from projection
to projection
Get the transform
Get the from projection in the transform
from projection
Get the to projection in the transform
to projection
Transform a x and y location
x coordinate
y coordinate
transformed coordinates as [x, y]
Transform the coordinate bounds
min x
min y
max x
max y
transformed coordinate bounds as [minX, minY, maxX, maxY]
Transform the projected circular string
circular string
projected circular string
Transform the projected compound curve
compound curve
projected compound curve
Transform InterfaceCoordinates
transformed coordinates as {x, y}
Transform a coordinates array
transformed coordinates as [x, y]
Transform the projected curve polygon
curve polygon
projected curve polygon
Transform the geometry envelope
geometry envelope
geometry envelope
Transform the geometry
projected geometry
Transform the projected geometry collection
geometry collection
projected geometry collection
Transform the projected line string
line string
projected line string
Transform the projected multi line string
multi line string
projected multi line string
Transform the projected multi point
multi point
projected multi point
Transform the projected multi polygon
multi polygon
projected multi polygon
Transform the projected point
from point
projected from
Transform a list of points
points to transform
transformed points
Transform the projected polygon
projected polygon
Transform the projected polyhedral surface
polyhedral surface
projected polyhedral surface
Transform the projected TIN
projected tin
Transform the projected triangle
projected triangle
Create a geometry projection transform
Create a geometry projection transform
Create a geometry projection transform
Create a geometry projection transform
Create a geometry projection transform
Create a geometry projection transform
Create a geometry projection transform
Create a geometry projection transform
Generated using TypeDoc
Geometry Projection Transform