trigger.configuration package


trigger.configuration.exceptions module

Defines exceptions that can occur when interacting with trigger rules

exception trigger.configuration.exceptions.InvalidTriggerMissingConfiguration

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Exception indicating that the provided trigger rule was missing an associated configuration

exception trigger.configuration.exceptions.InvalidTriggerRule

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Exception indicating that the provided trigger rule configuration was invalid

exception trigger.configuration.exceptions.InvalidTriggerType

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Exception indicating that the provided trigger rule type was invalid

trigger.configuration.trigger_rule module

Defines the base configuration class for a trigger rule

class trigger.configuration.trigger_rule.TriggerRuleConfiguration(trigger_rule_type, config_dict)

Bases: object

The base class that represents the configuration for a trigger rule


Returns the configuration as a dict

Returns:The configuration
Return type:dict

Validates the trigger rule configuration. This is a more thorough validation than the basic schema checks performed in trigger rule constructors and may include database queries.

Raises:trigger.configuration.exceptions.InvalidTriggerRule – If the configuration is invalid

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