relatedTables: RelatedTablesExtensionProtected
connectionConnection to the GeoPackage
contentsContents Id extension
Definition for the extension
Name of the extension
relatedRelated Tables extension
extension table name
EXTENSION_Extension author
EXTENSION_Extension definition URL
EXTENSION_Extension, with author and name
EXTENSION_Extension name without the author
TABLE_Table name prefix for mapping icons
TABLE_Table name prefix for mapping styles
TABLE_Table name prefix for mapping icon defaults
TABLE_Table name prefix for mapping style defaults
Check if the style extension relationship between a feature table and style extension table exists
true if relationship exists
mapping table name
base table name
related table name
Create an icon relationship for the feature table
feature table
Create style, icon, table style, and table icon relationships for the feature table
feature table
Create a style relationship for the feature table
feature table
Create a feature table icon relationship
feature table
Create a feature table style relationship
feature table
Delete all feature styles including table styles, table icons, style, and icons
feature table
Delete all icons including table icons and feature row icons
feature table
Delete the style and icon table and row relationships for all feature tables
Delete all styles including table styles and feature row style
feature table
Delete all feature styles
feature table
Delete the feature row icon for the geometry type
feature table
feature id
geometry type
Delete the icon row and associated mappings by icon row
feature table
icon row
Delete the icon row and associated mappings by icon row id
feature table
icon row id
Delete the feature row default icon
feature table
feature id
Delete the feature row default icon
feature row
Delete the feature row icon for the feature row geometry type
feature row
Delete the feature row icon for the geometry type
feature row
geometry type
Delete icon relationship for the feature table
feature table
Delete all icons
feature table
Delete feature row icons
feature table
feature id
Delete feature row icons
feature row
Delete the style mapping with the geometry type value
mappingDao: StyleMappingDaomapping dao
featureId: numberfeature id
geometryType: GeometryTypegeometry type
Delete all style mappings
mappingDao: StyleMappingDaomapping dao
Delete the style mappings
mappingDao: StyleMappingDaomapping dao
featureId: numberfeature id
Delete the style and icon table and row relationships for the feature table
feature table
Delete the feature row style for the geometry type
feature table
feature id
geometry type
Delete the style row and associated mappings by style row
feature table
style row
Delete the style row and associated mappings by style row id
feature table
style row id
Delete the feature row default style
feature table
feature id
Delete the feature row default style
feature row
Delete the feature row style for the feature row geometry type
feature row
Delete the feature row style for the geometry type
feature row
geometry type
Delete a style relationship for the feature table
feature table
Delete all styles
feature table
Delete feature row styles
feature table
feature id
Delete feature row styles
feature row
Delete the feature table feature styles
feature table
Delete the feature table icon for the geometry type
feature table
geometry type
Delete the feature table default icon
feature table
Delete a table icon relationship for the feature table
feature table
Delete the feature table icons
feature table
Delete the table style mapping with the geometry type value
mapping dao
feature table
geometry type
Delete the table style mappings
mapping dao
feature table
Delete the feature table style for the geometry type
feature table
geometry type
Delete the feature table default style
feature table
Delete a table style relationship for the feature table
feature table
Delete the feature table styles
feature table
Get the extension for the name, table name and column name
extension name
tableName: stringtable name
columnName: stringcolumn name
Get all the unique icon row ids the features map to
icon row ids
feature table
Get all the unique style row ids the features map to
style row ids
feature table
Get all the unique icon row ids the table maps to
icon row ids
feature table
Get all the unique style row ids the table maps to
style row ids
feature table
Get the contentsId extension
Get the extension for the name, table name and column name
extension name
tableName: stringtable name
columnName: stringcolumn name
Get the feature style (style and icon) of the feature, searching in order: feature geometry type style or icon, feature default style or icon, table geometry type style or icon, table default style or icon
feature style
feature row
