recipe.configuration.definition package


recipe.configuration.definition.exceptions module

Defines exceptions that can occur when interacting with recipe definitions

exception recipe.configuration.definition.exceptions.InvalidDefinition

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Exception indicating that the provided recipe definition was invalid

recipe.configuration.definition.recipe_definition module

Defines the class for managing a recipe definition

class recipe.configuration.definition.recipe_definition.LegacyRecipeDefinition(definition)

Bases: object

Represents the definition for a recipe. The definition includes the recipe inputs, the jobs that make up the recipe, and how the inputs and outputs of those jobs are connected together.


Returns the internal dictionary that represents this recipe definition

Returns:The internal dictionary
Return type:dict

Returns the recipe graph for this definition

Returns:The recipe graph
Return type:recipe.handlers.graph.RecipeGraph

Returns a set of tuples that represent keys for each job in the recipe

Returns:Set of referenced job types as a tuple of (name, version)
Return type:set[(str, str)]

Returns a mapping of job name to job type for each job in the recipe

Returns:Dictionary with the recipe job name of each job mapping to its job type
Return type:dict of str -> job.models.JobType

Returns a set of job types for each job in the recipe

Parameters:lock (bool) – Whether to obtain select_for_update() locks on the job type models
Returns:Set of referenced job types
Return type:set[job.models.JobType]

Returns the list of job names and types to create for the recipe, in the order that they should be created

Returns:List of tuples with each job’s name and type
Return type:[(str, job.models.JobType)]

Validates the given recipe connection to ensure that the connection will provide sufficient data to run a recipe with this definition

Parameters:recipe_conn ( – The recipe definition
Returns:A list of warnings discovered during validation
Return type:list[]
:raises If there is a configuration

Validates the given data against the recipe definition

Parameters:recipe_data ( – The recipe data
Returns:A list of warnings discovered during validation.
Return type:list[]

:raises If there is a configuration problem


Validates the interfaces of the recipe jobs in the definition to ensure that all of the input and output connections are valid

Returns:A list of warnings discovered during validation.
Return type:list[]
:raises recipe.configuration.definition.exceptions.InvalidDefinition:
If there are any invalid job connections in the definition

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