All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values
- aboveMaxArguments() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdQuery
Check if the total number of query arguments is above the maximum allowed in a single query
- aboveMaxArguments(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdQuery
Check if the total number of query arguments is above the maximum allowed in a single query
- aboveMaxArguments(String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdQuery
Check if the total number of query arguments is above the maximum allowed in a single query
- addArgument(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdQuery
Add an id argument
- addColumn(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Add a query column
- addColumn(FeatureColumn) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.OAPIFeatureGenerator
- addColumns(String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Add query columns
- addColumns(Collection<String>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Add query columns
- addHTTPHeaderValue(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
Add a HTTP Header field value, appending to any existing values for the field
- addHTTPHeaderValues(String, List<String>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
Add HTTP Header field values, appending to any existing values for the field
- addRow(FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexListResults
Add a feature row
- addRows(List<FeatureRow>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexListResults
Add feature rows
- addZoomLevel(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Add a zoom level
- addZoomLevels(int[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Add zoom levels
- addZoomLevels(int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Add a range of zoom levels
- addZoomLevels(Collection<Integer>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Add zoom levels
- adjustTileMatrixLengths() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Adjust the tile matrix lengths if needed.
- AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db
Android Bindings SQLiteDatabase
- AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
- AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase(SQLiteDatabase) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
- AndroidSQLiteDatabase - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db
Android SQLiteDatabase
- AndroidSQLiteDatabase(SQLiteDatabase) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
- appendWhere(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Append to the where clause
- AttributesConnection - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.attributes
GeoPackage Attributes Connection
- AttributesConnection(GeoPackageConnection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesConnection
- AttributesCursor - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.attributes
Attributes Cursor to wrap a database cursor for attributes queries
- AttributesCursor(AttributesTable, Cursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesCursor
- AttributesCursor(AttributesTable, String[], Cursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesCursor
- AttributesDao - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.attributes
Attributes DAO for reading attributes user data tables
- AttributesDao(String, GeoPackageConnection, AttributesTable) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesDao
- AttributesInvalidCursor - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.attributes
Attributes Invalid Cursor wrapper for attributes requery to handle failed rows due to large blobs
- AttributesInvalidCursor(AttributesDao, AttributesCursor, List<Integer>, List<AttributesColumn>) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesInvalidCursor
- AttributesPaginatedCursor - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.attributes
Attributes Paginated Cursor for iterating and querying through attributes in chunks
- AttributesPaginatedCursor(AttributesDao, AttributesCursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesPaginatedCursor
- AttributesRow - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.attributes
Attributes Row containing the values from a single cursor row
- AttributesRow(AttributesRow) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesRow
Copy Constructor
- AttributesRow(AttributesTable) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesRow
Constructor to create an empty row
- AttributesRowSync - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.attributes
Attributes Row Sync to support reading a single attributes row copy when multiple near simultaneous asynchronous requests are made
- AttributesRowSync() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesRowSync
- AttributesWrapperConnection - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.attributes
- AttributesWrapperConnection(GeoPackageConnection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesWrapperConnection
- beginTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Begin a transaction
- beginTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Begin a transaction
- beginTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
- beginTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Begin a transaction
- beginTransaction() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Begin a transaction
- beginTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
- beginTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
- BitmapConverter - Class in
Conversions between Bitmaps and image bytes
- BitmapConverter() - Constructor for class
- BITS_PER_SAMPLE - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Bits per value for floating point coverage data
- boundingBox - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Tile bounding box
- cacheGeometries - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
When true, geometries are cached.
- calculateDrawOverlap() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Call after making changes to the point icon, point radius, or paint stroke widths.
- calculatePixelBounds() - Method in class
Calculate style pixel bounds
- calculatePixelBounds(float) - Method in class
Calculate style pixel bounds
- calculatePixelBounds(String) - Method in class
Calculate style pixel bounds
- calculatePixelBounds(String, float) - Method in class
Calculate style pixel bounds for the feature table
- calculatePixelBounds(IconRow) - Static method in class
Calculate style pixel bounds for the icon row
- calculatePixelBounds(IconRow, float) - Static method in class
Calculate style pixel bounds for the icon row
- calculatePixelBounds(StyleRow) - Static method in class
Calculate style pixel bounds for the style row
- calculatePixelBounds(StyleRow, float) - Static method in class
Calculate style pixel bounds for the style row
- calculatePixelBounds(PixelBounds, IconRow) - Static method in class
Calculate style pixel bounds for the icon row
- calculatePixelBounds(PixelBounds, IconRow, float) - Static method in class
Calculate style pixel bounds for the icon row
- calculatePixelBounds(PixelBounds, StyleRow) - Static method in class
Calculate style pixel bounds for the style row
- calculatePixelBounds(PixelBounds, StyleRow, float) - Static method in class
Calculate style pixel bounds for the style row
- calculateStylePixelBounds() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Calculate style pixel bounds
- calculateStylePixelBounds(float) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Calculate style pixel bounds
- callback(String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.GeometryFunction
- centerIcon() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTilePointIcon
Center the icon on the point
- checkIfDrawn(Bitmap) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Check if the bitmap was drawn upon (non null and not transparent).
- chunkLimit - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query single chunk limit
- chunkLimit - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query single chunk limit
- CIRCLE - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureDrawType
Circle for a point
- clear() - Method in class
Clear the cache
- clear() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCache
Clear the cache
- clear() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Clear all caches
- clear() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePaintCache
Clear the cache
- clear(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Clear the feature table cache
- clearAndResize(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCache
Clear and resize the cache
- clearAndResize(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Clear and resize all caches and update the max cache size
- clearAndResize(String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Clear and resize the feature table cache
- clearCache() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Clear all caches
- clearCache() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Clear all caches
- clearCachedTableFeatureStyles() - Method in class
Clear the cached table feature styles
- clearCachedTableIcons() - Method in class
Clear the cached table icons
- clearCachedTableStyles() - Method in class
Clear the cached table styles
- clearGeometryCache() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Clear the geometry cache
- clearIconCache() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Clear the icon cache
- clearStylePaintCache() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Clear the style paint cache
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Close the connection
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Close the connection
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Close the database connection in the feature indexer
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Close the connection
- close() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Close the connection
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDb
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Close the table index
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.FeatureIndexRTreeResults
Close the results
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexFeatureResults
Close the results
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexGeoPackageResults
Close the results
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexListResults
Close the results
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Close the index connections
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexMetadataResults
Close the results
- close() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexResults
Close the results
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.MultipleFeatureIndexResults
Close the results
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQueryResults
Close the results
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Close the feature tiles connection
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Close the GeoPackage
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Close the feature tiles connection
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Close the GeoPackage
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- close() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- COLUMN_EXTERNAL_PATH - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
Path column
- COLUMN_GEOPACKAGE_ID - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
GeoPackage Id column
- COLUMN_GEOPACKAGE_ID - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
GeoPackage Id column
- COLUMN_ID - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Geometry Id column
- COLUMN_ID - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
Id column
- COLUMN_LAST_INDEXED - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
Last indexed column
- COLUMN_MAX_M - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Max M
- COLUMN_MAX_X - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Max X
- COLUMN_MAX_Y - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Max Y
- COLUMN_MAX_Z - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Max Z
- COLUMN_MIN_M - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Min M
- COLUMN_MIN_X - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Min X
- COLUMN_MIN_Y - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Min Y
- COLUMN_MIN_Z - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Min Z
- COLUMN_NAME - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
Name column
- COLUMN_TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Table name column
- COLUMN_TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
Table name column
- COLUMNS - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQueryParamType
Column names
- COLUMNS - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
- COLUMNS - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
- COLUMNS - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
- COLUMNS_AS - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQueryParamType
Columns as values
- columnToContentValue(ContentValues, FeatureColumn, Object) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow
Map the column to the content values
- columnToContentValue(ContentValues, TColumn, Object) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserRow
Map the column to the content values
- commit() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
- commit() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
- commit() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
- compressFormat - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Compress format
- context - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
- context - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
- ContextIOUtils - Class in
Input / Output Context utility methods
- ContextIOUtils() - Constructor for class
- convertCursor(Cursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