Get the feature style (style and icon) of the feature row, searching in order: feature geometry type style or icon, feature default style or icon, table geometry type style or icon, table default style or icon
feature style
feature row
Get the feature styles for the feature row
feature styles or null
feature table
feature id
Get the feature styles for the feature row
feature styles or null
feature row
Get name of feature table
Get the geopackage
Get Icon Mapping DAO
icon mapping DAO
feature table
Get the icons for the feature row
icons or null
feature row
Get the mapping table name
mapping table name
table name prefix
feature table name
Get the extension or create as needed
extension name
table name
column name
extension definition
extension scope type
Get or create the metadata extension
Get the related tables extension
Get a Style Mapping DAO
style mapping DAO
feature table
Gets Styles for featureId and mappingDao
Get the styles for the feature row
styles or null
feature row
Get the feature table default feature styles
table feature styles or null
feature table
Get the icon of the feature table and geometry type
icon row
feature table
geometry type
Get the default icon of the feature table
icon row
feature table
Get a Table Icon Mapping DAO
table icon mapping DAO
feature table
Get the feature table default icons
table icons or null
feature table
Get the style of the feature table and geometry type
style row
feature table
geometry type
Get the default style of the feature table
style row
feature table
Get a Table Style Mapping DAO
table style mapping DAO
feature table
Get the feature table default styles
table styles or null
feature table
Determine if the GeoPackage has the extension or has the extension for the feature table
feature table
Determine if an icon relationship exists for the feature table
true if relationship exists
feature table
Check if feature table has a style, icon, table style, or table icon relationships
feature table
Determine if a style relationship exists for the feature table
feature table
Determine if a feature table icon relationship exists
true if relationship exists
feature table
Determine if a feature table style relationship exists
true if relationship exists
feature table
Insert a style mapping row
mapping dao
base id, either contents id or feature id
related id, either style or icon id
geometry type or null
Set the feature style (style and icon) of the feature
feature table
feature id
geometry type
featureStyle: FeatureStylefeature style
deleted?: { Set the feature style (style and icon) of the feature
feature table
feature id
feature style
deleted?: { Set the feature style default (style and icon) of the feature row
feature row
feature style
deleted?: { Set the feature style (style and icon) of the feature row
feature row
feature style
deleted?: { Set the feature style (style and icon) of the feature row for the specified geometry type
feature row
geometry type
feature style
deleted?: { Set the feature styles for the feature table and feature id
feature table
feature id
featureStyles: FeatureStylesfeature styles
deleted?: { Set the feature styles for the feature row
feature row
feature styles
deleted?: { Get the icon of the feature, searching in order: feature geometry type icon, feature default icon, table geometry type icon, table default icon
feature table
feature id
geometry type
icon: IconRowicon row
Set the default icon of the feature
feature table
feature id
icon row
Set the default icon of the feature row
feature row
icon row
Set the icon of the feature row
feature row
icon row
Set the icon of the feature row for the specified geometry type
feature row
geometry type
icon row
Set the icons for the feature table and feature id
feature table
feature id
icons: Iconsicons
Set the icons for the feature row
feature row
Set the style of the feature
feature table
feature id
geometry type
style row
Set the default style of the feature
feature table
feature id
style row
Set the default style of the feature row
feature row
style row
Set the style of the feature row
feature row
style row
Set the style of the feature row for the specified geometry type
feature row
geometry type
style row
Set the styles for the feature table and feature id
feature table
feature id
styles: Stylesstyles
Set the styles for the feature row
feature row
Set the feature table default feature styles
feature table
featureStyles: FeatureStylesfeature styles
deleted?: { Set the feature table icon for the geometry type
feature table
geometry type
icon: IconRowicon row
Set the feature table icon default
feature table
icon: IconRowicon row
Set the feature table default icons
feature table
icons: Iconsdefault icons
Set the feature table style for the geometry type
feature table
geometry type
style: StyleRowstyle row
Set the feature table style default
feature table
style row
Set the feature table default styles
feature table
styles: Stylesdefault styles
Generated using TypeDoc
Style extension