Pre-defined property names for defining GeoPackage properties


  • PropertyNames



CONTRIBUTOR: string = 'contributor'

An entity responsible for making contributions to the resource

COVERAGE: string = 'coverage'

The spatial or temporal topic of the resource, the spatial applicability of the resource, or the jurisdiction under which the resource is relevant

CREATED: string = 'created'

Date Created - Date of creation of the resource

CREATOR: string = 'creator'

An entity primarily responsible for making the resource

DATE: string = 'date'

A point or period of time associated with an event in the lifecycle of the resource

DESCRIPTION: string = 'description'

An account of the resource

IDENTIFIER: string = 'identifier'

An unambiguous reference to the resource within a given context

LICENSE: string = 'license'

A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource

MODIFIED: string = 'modified'

Date Modified - Date on which the resource was changed

PUBLISHER: string = 'publisher'

An entity responsible for making the resource available

REFERENCES: string = 'references'

A related resource that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the described resource

RELATION: string = 'relation'

A related resource

SOURCE: string = 'source'

A related resource from which the described resource is derived

SPATIAL: string = 'spatial'

Spatial Coverage - Spatial characteristics of the resource

SUBJECT: string = 'subject'

The topic of the resource

TAG: string = 'tag'

A tag or label of the resource

TEMPORAL: "temporal" = 'temporal'

Temporal Coverage - Temporal characteristics of the resource

TITLE: "title" = 'title'

A name given to the resource

TYPE: "type" = 'type'

The nature or genre of the resource

URI: "URI" = 'URI'

The set of identifiers constructed according to the generic syntax for Uniform Resource Identifiers as specified by the Internet Engineering Task Force

VALID: "valid" = 'valid'

Date Valid - Date (often a range) of validity of a resource

VERSION: "version" = 'version'

A version of the resource

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