Convert the cursor to the result type cursor
- convertCursor(Cursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserWrapperConnection
Deprecated.Convert the cursor to the result type cursor
- copy() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesRow
Copy the row
- copy() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
Copy method
- copy() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Copy the database, maintaining the same connections but with the ability to change the active used connection
- copy() - Method in class
Copy the row
- copy() - Method in class
Copy the row
- copy() - Method in class
Copy the row
- copy() - Method in class
Copy the row
- copy() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesRow
Copy the row
- copy() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingRow
Copy the row
- copy() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
Copy the feature dao for separate connection states, shares geometry columns and feature table memory
- copy() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow
Copy the row
- copy() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Copy the row
- copy() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomRow
Copy the row
- copy(String, String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Copy the database
- copy(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Copy the database
- copy(String, String, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Copy the database
- copy(String, String, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Copy the database
- copy(GeoPackageDatabase) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
Copy method with provided database
- copyValue(FeatureColumn, Object) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow
- count() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all Geometry Metadata count
- count() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.FeatureIndexRTreeResults
Get the count of results
- count() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexFeatureResults
Get the count of results
- count() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexGeoPackageResults
Get the count of results
- count() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexListResults
Get the count of results
- count() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index count
- count() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexMetadataResults
Get the count of results
- count() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexResults
Get the count of results
- count() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.MultipleFeatureIndexResults
Get the count of results
- count() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Get the count of features
- count() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQueryResults
Get the count of results
- count() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Get the count of GeoPackage databases
- count() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Get the count of GeoPackage databases
- count(boolean, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index count
- count(boolean, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Get a count of results
- count(boolean, String, double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the rows within the bounds
- count(boolean, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count
- count(boolean, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Count features
- count(boolean, String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
- count(boolean, String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count
- count(boolean, String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Count features
- count(boolean, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count
- count(boolean, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Count features
- count(boolean, String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the rows within the bounding box
- count(boolean, String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box, projected correctly
- count(boolean, String, BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box, projected correctly
- count(boolean, String, BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box, projected correctly
- count(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box, projected correctly
- count(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the rows within the geometry envelope
- count(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the Geometry Envelope
- count(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the Geometry Envelope
- count(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the Geometry Envelope
- count(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the Geometry Envelope
- count(double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the rows within the bounds
- count(double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the bounds
- count(double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the bounds
- count(double, double, double, double, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the bounds
- count(double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the bounds
- count(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Count of Tiles at a zoom level
- count(long, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata count
- count(long, String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata count matching the bounding box in the same projection
- count(long, String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata count matching the envelope
- count(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count
- count(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Count features
- count(String, double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the rows within the bounds
- count(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata count
- count(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count
- count(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Count features
- count(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count
- count(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Count features
- count(String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count
- count(String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Count features
- count(String, String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata count matching the bounding box in the same projection
- count(String, String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata count matching the envelope
- count(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count
- count(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Count features
- count(String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the rows within the bounding box
- count(String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box, projected correctly
- count(String, BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box, projected correctly
- count(String, BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box, projected correctly
- count(String, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box, projected correctly
- count(String, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(String, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(String, BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(String, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(String, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the rows within the geometry envelope
- count(String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the Geometry Envelope
- count(String, GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the Geometry Envelope
- count(String, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the Geometry Envelope
- count(String, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the Geometry Envelope
- count(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count
- count(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Count features
- count(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for Geometry Metadata count within the bounding box, projected correctly
- count(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the rows within the bounding box
- count(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box, projected correctly
- count(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the bounding box
- count(BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box, projected correctly
- count(BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the bounding box
- count(BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box, projected correctly
- count(BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the bounding box
- count(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box, projected correctly
- count(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the bounding box
- count(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for Geometry Metadata count within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- count(UserCustomCursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomDao
Get the count of the cursor and close it
- count(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for Geometry Metadata count within the Geometry Envelope
- count(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the rows within the geometry envelope
- count(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the Geometry Envelope
- count(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the geometry envelope
- count(GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the Geometry Envelope
- count(GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the geometry envelope
- count(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the Geometry Envelope
- count(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the geometry envelope
- count(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index count within the Geometry Envelope
- count(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually count the rows within the geometry envelope
- countByBaseId(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Count by base id
- countByBaseId(UserMappingRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Count by base id
- countByIds(long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Count by both base id and related id
- countByIds(UserMappingRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Count by both base id and related id
- countByRelatedId(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Count by related id
- countByRelatedId(UserMappingRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Count by related id
- countColumn(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index count
- countColumn(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Get a count of results
- countColumnFeatures(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count features
- countColumnFeatures(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count features
- countColumnFeatures(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count features
- countFeatures() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count features
- countFeatures() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count features
- countFeatures() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count features
- countFeatures(boolean, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count features
- countFeatures(boolean, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count features
- countFeatures(boolean, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count features
- countFeatures(boolean, String, double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounds
- countFeatures(boolean, String, double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounds
- countFeatures(boolean, String, double, double, double, double, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounds
- countFeatures(boolean, String, double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounds
- countFeatures(boolean, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count features
- countFeatures(boolean, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count features
- countFeatures(boolean, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count features
- countFeatures(boolean, String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count features
- countFeatures(boolean, String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count features
- countFeatures(boolean, String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count features
- countFeatures(boolean, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count features
- countFeatures(boolean, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count features
- countFeatures(boolean, String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count features
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(boolean, String, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
- countFeatures(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
- countFeatures(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
- countFeatures(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
- countFeatures(boolean, String, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounds
- countFeatures(double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounds
- countFeatures(double, double, double, double, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounds
- countFeatures(double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounds
- countFeatures(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count features
- countFeatures(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count features
- countFeatures(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count features
- countFeatures(String, double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounds
- countFeatures(String, double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounds
- countFeatures(String, double, double, double, double, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounds
- countFeatures(String, double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounds
- countFeatures(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count features
- countFeatures(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count features
- countFeatures(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count features
- countFeatures(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count features
- countFeatures(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count features
- countFeatures(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count features
- countFeatures(String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count features
- countFeatures(String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count features
- countFeatures(String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count features
- countFeatures(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count features
- countFeatures(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count features
- countFeatures(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count features
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(String, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
- countFeatures(String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(String, GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(String, GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
- countFeatures(String, GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(String, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(String, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
- countFeatures(String, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(String, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(String, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
- countFeatures(String, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count features
- countFeatures(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count features
- countFeatures(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count features
- countFeatures(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- countFeatures(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- countFeatures(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
- countFeatures(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
- countFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
- countFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Count the Features within the Geometry Envelope
- countFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Count the features within the geometry envelope
- countIconRowMappings(long) - Method in class
Count the number of mappings to the icon row id
- countIconRowMappings(IconRow) - Method in class
Count the number of mappings to the icon row
- countMappings(String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Count the number of mappings to the table and id
- countMappingsToBase(String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Count the number of mappings to the base table and id
- countMappingsToBase(Collection<ExtendedRelation>, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Count the number of mappings in the extended relations to the base id
- countMappingsToBase(ExtendedRelation, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Count the number of mappings in the extended relation to the base id
- countMappingsToRelated(String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Count the number of mappings to the related table and id
- countMappingsToRelated(Collection<ExtendedRelation>, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Count the number of mappings in the extended relations to the related id
- countMappingsToRelated(ExtendedRelation, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Count the number of mappings in the extended relation to the related id
- countStyleRowMappings(long) - Method in class
Count the number of mappings to the style row id
- countStyleRowMappings(StyleRow) - Method in class
Count the number of mappings to the style row
- countWithGeometries() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Get the count of features with non null geometries
- CoverageData<TImage extends CoverageDataImage> - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage
Tiled Gridded Coverage Data, abstract Common Encoding, Extension
- CoverageData(GeoPackage, TileDao, Integer, Integer, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
- CoverageDataPng - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage
Tiled Gridded Coverage Data, PNG Encoding, Extension
- CoverageDataPng(GeoPackage, TileDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Constructor, use the coverage data tables pixel tile size as the request size width and height
- CoverageDataPng(GeoPackage, TileDao, Integer, Integer, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
- CoverageDataPng(GeoPackage, TileDao, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Constructor, use the coverage data tables pixel tile size as the request size width and height, request as the specified projection
- CoverageDataPngImage - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage
Coverage Data PNG image, stores the tile row image and raster
- CoverageDataPngImage(ImageInfo) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPngImage
Constructor, used for writing a PNG
- CoverageDataPngImage(TileRow) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPngImage
Constructor, used for reading a PNG
- CoverageDataTiff - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage
Tiled Gridded Coverage Data, TIFF Encoding, Extension
- CoverageDataTiff(GeoPackage, TileDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Constructor, use the coverage data tables pixel tile size as the request size width and height
- CoverageDataTiff(GeoPackage, TileDao, Integer, Integer, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
- CoverageDataTiff(GeoPackage, TileDao, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Constructor, use the coverage data tables pixel tile size as the request size width and height, request as the specified projection
- CoverageDataTiffImage - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage
Coverage Data TIFF image
- CoverageDataTiffImage(TileRow) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiffImage
Constructor, used for reading a TIFF
- CoverageDataTiffImage(FileDirectory) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiffImage
Constructor, used for writing a TIFF
- CoverageDataTileMatrixResults - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage
Coverage Data Tile Matrix results including the coverage data tile results and the tile matrix where found
- CoverageDataTileMatrixResults(TileMatrix, TileCursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTileMatrixResults
- create() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Create the RTree extension for the feature table
- create(long, String, long, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Create a new geometry metadata from an envelope
- create(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database
- create(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Create a new GeoPackage database
- create(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Create a GeoPackage
- create(String, String, long, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Create a new geometry metadata from an envelope
- create(String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Create a GeoPackage
- create(AttributesDao, AttributesCursor) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesPaginatedCursor
Create a paginated cursor
- create(GeometryMetadata) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Create a new geometry metadata
- create(GeoPackageMetadata) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Create a new GeoPackage metadata
- create(TableMetadata) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadataDataSource
Create a new table metadata
- create(FeatureDao, FeatureCursor) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeaturePaginatedCursor
Create a paginated cursor
- create(GeoPackage, String, String, TileReprojectionOptimize) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Create a Reprojection from a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table within the GeoPackage
- create(GeoPackage, String, String, Projection) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Create a Reprojection from a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table within the GeoPackage
- create(GeoPackage, String, GeoPackage, String, TileReprojectionOptimize) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Create a Reprojection from a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table in a specified GeoPackage
- create(GeoPackage, String, GeoPackage, String, Projection) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Create a Reprojection from a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table in a specified GeoPackage
- create(GeoPackage, String, GeoPackage, TileDao) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Create a Reprojection from a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table
- create(GeoPackage, String, TileReprojectionOptimize) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Create a Reprojection from a GeoPackage tile table, replacing the existing tiles
- create(GeoPackage, String, TileDao) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Create a Reprojection from a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table
- create(GeoPackage, String, Projection) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Create a Reprojection from a GeoPackage tile table, replacing the existing tiles
- create(TileDao, GeoPackage, String, TileReprojectionOptimize) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Create a Reprojection from a tile table to a new tile table in a specified GeoPackage
- create(TileDao, GeoPackage, String, Projection) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Create a Reprojection from a tile table to a new tile table in a specified GeoPackage
- create(TileDao, GeoPackage, TileDao) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Create a Reprojection from a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table
- create(TileDao, TileCursor) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TilePaginatedCursor
Create a paginated cursor
- create(TileDao, TileDao) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Create a Reprojection from a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table
- create(UserCustomDao, UserCustomCursor) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomPaginatedCursor
Create a paginated cursor
- CREATE_SQL - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Create table SQL
- CREATE_SQL - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
Create table SQL
- CREATE_SQL - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
Create table SQL
- createAtPath(String, File) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the provided directory path
- createAtPath(String, File) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Create a new GeoPackage database at the provided directory path
- createAtPath(String, File, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the provided directory path
- createAtPath(String, File, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the provided directory path
- createBitmap() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileCanvas
Create the final bitmap from the layers, resets the layers
- createFeatures(String, String, String, BoundingBox, GeometryType, List<FeatureColumn>, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create features table
- createFeatures(String, String, String, BoundingBox, GeometryType, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create features table
- createFeatures(String, String, String, BoundingBox, GeometryType, DataType, List<FeatureColumn>, SpatialReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create features table
- createFeatures(String, String, String, BoundingBox, GeometryType, DataType, SpatialReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create features table
- createFeatures(String, String, String, GeometryType, List<FeatureColumn>, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create features table
- createFeatures(String, String, String, GeometryType, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create features table
- createFeatures(String, BoundingBox, GeometryType, List<FeatureColumn>, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create features table
- createFeatures(String, BoundingBox, GeometryType, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create features table
- createFeatures(String, BoundingBox, GeometryType, DataType, List<FeatureColumn>, SpatialReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create features table
- createFeatures(String, BoundingBox, GeometryType, DataType, SpatialReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create features table
- createFeatures(String, GeometryType, List<FeatureColumn>, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create features table
- createFeatures(String, GeometryType, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create features table
- createFile(DocumentFile) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location
- createFile(DocumentFile) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location
- createFile(DocumentFile, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location
- createFile(DocumentFile, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location
- createFile(File) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location
