within a feature table by their minimum bounding box for bounding box queries.