Job Interface

The job interface is a JSON document that defines the interface for executing the job’s algorithm. It will describe the algorithm’s inputs and outputs, as well as the command line details for how to invoke the algorithm.

Consider the following example algorithm, called is a Python script that takes a PNG image file and a CSV containing georeference information for the PNG. It combines the information from the two files to create a GeoTIFF file, which is an image format that contains georeference information. The job interface for the algorithm could be defined as follows:

Example job interface:

   "version": "1.2",
   "command": "python",
   "command_arguments": "${image} ${georeference_data} ${dted_path} ${job_output_dir}",
   "env_vars": [
       "name": "DB_NAME",
       "value": "scale"
       "name": "DB_HOST",
       "value": ""
   "settings": [
       "name": "dted_path",
       "required": true
   "input_data": [
         "name": "image",
         "type": "file",
         "media_types": [
         "name": "georeference_data",
         "type": "file",
         "media_types": [
   "output_data": [
         "name": "geo_image",
         "type": "file",
         "media_type": "image/tiff"

The command value specifies that the algorithm is executed by invoking Python with the script. The command_arguments value describes the command line arguments to pass to the script. The image file input is first (this will be the absolute file system path of the file), the georeference_data file input will be next, then dted_path which is an absolute file path to a DTED directory, and finally an output directory is provided for the script to write any output files. The env_vars value is a list of name/value pairs that will be used to define environment variables before the alogrithm is run. The settings value is a list of either required or optional values that will be gathered from the job configuration and put in the command_arguments. The input_data value is a list detailing the inputs to the algorithm; in this case an input called image that is a file with media type image/png and an input called georeference_data which is a CSV file. The dted_path filepath is a required setting that will be defined in the job configuration. Finally the output_data value is a list of the algorithm outputs, which is a GeoTIFF file in this instance. To see all of the options for defining a job interface, please refer to the Job Interface Specification below.

Job Interface Specification Version 1.4

A valid job interface is a JSON document with the following structure:

   "version": STRING,
   "command": STRING,
   "command_arguments": STRING,
   "env_vars": [
         "name": STRING,
         "value": STRING
   "mounts": [
         "name": STRING,
         "path": STRING,
         "required": true|false,
         "mode": STRING
   "settings": [
         "name": STRING,
         "required": true|false,
         "secret": true|false
   "input_data": [
         "name": STRING,
         "type": "property",
         "required": true|false
         "name": STRING,
         "type": "file",
         "required": true|false,
         "partial": true|false,
         "media_types": [
         "name": STRING,
         "type": "files",
         "required": true|false,
         "partial": true|false,
         "media_types": [
   "output_data": [
         "name": STRING,
         "type": "file",
         "required": true|false,
         "media_type": STRING
         "name": STRING,
         "type": "files",
         "required": true|false,
         "media_type": STRING

version: JSON string

The version is an optional string value that defines the version of the definition specification used. This allows updates to be made to the specification while maintaining backwards compatibility by allowing Scale to recognize an older version and convert it to the current version. The default value for version if it is not included is the latest version, which is currently 1.4. It is recommended, though not required, that you include the version so that future changes to the specification will still accept the recipe definition.

Scale must recognize the version number as valid for the recipe to work. Valid job interface versions are "1.0", "1.1", "1.2", "1.3" and "1.4".

command: JSON string

The command is a required string value that defines the main command to execute on the command line without any of the command line arguments. Unlike command_arguments, no string substitution will be performed.

command_arguments: JSON string

The command_arguments is a required string value that defines the command line arguments to be passed to the command when it is executed. Although required, command_arguments may be an empty string (i.e. “”). Scale will perform string substitution on special values denoted by the pattern ${...}. You can indicate that an input should be passed on the command line by using ${INPUT NAME}. The value that is substituted depends on the type of the input. You can indicate that a setting should be passed on the command line by using ${SETTING NAME}. If you need the command line argument to be passed with a flag, you can use the following pattern: ${FLAG:INPUT NAME}. There is also a special substitution value ${job_output_dir}, which will be replaced with the absolute file system path of the output directory where the algorithm may write its output files. The algorithm should produce a results manifest named “results_manifest.json”. The format for the results manifest can be found here: Results Manifest. Any output files must be registered in the results manifest.

env_vars: JSON array

The env_vars is an optinal list of JSON objects that define the enviornment variables that will be set for the environment running the algorithm. If not provided, env_vars defaults to an empty list. The JSON object that represents each environment variable has the following fields:

name: JSON string

The name is a required string that defines the name of the environment variable to be set. The name of every environment variable in the interface must be unique. This name must only be composed of less than 256 of the following characters: alphanumeric, ” ”, “_”, and “-”.

value: JSON string

The value is a required string that defines the value of the environment variable to be set. Scale will apply the same string substitution as it does with command_arguments.

mounts: JSON array

The mounts field is an optional list of JSON objects that define the directories that the algorithm needs mounted into its container. If not provided, mounts defaults to an empty list. The JSON object that represents each mount has the following fields:

name: JSON string

The name is a required string that defines the unique name of the mount (used for reference).

path: JSON string

The path field is required and specifies the path within the running container onto which the needed directory should be mounted. The algorithm will look in this path when it’s running to access the needed mounted directory. This path must be an absolute file system path.