- createFile(File) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location
- createFile(File, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location
- createFile(File, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location
- createFile(String, DocumentFile) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location with the provided name
- createFile(String, DocumentFile) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location with the provided name
- createFile(String, DocumentFile, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location with the provided name
- createFile(String, DocumentFile, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location with the provided name
- createFile(String, File) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location with the provided name
- createFile(String, File) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location with the provided name
- createFile(String, File, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location with the provided name
- createFile(String, File, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Create a new GeoPackage database at the specified file location with the provided name
- createGeometryMetadata(Cursor) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Create a geometry metadata from the current cursor location
- createGeoPackage(String, String, boolean, GeoPackageCursorFactory, SQLiteDatabase) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCreator
Create a GeoPackage for the connection
- createGeoPackageDatasetMetadata(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create GeoPackage metadata with a dataset scope and metadata reference
- createGeoPackageMetadata(MetadataScopeType, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create GeoPackage metadata and metadata reference
- createGeoPackageSeriesMetadata(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create GeoPackage metadata with a series scope and metadata reference
- createIcon(IconRow) - Method in class
Create or retrieve from cache an icon bitmap for the icon row
- createIcon(IconRow, float) - Method in class
Create or retrieve from cache an icon bitmap for the icon row
- createIcon(IconRow, float, IconCache) - Static method in class
Create or retrieve from cache an icon bitmap for the icon row
- createIcon(IconRow, IconCache) - Static method in class
Create or retrieve from cache an icon bitmap for the icon row
- createIconNoCache(IconRow) - Static method in class
Create an icon bitmap for the icon row without caching
- createIconNoCache(IconRow, float) - Static method in class
Create an icon bitmap for the icon row without caching
- createIconRelationship() - Method in class
Create an icon relationship for the feature table
- createImage(int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Create a new 16 bit single channel image
- createImage(int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Create a new image
- createImage(TileRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
Create a coverage data image
- createImage(TileRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Create a coverage data image
- createImage(TileRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Create a coverage data image
- createInvalidCursor(UserDao, UserCursor, List<Integer>, List<AttributesColumn>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesCursor
Create an invalid cursor
- createInvalidCursor(UserDao, UserCursor, List<Integer>, List<FeatureColumn>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCursor
Create an invalid cursor
- createInvalidCursor(UserDao, UserCursor, List<Integer>, List<TileColumn>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileCursor
Create an invalid cursor
- createInvalidCursor(UserDao, UserCursor, List<Integer>, List<UserCustomColumn>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomCursor
Create an invalid cursor
- createInvalidCursor(UserDao, UserCursor, List<Integer>, List<TColumn>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
Create an invalid cursor
- createIsEmptyFunction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexExtension
- createMaxXFunction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexExtension
- createMaxYFunction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexExtension
- createMetadata(Metadata) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create metadata
- createMetadata(Metadata, MetadataReference) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create metadata and metadata reference
- createMetadata(MetadataScopeType, String, String, MetadataReference) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create metadata and metadata reference
- createMetadataReference(Metadata, MetadataReference) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create metadata reference
- createMetadataReference(MetadataReference) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create metadata reference
- createMinXFunction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexExtension
- createMinYFunction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexExtension
- createNewBitmap() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Create a new empty Bitmap
- createOrUpdate(GeometryMetadata) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Create the geometry metadata or update if it already exists
- createRelationships() - Method in class
Create style, icon, table style, and table icon relationships for the feature table
- createReprojectTileDao(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
- createStyleRelationship() - Method in class
Create a style relationship for the feature table
- createTableIconRelationship() - Method in class
Create a feature table icon relationship
- createTableStyleRelationship() - Method in class
Create a feature table style relationship
- createTile(int, long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Create the tile
- createTile(int, long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Create the tile
- createTile(int, long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
Create the tile
- createTileMatrices(String, BoundingBox, long, long, long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create tile matrices for zoom levels
- createTileMatrices(String, BoundingBox, Collection<Long>, long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create tile matrices for zoom levels
- createTileMatrices(TileMatrixSet, long, long, long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create tile matrices for zoom levels
- createTileMatrices(TileMatrixSet, Collection<Long>, long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create tile matrices for zoom levels
- createTileMatrix(String, long, long, long, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create a tile matrix for a zoom level
- createTileMatrix(String, BoundingBox, long, long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create a tile matrix for a zoom level
- createTileMatrix(TileMatrix) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
- createTileMatrix(TileMatrixSet, long, long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create a tile matrix for a zoom level
- createTiles(String, String, String, BoundingBox, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create tiles table
- createTiles(String, String, String, BoundingBox, CoordinateReferenceSystem, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create tiles table
- createTiles(String, String, String, BoundingBox, SpatialReferenceSystem, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create tiles table
- createTiles(String, String, String, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create tiles table
- createTiles(String, String, String, CoordinateReferenceSystem, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create tiles table
- createTiles(String, String, String, SpatialReferenceSystem, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create tiles table
- createTiles(String, CoordinateReferenceSystem) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create tiles table
- createTiles(String, CoordinateReferenceSystem, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create tiles table
- createTiles(String, SpatialReferenceSystem, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Create tiles table
- createTileTable(GeoPackage, TileTableMetadata) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Create the coverage data tile table with metadata and extension
- createTileTable(GeoPackage, TileTableMetadata) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Create the coverage data tile table with metadata and extension
- createTileTable(GeoPackage, TileTableMetadata, GriddedCoverageDataType) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
Create the coverage data tile table with metadata and extension
- CursorResult - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db
Cursor result implementation
- CursorResult(Cursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.CursorResult
- CustomFeaturesTile - Interface in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features
Interface defining custom feature tile drawing.
- data - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.GeoPackageTile
Image bytes
- database - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
Database connection
- DATABASE_NAME - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDb
Metadata database name
- DATABASE_VERSION - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDb
Metadata database version
- databases() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
List all GeoPackage databases sorted alphabetically
- databases() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
List all GeoPackage databases sorted alphabetically
- databaseSet() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Set of all GeoPackage databases
- databaseSet() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Set of all GeoPackage databases
- databasesLike(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
List GeoPackage databases that match the provided like argument
- databasesLike(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
List GeoPackage databases that match the provided like argument
- databasesNotLike(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
List GeoPackage databases that do not match the provided like argument
- databasesNotLike(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
List GeoPackage databases that do not match the provided like argument
- DEFAULT_CACHE_MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCache
Default max number of feature rows to retain in cache
- DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class
Default max number of icon bitmaps to retain in cache
- DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Default max number of feature geometries to retain in cache
- DEFAULT_STYLE_PAINT_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePaintCache
Default max number of feature style paints to maintain
- DefaultFeatureTiles - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features
Default Feature Tiles implementation using Android Graphics to draw tiles from Well Known Binary Geometries
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Constructor, only for retrieving default feature attributes
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context, FeatureDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context, FeatureDao, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context, FeatureDao, float) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context, FeatureDao, float, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context, FeatureDao, int, int) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context, FeatureDao, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, float) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, float, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, float, int, int) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, float, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, int, int) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- DefaultFeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- delete() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Delete the RTree extension for the feature table
- delete(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Delete geometry metadata by database
- delete(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadataDataSource
Delete the database
- delete(long, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Delete geometry metadata by table name
- delete(long, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadataDataSource
Delete the database table name
- delete(long, String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Delete the geometry metadata
- delete(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Delete geometry metadata by database
- delete(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Delete the database
- delete(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadataDataSource
Delete the database
- delete(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Delete a database
- delete(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Delete a database
- delete(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Delete geometry metadata by table name
- delete(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadataDataSource
Delete the database table name
- delete(String, String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Delete the geometry metadata
- delete(String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Delete from table
- delete(String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Delete from table
- delete(String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
- delete(String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Delete from table
- delete(String, String, String[]) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Delete from table
