Default epsilon for line tolerance
Get the bearing heading in degrees between line end points in degrees
bearing angle in degrees between 0 inclusively and 360 exclusively
Bound all points in the geometry to be within the geometry envelope. Point x and y values are bounded by the min and max envelope values.
To perform a geometry crop using line intersections, see {@link #crop(Geometry, GeometryEnvelope)} (requires geometry in meters).
geometry envelope
Bound all points in the geometry to be within WGS84 limits.
To perform a geometry crop using line intersections, see {@link #degreesToMeters(Geometry)} and {@link #crop(Geometry, GeometryEnvelope)}.
Bound all points in the geometry to be within WGS84 projection transformable (degrees to meters) limits.
To perform a geometry crop using line intersections, see {@link #degreesToMeters(Geometry)} and {@link #crop(Geometry, GeometryEnvelope)}.
Bound all points in the WGS84 geometry to be within degree Web Mercator limits.
To perform a geometry crop using line intersections, see {@link #degreesToMeters(Geometry)} and {@link #cropWebMercator(Geometry)}.
Bound all points in the geometry to be within Web Mercator limits.
To perform a geometry crop using line intersections, see {@link #cropWebMercator(Geometry)}.
Get the child type hierarchy of the provided geometry type.
geometry type
child type hierarchy, null if no children
Get the immediate child Geometry Types of the provided geometry type
geometry type
child geometry types, empty list if no child types
Check if the polygon outer ring is explicitly closed, where the first and last point are the same
true if the first and last points are the same
Check if the polygon ring points are explicitly closed, where the first and last point are the same
polygon ring points
true if the first and last points are the same
Check if the polygon ring is explicitly closed, where the first and last point are the same
polygon ring
true if the first and last points are the same
Determine if the first envelope contains the second within the default tolerance of {@link GeometryConstants#DEFAULT_EQUAL_EPSILON}. For exact equality, use {@link GeometryEnvelope#contains(GeometryEnvelope)}.
envelope 1
envelope 2
true if contains
Determine if the envelope contains the point within the default tolerance of {@link GeometryConstants#DEFAULT_EQUAL_EPSILON}. For exact equality, use {@link GeometryEnvelope#contains(Point)}.
true if contains
Crop the geometry in meters by the envelope bounds in meters. Cropping removes points outside the envelope and creates new points on the line intersections with the envelope.
geometry in meters
envelope in meters
cropped geometry in meters or null
Crop the circular string in meters by the envelope bounds in meters. Cropping removes points outside the envelope and creates new points on the line intersections with the envelope.
circular string in meters
envelope in meters
cropped circular string in meters or null
Crop the compound curve in meters by the envelope bounds in meters. Cropping removes points outside the envelope and creates new points on the line intersections with the envelope.
compound curve in meters
envelope in meters
cropped compound curve in meters or null
Crop the curve polygon in meters by the envelope bounds in meters. Cropping removes points outside the envelope and creates new points on the line intersections with the envelope.
curve polygon in meters
envelope in meters
cropped curve polygon in meters or null
Crop the line in meters by the envelope bounds in meters. Cropping removes points outside the envelope and creates new points on the line intersections with the envelope.
line in meters
envelope in meters
cropped line in meters or null
Crop the line string in meters by the envelope bounds in meters. Cropping removes points outside the envelope and creates new points on the line intersections with the envelope.
line string in meters
envelope in meters
cropped line string in meters or null
Crop the multi line string in meters by the envelope bounds in meters. Cropping removes points outside the envelope and creates new points on the line intersections with the envelope.
multi line string in meters
envelope in meters
cropped multi line string in meters or null
Crop the multi point by the envelope bounds.
multi point
cropped multi point or null
Crop the multi polygon in meters by the envelope bounds in meters. Cropping removes points outside the envelope and creates new points on the line intersections with the envelope.
multi polygon in meters
envelope in meters
cropped multi polygon in meters or null
Crop the point by the envelope bounds.
