CircularString |
Circular String, Curve sub type
CompoundCurve |
Compound Curve, Curve sub type
Curve |
The base type for all 1-dimensional geometry types.
CurvePolygon<T extends Curve> |
A planar surface defined by an exterior ring and zero or more interior ring.
Geometry |
The root of the geometry type hierarchy
GeometryCollection<T extends Geometry> |
A collection of zero or more Geometry instances.
GeometryEnvelope |
Geometry envelope
Line |
A LineString with exactly 2 Points.
LinearRing |
A LineString that is both closed and simple.
LineString |
A Curve that connects two or more points in space.
MultiCurve<T extends Curve> |
A restricted form of GeometryCollection where each Geometry in the collection
must be of type Curve.
MultiLineString |
A restricted form of MultiCurve where each Curve in the collection must be of
type LineString.
MultiPoint |
A restricted form of GeometryCollection where each Geometry in the collection
must be of type Point.
MultiPolygon |
A restricted form of MultiSurface where each Surface in the collection must
be of type Polygon.
MultiSurface<T extends Surface> |
A restricted form of GeometryCollection where each Geometry in the collection
must be of type Surface.
Point |
A single location in space.
Polygon |
A restricted form of CurvePolygon where each ring is defined as a simple,
closed LineString.
PolyhedralSurface |
Contiguous collection of polygons which share common boundary segments.
Surface |
The base type for all 2-dimensional geometry types.
A tetrahedron (4 triangular faces), corner at the origin and each unit
coordinate digit.
Triangle |