Bound the bounding box longitudes within the min and max possible projection values. This may result in a max longitude numerically lower than the min longitude.
bounded bounding box
max longitude of the world for the current bounding box units
Bound the bounding box coordinates within Web Mercator range values
bounded bounding box
Bound the bounding box coordinates within WGS84 range values
bounded bounding box
If the bounding box spans the Anti-Meridian, attempt to get a complementary bounding box using the max longitude of the unit projection
complementary bounding box or nil if none
max longitude of the world for the current bounding box units
If the bounding box spans the Anti-Meridian, attempt to get a complementary Web Mercator bounding box
complementary bounding box or nil if none
If the bounding box spans the Anti-Meridian, attempt to get a complementary WGS84 bounding box
complementary bounding box or nil if none
Determine if inclusively contains the provided bounding box
true if contains
bounding box
Copy the bounding box
bounding box copy
Checks if bounding boxes are equal
Expand the bounding box max longitude above the max possible projection value if needed to create a bounding box where the max longitude is numerically larger than the min longitude.
expanded bounding box
max longitude of the world for the current bounding box units
Expand the bounding box max longitude above the max Web Mercator projection value if needed to create a bounding box where the max longitude is numerically larger than the min longitude.
expanded bounding box
Expand the bounding box max longitude above the max WGS84 projection value if needed to create a bounding box where the max longitude is numerically larger than the min longitude.
expanded bounding box
Determine if intersects with the provided bounding box
true if intersects
bounding box
allow empty ranges when determining intersection
Get the overlapping bounding box with the provided bounding box
bounding box
bounding box
allow empty ranges when determining overlap
Project bounding box
Expand the bounding box to an equally sized width and height bounding box with optional empty edge buffer
new square expanded bounding box
bounding box edge buffer percentage. A value of 0.1 adds a 10% buffer on each side of the squared bounding box.
Transform the bounding box using the provided projection transform
transformed bounding box
geometry transform
Get the union bounding box with the provided bounding box
bounding box
bounding box
boundBound the upper and lower bounds of the degrees bounding box with web mercator limits
bounding box
degrees bounding box
buildBuild an envelope from a bounding box
buildBuild a Geometry Envelope from the bounding box
geometry envelope
bounding box
buildBuild a geometry representation of the bounding box
geometry, polygon or point
bounding box
getGet the bounding box centroid point
centroid point
bounding box
getGet the centroid for the bounding box and projection
centroid point
bounding box
projection of the bounding box
getGet the centroid for a bounding box in degrees
centroid point
bounding box in degrees
worldWGS84Create a new WGS84 bounding box with world bounds (degrees)
new bounding box
worldCreate a new Web Mercator bounding box with world bounds (meters)
new bounding box
Generated using TypeDoc
Bounding Box with longitude and latitude ranges in degrees