cropped point or null
Crop the list of consecutive points in meters by the envelope bounds in meters. Cropping removes points outside the envelope and creates new points on the line intersections with the envelope.
consecutive points
envelope in meters
cropped points in meters or null
Crop the polygon in meters by the envelope bounds in meters. Cropping removes points outside the envelope and creates new points on the line intersections with the envelope.
polygon in meters
envelope in meters
cropped polygon in meters or null
Crop the polyhedral surface in meters by the envelope bounds in meters. Cropping removes points outside the envelope and creates new points on the line intersections with the envelope.
polyhedral surface in meters
envelope in meters
cropped polyhedral surface in meters or null
Convert a circular string in degrees to a circular string in meters
circular string in degrees
circular string in meters
Convert a compound curve in degrees to a compound curve in meters
compound curve in degrees
compound curve in meters
Convert a coordinate in degrees to a point in meters
x value in degrees
y value in degrees
point in meters
Convert a curve polygon in degrees to a curve polygon in meters
curve polygon in degrees
curve polygon in meters
Convert a line string in degrees to a line string in meters
line string in degrees
line string in meters
Convert a multi line string in degrees to a multi line string in meters
multi line string in degrees
multi line string in meters
Convert a multi point in degrees to a multi point in meters
multi point in degrees
multi point in meters
Convert a multi polygon in degrees to a multi polygon in meters
multi polygon in degrees
multi polygon in meters
Convert a polyhedral surface in degrees to a polyhedral surface in meters
polyhedral surface in degrees
polyhedral surface in meters
Convert degrees to radians
Get the Pythagorean theorem distance between the line end points
Get the centroid point of a 2 dimensional representation of the Geometry (balancing point of a 2d cutout of the geometry). Only the x and y coordinate of the resulting point are calculated and populated. The resulting {@link Point#getZ()} and {@link Point#getM()} methods will always return null.
geometry object
centroid point
Get the geographic centroid point of a 2 dimensional representation of the degree unit Geometry. Only the x and y coordinate of the resulting point are calculated and populated. The resulting {@link Point#getZ()} and {@link Point#getM()} methods will always return null.
geometry object
centroid point
Get the dimension of the Geometry, 0 for points, 1 for curves, 2 for surfaces. If a collection, the largest dimension is returned.
geometry object
dimension (0, 1, or 2)
Get the point intersection between end points of two lines
first point of the first line
second point of the first line
first point of the second line
second point of the second line
intersection point or null if no intersection
Determine if the bearing is in any east direction
bearing angle in degrees
true if east bearing
Determine if the bearing is in any north direction
bearing angle in degrees
true if north bearing
Determine if the bearing is in any south direction
bearing angle in degrees
true if south bearing
Determine if the bearing is in any west direction
bearing angle in degrees
true if west bearing
Convert a circular string in meters to a circular string in degrees
circular string in meters
circular string in degrees
Convert a compound curve in meters to a compound curve in degrees
compound curve in meters
compound curve in degrees
Convert a coordinate in meters to a point in degrees
x value in meters
y value in meters
point in degrees
Convert a curve polygon in meters to a curve polygon in degrees
curve polygon in meters
curve polygon in degrees
Convert a line string in meters to a line string in degrees
line string in meters
line string in degrees
Convert a multi line string in meters to a multi line string in degrees
multi line string in meters
multi line string in degrees
Convert a multi point in meters to a multi point in degrees
multi point in meters
multi point in degrees
Convert a multi polygon in meters to a multi polygon in degrees
multi polygon in meters
multi polygon in degrees
Convert a polyhedral surface in meters to a polyhedral surface in degrees
polyhedral surface in meters
polyhedral surface in degrees
Minimize the geometry using the shortest x distance between each connected set of points. The resulting geometry point x values will be in the range: (3 * min value <= x <= 3 * max value
Example: For WGS84 provide a max x of {@link GeometryConstants#WGS84_HALF_WORLD_LON_WIDTH}. Resulting x values will be in the range: -540.0 <= x <= 540.0
Example: For web mercator provide a world width of {@link GeometryConstants#WEB_MERCATOR_HALF_WORLD_WIDTH}. Resulting x values will be in the range: -60112525.028367732 <= x <= 60112525.028367732
max positive x value in the geometry projection
Minimize the geometry using the shortest x distance between each connected set of points. The resulting geometry point x values will be in the range: (3 * min value <= x <= 3 * max value
Example: For WGS84 provide a max x of 180.0. Resulting x values will be in the range: -540.0 <= x <= 540.0
Example: For web mercator provide a world width of 20037508.342789244. Resulting x values will be in the range: -60112525.028367732 <= x <= 60112525.028367732
max positive x value in the geometry projection
Minimize the WGS84 geometry using the shortest x distance between each connected set of points. Resulting x values will be in the range: -540.0 <= x <= 540.0
Minimize the Web Mercator geometry using the shortest x distance between each connected set of points. Resulting x values will be in the range: -60112525.028367732 <= x <= 60112525.028367732
Normalize the geometry so all points outside of the min and max value range are adjusted to fall within the range.
