Draws a tile indicating the number of features that exist within the tile, visible when zoomed in closer. The number is drawn in the center of the tile and by default is surrounded by a colored circle with border. By default a tile border is drawn and the tile is colored (transparently most likely). The paint objects for each draw type can be modified to or set to null (except for the text paint object).


  • NumberFeaturesTile




circleColor: string

Circle color

circleFillColor: string

Circle fill color

circleStrokeWidth: number

Circle stroke width

textColor: string

Text color

textFont: string

Text font

textSize: number

Text size

tileBorderColor: string

Tile Border color

tileBorderStrokeWidth: number

Tile Border stroke width

tileFillColor: string

Tile fill color


  • Draw a custom tile when the number of features within the tile is unknown. This is called when a feature table is not indexed and more total features exist than the max per tile.


    custom image, or null


    • tileWidth: number

      tile width to draw

    • tileHeight: number

      tile height to draw

    • totalFeatureCount: number

      count of total features in the feature table

    • allFeatureResults: FeatureResultSet

      results in a feature result set

    • Optional canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | EmulatedCanvas2D

      canvas to draw in

    Returns Promise<GeoPackageTile>

  • Set the circle padding percentage to pad around the text, value between 0.0 and 1.0


    • circlePaddingPercentage: number

      circle padding percentage

    Returns void

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