- delete(GeometryMetadata) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Delete the geometry metadata
- delete(GeoPackageMetadata) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Delete the GeoPackage metadata
- delete(TableMetadata) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadataDataSource
Delete the table metadata
- delete(GeoPackageFile) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Delete the database
- deleteAll() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Delete all databases
- deleteAll() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Delete all databases
- deleteAllExternal() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Delete all external GeoPackages
- deleteAllExternal() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Delete all external GeoPackages
- deleteAllFeatureStyles() - Method in class
Delete all feature styles including table styles, table icons, style, and icons
- deleteAllFeatureStyles(String) - Method in class
Delete all feature styles including table styles, table icons, style, and icons
- deleteAllFeatureStyles(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Delete all feature styles including table styles, table icons, style, and icons
- deleteAllIcons() - Method in class
Delete all icons including table icons and feature row icons
- deleteAllIcons(String) - Method in class
Delete all icons including table icons and feature row icons
- deleteAllIcons(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Delete all icons including table icons and feature row icons
- deleteAllIndexes() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Delete the feature index from all query order locations
- deleteAllMissingExternal() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Delete all external GeoPackages where the external file can no longer be found
- deleteAllMissingExternal() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Delete all external GeoPackages where the external file can no longer be found
- deleteAllStyles() - Method in class
Delete all styles including table styles and feature row styles
- deleteAllStyles(String) - Method in class
Delete all styles including table styles and feature row styles
- deleteAllStyles(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Delete all styles including table styles and feature row styles
- deleteByBaseId(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Delete user mappings by base id
- deleteByBaseId(long, GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete by base is and geometry type
- deleteByBaseId(UserMappingRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Delete user mappings by base id
- deleteByIds(long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Delete user mappings by both base id and related id
- deleteByIds(UserMappingRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Delete user mappings by both base id and related id
- deleteByRelatedId(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Delete user mappings by related id
- deleteByRelatedId(UserMappingRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Delete user mappings by related id
- deleteFeatureStyles() - Method in class
Delete all feature styles
- deleteFeatureStyles(String) - Method in class
Delete all feature styles
- deleteFeatureStyles(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Delete all feature styles
- deleteIcon(long, GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete the feature row icon for the geometry type
- deleteIcon(String, long, GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete the feature row icon for the geometry type
- deleteIcon(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Delete the feature row icon for the feature row geometry type
- deleteIcon(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Delete the feature row icon for the feature row geometry type
- deleteIcon(FeatureRow, GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete the feature row icon for the geometry type
- deleteIcon(FeatureRow, GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete the feature row icon for the geometry type
- deleteIconDefault(long) - Method in class
Delete the feature row default icon
- deleteIconDefault(String, long) - Method in class
Delete the feature row default icon
- deleteIconDefault(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Delete the feature row default icon
- deleteIconDefault(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Delete the feature row default icon
- deleteIconRelationship() - Method in class
Delete a icon relationship for the feature table
- deleteIconRow(long) - Method in class
Delete an icon row by id and mappings
- deleteIconRow(IconRow) - Method in class
Delete an icon row and mappings
- deleteIconRowMappings(long) - Method in class
Delete icon row mappings
- deleteIconRowMappings(IconRow) - Method in class
Delete icon row mappings
- deleteIconRowNotMapped(long) - Method in class
Delete a icon row by id only if it has no mappings
- deleteIconRowNotMapped(IconRow) - Method in class
Delete a icon row only if it has no mappings
- deleteIconRows() - Method in class
Delete all icon rows and mappings to them
- deleteIconRows(String, String[]) - Method in class
Delete icon rows matching the where clause and mappings to them
- deleteIconRows(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Delete icon rows matching the field values and mappings to them
- deleteIconRowsNotMapped() - Method in class
Delete all icon rows if they have no mappings
- deleteIconRowsNotMapped(String, String[]) - Method in class
Delete icon rows matching the where clause if they have no mappings
- deleteIconRowsNotMapped(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Delete icon rows matching the field values if they have no mappings
- deleteIcons() - Method in class
Delete all icons
- deleteIcons(long) - Method in class
Delete feature row icons
- deleteIcons(String) - Method in class
Delete all icons
- deleteIcons(String, long) - Method in class
Delete feature row icons
- deleteIcons(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Delete feature row icons
- deleteIcons(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Delete feature row icons
- deleteIcons(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Delete all icons
- deleteIndex() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Delete the feature table index
- deleteIndex() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Delete the feature index
- deleteIndex(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Delete the index for the geometry id
- deleteIndex(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Delete the feature index for the geometry id
- deleteIndex(long, List<FeatureIndexType>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Delete the feature index for the geometry id from the index types
- deleteIndex(Collection<FeatureIndexType>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Delete the feature index from the index types
- deleteIndex(FeatureIndexType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Delete the feature index
- deleteIndex(FeatureIndexType, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Delete the feature index for the geometry id
- deleteIndex(FeatureIndexType, FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Delete the feature index for the feature row
- deleteIndex(FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Delete the index for the feature row
- deleteIndex(FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Delete the index for the feature row
- deleteIndex(FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Delete the feature index for the feature row
- deleteIndex(FeatureRow, List<FeatureIndexType>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Delete the feature index for the feature row from the index types
- deleteMappings(String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Delete mappings to the table and id
- deleteMappingsToBase(String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Delete mappings to the base table and id
- deleteMappingsToBase(Collection<ExtendedRelation>, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Delete mappings in the extended relations to the base id
- deleteMappingsToBase(ExtendedRelation, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Delete mappings in the extended relation to the base id
- deleteMappingsToRelated(String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Delete mappings to the related table and id
- deleteMappingsToRelated(Collection<ExtendedRelation>, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Delete mappings in the extended relations to the related id
- deleteMappingsToRelated(ExtendedRelation, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Delete mappings in the extended relation to the related id
- deleteRelationships() - Method in class
Delete the style and icon table and row relationships for the feature table
- deleteStyle(long, GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete the feature row style for the geometry type
- deleteStyle(String, long, GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete the feature row style for the geometry type
- deleteStyle(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Delete the feature row style for the feature row geometry type
- deleteStyle(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Delete the feature row style for the feature row geometry type
- deleteStyle(FeatureRow, GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete the feature row style for the geometry type
- deleteStyle(FeatureRow, GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete the feature row style for the geometry type
- deleteStyleDefault(long) - Method in class
Delete the feature row default style
- deleteStyleDefault(String, long) - Method in class
Delete the feature row default style
- deleteStyleDefault(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Delete the feature row default style
- deleteStyleDefault(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Delete the feature row default style
- deleteStyleRelationship() - Method in class
Delete a style relationship for the feature table
- deleteStyleRow(long) - Method in class
Delete a style row by id and mappings
- deleteStyleRow(StyleRow) - Method in class
Delete a style row and mappings
- deleteStyleRowMappings(long) - Method in class
Delete style row mappings
- deleteStyleRowMappings(StyleRow) - Method in class
Delete style row mappings
- deleteStyleRowNotMapped(long) - Method in class
Delete a style row by id only if it has no mappings
- deleteStyleRowNotMapped(StyleRow) - Method in class
Delete a style row only if it has no mappings
- deleteStyleRows() - Method in class
Delete all style rows and mappings to them
- deleteStyleRows(String, String[]) - Method in class
Delete style rows matching the where clause and mappings to them
- deleteStyleRows(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Delete style rows matching the field values and mappings to them
- deleteStyleRowsNotMapped() - Method in class
Delete all style rows if they have no mappings
- deleteStyleRowsNotMapped(String, String[]) - Method in class
Delete style rows matching the where clause if they have no mappings
- deleteStyleRowsNotMapped(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Delete style rows matching the field values if they have no mappings
- deleteStyles() - Method in class
Delete all styles
- deleteStyles(long) - Method in class
Delete feature row styles
- deleteStyles(String) - Method in class
Delete all styles
- deleteStyles(String, long) - Method in class
Delete feature row styles
- deleteStyles(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Delete feature row styles
- deleteStyles(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Delete feature row styles
- deleteStyles(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Delete all styles
- deleteTableFeatureStyles() - Method in class
Delete the feature table feature styles
- deleteTableFeatureStyles(String) - Method in class
Delete the feature table feature styles
- deleteTableFeatureStyles(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Delete the feature table feature styles
- deleteTableIcon(String, GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete the feature table icon for the geometry type
- deleteTableIcon(FeatureTable, GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete the feature table icon for the geometry type
- deleteTableIcon(GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete the feature table icon for the geometry type
- deleteTableIconDefault() - Method in class
Delete the feature table default icon
- deleteTableIconDefault(String) - Method in class
Delete the feature table default icon
- deleteTableIconDefault(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Delete the feature table default icon
- deleteTableIconRelationship() - Method in class
Delete a table icon relationship for the feature table
- deleteTableIcons() - Method in class
Delete the feature table icons
- deleteTableIcons(String) - Method in class
Delete the feature table icons
- deleteTableIcons(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Delete the feature table icons
- deleteTableStyle(String, GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete the feature table style for the geometry type
- deleteTableStyle(FeatureTable, GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete the feature table style for the geometry type
- deleteTableStyle(GeometryType) - Method in class
Delete the feature table style for the geometry type
- deleteTableStyleDefault() - Method in class
Delete the feature table default style
- deleteTableStyleDefault(String) - Method in class
Delete the feature table default style
- deleteTableStyleDefault(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Delete the feature table default style
- deleteTableStyleRelationship() - Method in class
Delete a table style relationship for the feature table
- deleteTableStyles() - Method in class