required: JSON boolean

The required field is optional and indicates if the mount is required for the algorithm to run successfully. If not provided, the required field defaults to true.

mode: JSON string

The mode is an optional string describing in what mode the directory will be mounted. There are two valid values: “ro” for read-only mode and “rw” for read-write mode. If not provided, the mode field defaults to “ro” .

settings: JSON array

The settings field is an optional list of JSON objects that define the algorithm settings that will be substituted into the command_arguments and env_vars for the algorithm. If not provided, settings defaults to an empty list. The JSON object that represents each setting has the following fields:

name: JSON string

The name is a required string that defines the name of the setting. The name of every setting, input, and output in the interface must be unique. This name must only be composed of less than 256 of the following characters: alphanumeric, ” ”, “_”, and “-”.

required: JSON boolean

The required field is optional and indicates if the setting is required for the algorithm to run successfully. If not provided, the required field defaults to true.

secret: JSON boolean

The secret field is optional and indicates if the setting will contain a secret value that needs to be securely stored and transmitted (e.g. password). If not provided, the secret field defaults to false.

input_data: JSON array

The input_data is an optional list of JSON objects that define the inputs the algorithm receives to perform its function. If not provided, input_data defaults to an empty list (no inputs). The JSON object that represents each input has the following fields:

name: JSON string

The name is a required string that defines the name of the input. The name of every setting, input, and output in the interface must be unique. This name must only be composed of less than 256 of the following characters: alphanumeric, ” ”, “_”, and “-”.

required: JSON boolean

The required field is optional and indicates if the input is required for the algorithm to run successfully. If not provided, the required field defaults to true.

type: JSON string

The type is a required string from a defined set that defines the type of the input. The input_data JSON object may have additional fields depending on its type. The valid types are:


A “property” input is a string that is passed to the algorithm on the command line. When the algorithm is executed, the value of each “property” input will be substituted where its input name is located within the command_arguments string. A “property” input has no additional fields.


A “file” input is a single file that is provided to the algorithm. When the algorithm is executed, the absolute file system path of each input file will be substituted where its input name is located within the command_arguments string. A “file” input has the following additional fields:

media_types: JSON array

A media_types field on a “file” input is an optional list of strings that designate the required media types for any file being passed in the input. Any file that does not match one of the listed media types will be prevented from being passed to the algorithm. If not provided, the media_types field defaults to an empty list and all media types are accepted for the input.

partial: JSON boolean

The partial field is optional and indicates whether this job input can be expected to be only used in in a limited manner. This field enables jobs to indicate exceedingly large files that may merely be linked into the job context instead of copied. The primary use case is when large files are stored in S3 or similar remote location, but the job only needs to extract metadata or consume limited portions of input file. The partial field and the input workspace must be configured to support this operation. Setting the partial field value to true on the job interface and specifying a host_path on the input workspace will cause Scale to mount the host volume associated with workspace on job execution. If either configuration is not completed the standard behavior of data retrieval will be performed. The partial field defaults to false.


A “files” input is a list of one or more files that is provided to the algorithm. When the algorithm is executed, the absolute file system path of a directory containing the list of files will be substituted where its input name is located within the command_arguments string. A “files” input has the following additional fields:

media_types: JSON array

A media_types field on a “files” input is an optional list of strings that designate the required media types for any files being passed in the input. Any file that does not match one of the listed media types will be prevented from being passed to the algorithm. If not provided, the media_types field defaults to an empty list and all media types are accepted for the input.

partial: JSON boolean

The partial field is optional and indicates whether this job input can be expected to be only used in in a limited manner. This field enables jobs to indicate exceedingly large files that may merely be linked into the job context instead of copied. The primary use case is when large files are stored in S3 or similar remote location, but the job only needs to extract metadata or consume limited portions of input file. The partial field and the input workspace must be configured to support this operation. Setting the partial field value to true on the job interface and specifying a host_path on the input workspace will cause Scale to mount the host volume associated with workspace on job execution. If either configuration is not completed the standard behavior of data retrieval will be performed. The partial field defaults to false.

output_data: JSON array

The output_data is an optional list of JSON objects that define the outputs the algorithm will produce as a result of its successful execution. If not provided, output_data defaults to an empty list (no outputs). The JSON object that represents each output has the following fields:

name: JSON string

The name is a required string that defines the name of the output. The name of every setting, input, and output in the interface must be unique. This name must only be composed of less than 256 of the following characters: alphanumeric, ” ”, “_”, and “-”.

required: JSON boolean

The required field is optional and indicates if the output is guaranteed to be produced by the algorithm on a successful run. If the algorithm may or may not product an output under normal conditions, the required field should be set to false. If not provided, the required field defaults to true.

type: JSON string

The type is a required string from a defined set that defines the type of the output. The output_data JSON object may have additional fields depending on its type. The valid types are:


A “file” output is a single file that is produced by the algorithm. A “file” output has the following additional fields:

media_type: JSON string

A media_type field on a “file” output is an optional string defining the media type of the file produced. If not provided, the media type of the file will be determined by Scale using the file extension as guidance.


A “files” output is a list of one or more files that are produced by the algorithm. A “files” output has the following additional fields:

media_type: JSON string

A media_type field on a “files” output is an optional string defining the media type of each file produced. If not provided, the media type of each file will be determined by Scale using the file extension as guidance.