AlterTable |
Builds and performs alter table statements
CoreSQLUtils |
Core SQL Utility methods
DateConverter |
Date converter between database date formats and date objects
GeoPackageCoreConnection |
GeoPackage Connection used to define common functionality within different
connection types
GeoPackageDao<T,ID> |
Abstract GeoPackage DAO
GeoPackageDaoManager |
GeoPackage DAO Manager for cleaning up ORMLite caches
GeoPackageTableCreator |
Executes database scripts to create GeoPackage tables
MappedColumn |
Mapped column, to a column and potentially from a differently named column
Pagination |
Query pagination configuration
ResultUtils |
Database Result utilities
SQLiteQueryBuilder |
Sections taken from android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder in the Android
Open Source Project and slightly modified.
TableColumnKey |
Table and column name complex primary key
TableMapping |
Mapping between column names being mapped to and the mapped column