Delete the feature table styles
- deleteTableStyles(String) - Method in class
Delete the feature table styles
- deleteTableStyles(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Delete the feature table styles
- deleteTile(long, long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Delete a Tile
- deleteTileMatrices(boolean, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
- density - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Tile density based upon the device-independent pixels
- density(int) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileUtils
Get the density based upon the tile length (width or height)
- density(int, int) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileUtils
Get the density based upon the tile dimensions
- DGIWGGeoPackage - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg
DGIWG (Defence Geospatial Information Working Group) GeoPackage implementation
- DGIWGGeoPackage(GeoPackage) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
- DGIWGGeoPackageFactory - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg
DGIWG GeoPackage Factory to get a DGIWG GeoPackage Manager
- DGIWGGeoPackageFactory() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageFactory
- DGIWGGeoPackageManager - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg
DGIWG (Defence Geospatial Information Working Group) GeoPackage Manager used to create and open GeoPackages
- DGIWGGeoPackageManager(Context) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
- DISTINCT - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQueryParamType
Distinct flag
- draw() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Draw a preview image
- drawTile(float[][]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Draw a coverage data image tile from the double array of float pixel values formatted as float[row][width]
- drawTile(float[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Draw a coverage data image tile from the flat array of float pixel values of length tileWidth * tileHeight where each pixel is at: (y * tileWidth) + x
- drawTile(int[][]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Draw a coverage data image tile from the double array of unsigned 16 bit integer pixel values formatted as int[row][width]
- drawTile(int[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Draw a coverage data image tile from the flat array of unsigned 16 bit integer pixel values of length tileWidth * tileHeight where each pixel is at: (y * tileWidth) + x
- drawTile(int, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Draw a tile bitmap from the x, y, and zoom level
- drawTile(int, int, long, FeatureIndexResults) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Draw a custom tile
- drawTile(int, int, long, FeatureIndexResults) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.CustomFeaturesTile
Draw a custom tile
- drawTile(int, BoundingBox, List<FeatureRow>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Draw a tile bitmap from the feature rows
- drawTile(int, BoundingBox, List<FeatureRow>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Draw a tile bitmap from the feature rows
- drawTile(int, BoundingBox, FeatureIndexResults) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Draw a tile bitmap from feature index results
- drawTile(int, BoundingBox, FeatureIndexResults) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Draw a tile bitmap from feature index results
- drawTile(int, BoundingBox, FeatureCursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Draw a tile bitmap from feature geometries in the provided cursor
- drawTile(int, BoundingBox, FeatureCursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Draw a tile bitmap from feature geometries in the provided cursor
- drawTile(short[][]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Draw a coverage data tile from the double array of "unsigned short" pixel values formatted as short[row][width]
- drawTile(short[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Draw a coverage data image tile from the flat array of "unsigned short" pixel values of length tileWidth * tileHeight where each pixel is at: (y * tileWidth) + x
- drawTile(GriddedTile, Double[][]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Draw a coverage data image tile from the double array of unsigned coverage data values formatted as Double[row][width]
- drawTile(GriddedTile, Double[][]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Draw a coverage data image tile from the double array of coverage data values formatted as Double[row][width]
- drawTile(GriddedTile, Double[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Draw a coverage data image tile from the flat array of coverage data values of length tileWidth * tileHeight where each coverage data value is at: (y * tileWidth) + x
- drawTile(GriddedTile, Double[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Draw a coverage data image tile from the flat array of coverage data values of length tileWidth * tileHeight where each coverage data value is at: (y * tileWidth) + x
- drawTileBytes(int, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Draw the tile and get the bytes from the x, y, and zoom level
- drawTileData(float[][]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Draw a coverage data image tile and format as TIFF bytes from the double array of float pixel values formatted as float[row][width]
- drawTileData(float[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Draw a coverage data image tile and format as TIFF bytes from the flat array of float pixel values of length tileWidth * tileHeight where each pixel is at: (y * tileWidth) + x
- drawTileData(int[][]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Draw a coverage data image tile and format as PNG bytes from the double array of unsigned 16 bit integer pixel values formatted as int[row][width]
- drawTileData(int[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Draw a coverage data image tile and format as PNG bytes from the flat array of unsigned 16 bit integer pixel values of length tileWidth * tileHeight where each pixel is at: (y * tileWidth) + x
- drawTileData(short[][]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Draw a coverage data tile and format as PNG bytes from the double array of "unsigned short" pixel values formatted as short[row][width]
- drawTileData(short[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Draw a coverage data image tile and format as PNG bytes from the flat array of "unsigned short" pixel values of length tileWidth * tileHeight where each pixel is at: (y * tileWidth) + x
- drawTileData(GriddedTile, Double[][]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
Draw a coverage data image tile and format as TIFF bytes from the double array of coverage data values formatted as Double[row][width]
- drawTileData(GriddedTile, Double[][]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Draw a coverage data image tile and format as TIFF bytes from the double array of coverage data values formatted as Double[row][width]
- drawTileData(GriddedTile, Double[][]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Draw a coverage data image tile and format as TIFF bytes from the double array of coverage data values formatted as Double[row][width]
- drawTileData(GriddedTile, Double[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
Draw a coverage data image tile and format as TIFF bytes from the flat array of coverage data values of length tileWidth * tileHeight where each coverage data value is at: (y * tileWidth) + x
- drawTileData(GriddedTile, Double[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Draw a coverage data image tile and format as TIFF bytes from the flat array of coverage data values of length tileWidth * tileHeight where each coverage data value is at: (y * tileWidth) + x
- drawTileData(GriddedTile, Double[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Draw a coverage data image tile and format as TIFF bytes from the flat array of coverage data values of length tileWidth * tileHeight where each coverage data value is at: (y * tileWidth) + x
- drawTileQueryAll(int, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Draw a tile bitmap from the x, y, and zoom level by querying all features.
- drawTileQueryIndex(int, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Draw a tile bitmap from the x, y, and zoom level by querying features in the tile location
- drawUnindexedTile(int, int, long, FeatureCursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Draw a custom tile when the number of features within the tile is unknown.
- drawUnindexedTile(int, int, long, FeatureCursor) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.CustomFeaturesTile
Draw a custom tile when the number of features within the tile is unknown.
- enableInvalidRequery(AttributesDao) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesCursor
Enable requery attempt of invalid rows after iterating through original query rows.
- enableInvalidRequery(FeatureDao) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCursor
Enable requery attempt of invalid rows after iterating through original query rows.
- enableInvalidRequery(TileDao) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileCursor
Enable requery attempt of invalid rows after iterating through original query rows.
- enableInvalidRequery(UserCustomDao) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomCursor
Enable requery attempt of invalid rows after iterating through original query rows.
- enableInvalidRequery(UserDao<TColumn, TTable, TRow, ? extends UserCursor<TColumn, TTable, TRow>>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
Enable requery attempt of invalid rows after iterating through original query rows.
- endAndBeginTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
End a transaction as successful and begin a new transaction
- endAndBeginTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
End a transaction as successful and begin a new transaction
- endAndBeginTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
End a transaction as successful and begin a new transaction
- endAndBeginTransaction() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
End a transaction as successful and begin a new transaction
- endTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
End a transaction as successful
- endTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
End a transaction as successful
- endTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
End a transaction as successful
- endTransaction() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
End a transaction as successful
- endTransaction(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
End a transaction
- endTransaction(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
End a transaction
- endTransaction(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
- endTransaction(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
End a transaction
- endTransaction(boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
End a transaction
- endTransaction(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
- endTransaction(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
- execSQL(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Execute SQL
- execSQL(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Execute SQL
- execSQL(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
- execSQL(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Execute SQL
- execSQL(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Execute SQL
- execSQL(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
- execute(GeoPackageGeometryData) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.GeometryFunction
Execute the function
- executeSQL(String, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexExtension
- exists(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Determine if the metadata exists
- exists(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Determine if the database exists
- exists(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Determine if the database exists
- exists(GeometryMetadata) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Check if a table metadata exists
- existsAtExternalFile(DocumentFile) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Determine if a database exists at the provided external document file
- existsAtExternalFile(DocumentFile) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Determine if a database exists at the provided external document file
- existsAtExternalFile(File) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Determine if a database exists at the provided external file
- existsAtExternalFile(File) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Determine if a database exists at the provided external file
- existsAtExternalPath(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Determine if a database exists at the provided external file path
- existsAtExternalPath(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Determine if a database exists at the provided external file path
- expandBoundingBox(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Create an expanded bounding box to handle features outside the tile that overlap
- expandBoundingBox(BoundingBox, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Create an expanded bounding box to handle features outside the tile that overlap
- expandBoundingBox(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Create an expanded bounding box to handle features outside the tile that overlap
- exportGeoPackage(String, Uri, ContentValues) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Export a GeoPackage database to a Uri
- exportGeoPackage(String, Uri, ContentValues) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Export a GeoPackage database to a Uri
- exportGeoPackage(String, Uri, ContentValues, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Export a GeoPackage database to a Uri