Example: For WGS84 provide a max x of {@link GeometryConstants#WGS84_HALF_WORLD_LON_WIDTH}. Resulting x values will be in the range: -180.0 <= x <= 180.0
Example: For web mercator provide a world width of {@link GeometryConstants#WEB_MERCATOR_HALF_WORLD_WIDTH}. Resulting x values will be in the range: -20037508.342789244 <= x <= 20037508.342789244
max positive x value in the geometry projection
Normalize the geometry so all points outside of the min and max value range are adjusted to fall within the range.
Example: For WGS84 provide a max x of 180.0. Resulting x values will be in the range: -180.0 <= x <= 180.0.
Example: For web mercator provide a world width of 20037508.342789244. Resulting x values will be in the range: -20037508.342789244 <= x <= 20037508.342789244.
max positive x value in the geometry projection
Normalize the WGS84 geometry using the shortest x distance between each connected set of points. Resulting x values will be in the range: -180.0 <= x <= 180.0
Normalize the Web Mercator geometry using the shortest x distance between each connected set of points. Resulting x values will be in the range: -20037508.342789244 <= x <= 20037508.342789244
Get the parent type hierarchy of the provided geometry type starting with the immediate parent. If the argument is GEOMETRY, an empty list is returned, else the final type in the list will be GEOMETRY.
geometry type
list of increasing parent types
Get the parent Geometry Type of the provided geometry type
geometry type
parent geometry type or null if argument is GEOMETRY (no parent type)
Calculate the perpendicular distance between the point and the line represented by the start and end points. Points should be in a meters unit type projection.
point representing the line start
point representing the line end
distance in meters
Check if the point is in the polygon ring
polygon ring
true if in the polygon
Check if the point is in the polygon ring
polygon ring
epsilon line tolerance
true if in the polygon
Check if the point is on the line
true if on the line
Check if the point is on the line
epsilon line tolerance
true if on the line
Check if the point is on the polygon ring edge
polygon ring
true if on the polygon edge
Check if the point is on the polygon ring edge
polygon ring
epsilon line tolerance
true if on the polygon edge
Convert radians to degrees
Simplify the ordered points (representing a line, polygon, etc) using the Douglas Peucker algorithm to create a similar curve with fewer points. Points should be in a meters unit type projection. The tolerance is the minimum tolerated distance between consecutive points.
geometry points
minimum tolerance in meters for consecutive points
simplified points
Get a Web Mercator bounded geometry envelope
geometry envelope
Get a WGS84 bounded geometry envelope
geometry envelope
Get a WGS84 geometry envelope with Web Mercator bounds
geometry envelope
Get a WGS84 bounded geometry envelope used for projection transformations (degrees to meters)
geometry envelope
Generated using TypeDoc
Utilities for Geometry objects