ingest.strike.configuration package


ingest.strike.configuration.exceptions module

Defines exceptions that can occur when interacting with Strike configuration

exception ingest.strike.configuration.exceptions.InvalidStrikeConfiguration(description)

Bases: util.exceptions.ValidationException

Exception indicating that the provided strike configuration was invalid

ingest.strike.configuration.strike_configuration module

Defines the configuration for running an instance of Strike

class ingest.strike.configuration.strike_configuration.StrikeConfiguration

Bases: object

Represents the configuration for a running Strike instance. The configuration includes details about mounting the transfer NFS directory, the suffix for identifying files still being transferred, and regular expressions to identify files to ingest and how to store them.


Returns the internal dictionary that represents this Strike process configuration.

Returns:The internal dictionary
Return type:dict

Returns the configured monitor for this Strike configuration

Returns:The configured monitor
Return type:ingest.strike.monitors.monitor.Monitor

Returns the recipe type for this Strike configuration

Returns:The recipe type name and version
Return type:(string, string)

Returns the monitored workspace name for this Strike configuration

Returns:The monitored workspace name
Return type:string

Loads the configuration into the given monitor

Parameters:monitor (ingest.strike.monitors.monitor.Monitor) – The configuration as a dictionary

Validates the Strike configuration

Returns:A list of warnings discovered during validation
Return type:list[util.validation.ValidationWarning]
:raises ingest.strike.configuration.exceptions.InvalidStrikeConfiguration: If the configuration is

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