- exportGeoPackage(String, Uri, ContentValues, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Export a GeoPackage database to a Uri
- exportGeoPackage(String, DocumentFile) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Export a GeoPackage database to a document file
- exportGeoPackage(String, DocumentFile) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Export a GeoPackage database to a document file
- exportGeoPackage(String, DocumentFile, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Export a GeoPackage database to a document file
- exportGeoPackage(String, DocumentFile, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Export a GeoPackage database to a document file
- exportGeoPackage(String, File) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Export a GeoPackage database to a file
- exportGeoPackage(String, File) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Export a GeoPackage database to a file
- exportGeoPackage(String, File, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Export a GeoPackage database to a file
- exportGeoPackage(String, File, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Export a GeoPackage database to a file
- exportGeoPackage(String, String, Uri) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Export a GeoPackage database to a media store
- exportGeoPackage(String, String, Uri) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Export a GeoPackage database to a media store
- exportGeoPackage(String, String, Uri, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Export a GeoPackage database to a media store
- exportGeoPackage(String, String, Uri, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Export a GeoPackage database to a media store
- exportGeoPackage(String, String, File) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Export a GeoPackage database to a file
- exportGeoPackage(String, String, File) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Export a GeoPackage database to a file
- exportGeoPackage(String, String, File, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Export a GeoPackage database to a file
- exportGeoPackage(String, String, File, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Export a GeoPackage database to a file
- exportGeoPackage(String, String, String, Uri) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Export a GeoPackage database to a media store
- exportGeoPackage(String, String, String, Uri) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Export a GeoPackage database to a media store
- exportGeoPackage(String, String, String, Uri, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Export a GeoPackage database to a media store
- exportGeoPackage(String, String, String, Uri, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Export a GeoPackage database to a media store
- externalCount() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Get the count of external GeoPackage databases
- externalCount() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Get the count of external GeoPackage databases
- externalDatabases() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
List all external GeoPackage databases sorted alphabetically
- externalDatabases() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
List all external GeoPackage databases sorted alphabetically
- externalDatabaseSet() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Set of all external GeoPackage databases
- externalDatabaseSet() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Set of all external GeoPackage databases
- externalPath - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
External path when not located in the app space
- FeatureCache - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.user
Feature Row Cache for a single feature table
- FeatureCache() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCache
Constructor, created with cache max size of
- FeatureCache(int) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCache
- FeatureCacheTables - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.user
Feature Row Cache for multiple feature tables in a single GeoPackage
- FeatureCacheTables() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Constructor, created with cache size of
- FeatureCacheTables(int) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
- FeatureConnection - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.user
GeoPackage Feature Connection
- FeatureConnection(GeoPackageConnection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureConnection
- FeatureCursor - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.user
Feature Cursor to wrap a database cursor for feature queries
- FeatureCursor(FeatureTable, Cursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCursor
- FeatureCursor(FeatureTable, String[], Cursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCursor
- featureDao - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.OAPIFeatureGenerator
Feature DAO
- featureDao - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Tile data access object
- FeatureDao - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.user
Feature DAO for reading feature user data tables
- FeatureDao(String, GeoPackageConnection, GeometryColumns, FeatureTable) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
- FeatureDao(FeatureDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
Constructor, semi copy constructor with separate connection states
- FeatureDrawType - Enum in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features
Feature Draw Types when drawing feature tiles
- FeatureIndexer - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db
Feature Indexer, indexes feature geometries into a table for searching
- FeatureIndexer(Context, FeatureDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
- FeatureIndexer(Context, FeatureDao, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
- FeatureIndexerIdCursor - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db
Feature Indexer Id cursor to filter on matching queried ids
- FeatureIndexerIdCursor(String[], FeatureCursor, FeatureIndexerIdQuery) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdCursor
- FeatureIndexerIdCursor(FeatureCursor, FeatureIndexerIdQuery) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdCursor
- FeatureIndexerIdCursor(FeatureTable, Cursor, FeatureIndexerIdQuery) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdCursor
- FeatureIndexerIdCursor(FeatureTable, String[], Cursor, FeatureIndexerIdQuery) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdCursor
- FeatureIndexerIdQuery - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db
Feature Indexer Id query with nested SQL and arguments
- FeatureIndexerIdQuery() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdQuery
- FeatureIndexFeatureResults - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.index
Iterable Feature Index Results to iterate on feature results from a feature DAO
- FeatureIndexFeatureResults(FeatureCursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexFeatureResults
- FeatureIndexGeoPackageResults - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.index
Iterable Feature Index Results to iterate on feature rows retrieved from GeoPackage index extension results
- FeatureIndexGeoPackageResults(FeatureTableIndex, long, CloseableIterator<GeometryIndex>) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexGeoPackageResults
- FeatureIndexListResults - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.index
Feature Index Results Feature Row list implementation
- FeatureIndexListResults() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexListResults
- FeatureIndexListResults(List<FeatureRow>) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexListResults
- FeatureIndexListResults(FeatureRow) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexListResults
- FeatureIndexLocation - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.index
Feature Index Location to iterate over indexed feature index types
- FeatureIndexLocation(FeatureIndexManager) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexLocation
- FeatureIndexManager - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.index
Feature Index Manager to manage indexing of feature geometries in both Android metadata and within a GeoPackage using the Geometry Index Extension
- FeatureIndexManager(Context, GeoPackage, String) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
- FeatureIndexManager(Context, GeoPackage, String, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
- FeatureIndexManager(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
- FeatureIndexManager(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
- FeatureIndexMetadataResults - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.index
Iterable Feature Index Results to iterate on feature rows retrieved from Metadata index results
- FeatureIndexMetadataResults(FeatureIndexer, Cursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexMetadataResults
- FeatureIndexResults - Interface in mil.nga.geopackage.features.index
Iterable Feature Index Results to iterate on feature rows
- FeatureIndexRTreeResults - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree
Iterable Feature Index Results to iterate on feature rows retrieved from RTree results
- FeatureIndexRTreeResults(RTreeIndexTableDao, UserCustomCursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.FeatureIndexRTreeResults
- FeatureIndexType - Enum in mil.nga.geopackage.features.index
Feature Index type enumeration of index location
- FeatureInvalidCursor - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.user
Feature Invalid Cursor wrapper for feature requery to handle failed rows due to large blobs
- FeatureInvalidCursor(FeatureDao, FeatureCursor, List<Integer>, List<FeatureColumn>) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureInvalidCursor
- FeaturePaginatedCursor - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.user
Feature Paginated Cursor for iterating and querying through features in chunks
- FeaturePaginatedCursor(FeatureDao, FeatureCursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeaturePaginatedCursor
- FeaturePaint - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features
Paint objects for drawing the different types for a single feature
- FeaturePaint() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePaint
- FeaturePaintCache - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features
Feature Paint Cache of Paint objects for each feature id and draw type
- FeaturePaintCache() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePaintCache
- FeaturePaintCache(int) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePaintCache
- FeaturePreview - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features
Feature Preview for drawing a preview tile from a feature table
- FeaturePreview(Context, GeoPackage, String) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
- FeaturePreview(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
- FeaturePreview(GeoPackage, FeatureTiles) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
- FeatureRow - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.user
Feature Row containing the values from a single cursor row
- FeatureRow(FeatureRow) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow
Copy Constructor
- FeatureRowData - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay
Represents the values of a single feature row
- FeatureRowData(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
- FeatureRowData(Map<String, Object>, String) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
- FeatureRowData(Map<String, Object>, String, String) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
- FeatureRowSync - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.user
Feature Row Sync to support reading a single feature row copy when multiple near simultaneous asynchronous requests are made
- FeatureRowSync() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRowSync
- FeatureStyle - Class in
Feature Style, including a style and icon, for a single feature geometry
- FeatureStyle() - Constructor for class
- FeatureStyle(IconRow) - Constructor for class
- FeatureStyle(StyleRow) - Constructor for class
- FeatureStyle(StyleRow, IconRow) - Constructor for class
- FeatureStyleExtension - Class in
Feature Style extension for styling features
- FeatureStyleExtension(GeoPackage) - Constructor for class
- FeatureStyles - Class in
Feature Styles, including styles and icons, for a single feature geometry or feature table default
- FeatureStyles() - Constructor for class
- FeatureStyles(Icons) - Constructor for class
- FeatureStyles(Styles) - Constructor for class
- FeatureStyles(Styles, Icons) - Constructor for class
- FeatureTableData - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay
Represents a collection of rows from a feature table
- FeatureTableData(String, long) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureTableData
- FeatureTableData(String, long, List<FeatureRowData>) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureTableData
- FeatureTableIndex - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index
Feature Table Index NGA Extension implementation.
- FeatureTableIndex(GeoPackage, FeatureDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
- FeatureTableIndex(GeoPackage, FeatureDao, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
- featureTableStyles - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Feature Style extension
- FeatureTableStyles - Class in
Feature Table Styles, styles and icons for an individual feature table
- FeatureTableStyles(GeoPackage, String) - Constructor for class
- FeatureTableStyles(GeoPackage, Contents) - Constructor for class
- FeatureTableStyles(GeoPackage, GeometryColumns) - Constructor for class
- FeatureTableStyles(GeoPackage, FeatureTable) - Constructor for class
- FeatureTileCanvas - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features
Feature Tile Canvas for creating layered tiles to draw ordered features.
