
The resources document is a JSON document that defines a set of named resources with floating point values.

Example job configuration:

   "version": "1.0",
   "resources": {
      "cpus": 1.5,
      "mem": 64.0,
      "foo": 3.1

In this example there are 1.5 CPUs, 64.0 MiB of memory, and 3.1 units of “foo”.

Resources Specification Version 1.0

A valid resources document is a JSON document with the following structure:

   "version": STRING,
   "resources": {STRING: NUMBER}

version: JSON string

The version is an optional string value that defines the version of the resources specification used. This allows updates to be made to the specification while maintaining backwards compatibility by allowing Scale to recognize an older version and convert it to the current version. The default value for version if it is not included is the latest version, which is currently 1.0.

resources: JSON object

The resources is a JSON object that contains the resource names and their values (floating point allowed) as key/value pairs. Arbitrary resources names are supported, but a few resource names have pre-defined meanings:

cpus: The number of CPUs

mem: The amount of memory in MiB

disk: The amount of local disk space in MiB