.. _architecture_logs: ElasticSearch Logs ======================================================================================================================== Scale stores its logs in an ElasticSearch database. You can perform REST API calls to retrieve log information from ElasticSearch. To retrieve logs in correct order, you should order first by *@timestamp* ascending and then by *scale_order_num* ascending. Scale stores its logs in a JSON format with the following fields: **message**: JSON string The log message **@timestamp**: JSON string The ISO-8601 timestamp marking when the message was logged **scale_order_num**: JSON number A sequence number used to indicate correct log message order when multiple messages share the same *@timestamp* value. To retrieve logs in correct order, you should order first by *@timestamp* ascending and then by *scale_order_num* ascending. **scale_task**: JSON string The ID of the Scale task that produced this log message **scale_job_exe**: JSON string The unique cluster ID of the Scale job execution that produced this log message **scale_node**: JSON string The host name of the Scale node that executed the Scale task **stream**: JSON string Indicates which stream produced the log message, either "stdout" or "stderr"