- FeatureTileCanvas(int, int) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileCanvas
- FeatureTileGenerator - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features
Creates a set of tiles within a GeoPackage by generating tiles from features
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, int[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, int[], Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Constructor, find the the bounding box from the feature table
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, int, int, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, int, int, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Constructor, find the the bounding box from the feature table
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, int, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, int, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Constructor, find the the bounding box from the feature table
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, Collection<Integer>, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, Collection<Integer>, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Constructor, find the the bounding box from the feature table
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, GeoPackage, int[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, GeoPackage, int[], Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Constructor, find the the bounding box from the feature table
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, GeoPackage, int, int, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, GeoPackage, int, int, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Constructor, find the the bounding box from the feature table
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, GeoPackage, int, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, GeoPackage, int, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Constructor, find the the bounding box from the feature table
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, GeoPackage, Collection<Integer>, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, GeoPackage, Collection<Integer>, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Constructor, find the the bounding box from the feature table
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, GeoPackage, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, GeoPackage, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Constructor, find the the bounding box from the feature table
- FeatureTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, FeatureTiles, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Constructor, find the the bounding box from the feature table
- FeatureTilePointIcon - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features
Point icon in place of a drawn circle
- FeatureTilePointIcon(Bitmap) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTilePointIcon
- FeatureTiles - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features
Tiles drawn from or linked to features.
- FeatureTiles(Context, FeatureDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
- FeatureTiles(Context, FeatureDao, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
- FeatureTiles(Context, FeatureDao, float) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
- FeatureTiles(Context, FeatureDao, float, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
- FeatureTiles(Context, FeatureDao, int, int) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
- FeatureTiles(Context, FeatureDao, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
- FeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- FeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- FeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, float) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- FeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, float, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- FeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, float, int, int) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- FeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, float, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- FeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, int, int) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- FeatureTiles(Context, GeoPackage, FeatureDao, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Constructor, auto creates the index manager for indexed tables and feature styles for styled tables
- FeatureTileTableLinker - Class in
Feature Tile Table linker, used to link feature and tile tables together when the tiles represent the feature data
- FeatureTileTableLinker(GeoPackage) - Constructor for class
- FeatureWrapperConnection - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.user
to query feature tables - FeatureWrapperConnection(GeoPackageConnection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureWrapperConnection
- FILL - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureDrawType
Fill for a polygon
- fillPolygon - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Fill polygon flag
- flushStream() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPngImage
Flush the output stream and set the image bytes, close the stream
- foreignKeyCheck() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Perform a foreign key check on the database
- foreignKeyCheck() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Perform a foreign key check on the database
- foreignKeyCheck(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Perform a foreign key check on the database table
- foreignKeyCheck(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Perform a foreign key check on the database table
- generateTiles() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Generate the tiles
- geodesic - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Draw geometries using geodesic lines
- geodesicPath(double, List<Point>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
When geodesic is enabled, create a geodesic path of points
- geometryCache - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Geometry cache
- GeometryFunction - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree
Geometry Function for reading Geometry Data from a geometry column blob
- GeometryFunction(String) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.GeometryFunction
- GeometryMetadata - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata
Geometry metadata used to index feature bounds
- GeometryMetadata() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
- GeometryMetadataDataSource - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata
Table metadata Data Source
- GeometryMetadataDataSource(GeoPackageMetadataDb) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
- GeometryMetadataDataSource(GeoPackageMetadataDb, boolean, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
- GeoPackage - Interface in mil.nga.geopackage
A single GeoPackage database connection
- GEOPACKAGE - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexType
GeoPackage extension tables
- GeoPackageActivity - Class in mil.nga.geopackage
GeoPackage Activity
- GeoPackageActivity() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageActivity
- GeoPackageCache - Class in mil.nga.geopackage
GeoPackage Cache
- GeoPackageCache(GeoPackageManager) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCache
- GeoPackageConnection - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db
GeoPackage Android Connection wrapper
- GeoPackageConnection(GeoPackageConnection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
Copy Constructor
- GeoPackageConnection(GeoPackageConnection, GeoPackageDatabase) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
Copy Constructor
- GeoPackageConnection(GeoPackageDatabase) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
- GeoPackageCreator - Class in mil.nga.geopackage
GeoPackage Creator
- GeoPackageCreator() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCreator
- GeoPackageCreator(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCreator
- GeoPackageCreator(Context) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCreator
- GeoPackageCreator(Context, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCreator
- GeoPackageCursorFactory - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db
GeoPackage Cursor Factory.
- GeoPackageCursorFactory() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageCursorFactory
- GeoPackageCursorWrapper - Interface in mil.nga.geopackage.db
Interface for database cursor wrapping implementations.
- GeoPackageDatabase - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db
GeoPackage database wrapper around SQLiteDatabase to quote table and column names
- GeoPackageDatabase(SQLiteDatabase) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
- GeoPackageDatabase(SQLiteDatabase, boolean, GeoPackageCursorFactory) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
- GeoPackageDatabase(SQLiteDatabase, GeoPackageCursorFactory) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
- GeoPackageDatabase(GeoPackageDatabase) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Copy constructor
- GeoPackageFactory - Class in mil.nga.geopackage
GeoPackage Factory to get a GeoPackage Manager
- GeoPackageFactory() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageFactory
- geoPackageId - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
GeoPackage Id
- geoPackageId - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
GeoPackage Id
- GeoPackageImpl - Class in mil.nga.geopackage
A single GeoPackage database connection implementation
- GeoPackageImpl(Context, String, String, GeoPackageConnection, GeoPackageCursorFactory, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
- GeoPackageManager - Interface in mil.nga.geopackage
GeoPackage Database management
- GeoPackageManagerImpl - Class in mil.nga.geopackage
GeoPackage Database management implementation
- GeoPackageManagerImpl(Context) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
- GeoPackageMetadata - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata
GeoPackage metadata
- GeoPackageMetadata() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
- GeoPackageMetadataDataSource - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata
GeoPackage metadata Data Source
- GeoPackageMetadataDataSource(GeoPackageMetadataDb) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
- GeoPackageMetadataDb - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata
GeoPackage Metadata database
- GeoPackageMetadataDb(Context) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDb
- GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase - Interface in mil.nga.geopackage.db
GeoPackage SQLiteDatabase interface
- GeoPackageTile - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever
GeoPackage tile wrapper containing tile dimensions and raw image bytes
- GeoPackageTile(int, int, byte[]) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.GeoPackageTile
- GeoPackageTileRetriever - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever
GeoPackage Tile Retriever, retrieves a tile from a GeoPackage from XYZ coordinates
- GeoPackageTileRetriever(TileDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.GeoPackageTileRetriever
Constructor using GeoPackage tile sizes
- GeoPackageTileRetriever(TileDao, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.GeoPackageTileRetriever
Constructor with specified tile size
- get(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Get GeoPackage metadata by id
- get(long) - Method in class
Get the cached bitmap for the icon row id or null if not cached
- get(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCache
Get the cached feature row by feature id
- get(long, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadataDataSource
Get a table metadata
- get(long, String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Get a table metadata
- get(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Get GeoPackage metadata by name
- get(String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Get the cached feature row by table name and feature id
- get(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadataDataSource
Get a table metadata
- get(String, String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Get a table metadata
- get(GeometryMetadata) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Get a table metadata
- get(IconRow) - Method in class
Get the cached bitmap for the icon row or null if not cached
- get(UserQueryParamType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Get the param value
- getActive() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Get the active connection
- getAll() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Get all GeoPackage metadata
- getAllExternal() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Get all external GeoPackage metadata
- getAllIconIds() - Method in class
Get all the unique icon row ids the features map to
- getAllIconIds(String) - Method in class
Get all the unique icon row ids the features map to
- getAllIconIds(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Get all the unique icon row ids the features map to
- getAllStyleIds() - Method in class
Get all the unique style row ids the features map to
- getAllStyleIds(String) - Method in class
Get all the unique style row ids the features map to
- getAllStyleIds(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Get all the unique style row ids the features map to
- getAllTableIconIds() - Method in class
Get all the unique icon row ids the table maps to
- getAllTableIconIds(String) - Method in class
Get all the unique icon row ids the table maps to
- getAllTableIconIds(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Get all the unique icon row ids the table maps to
- getAllTableStyleIds() - Method in class
Get all the unique style row ids the table maps to
- getAllTableStyleIds(String) - Method in class
Get all the unique style row ids the table maps to
- getAllTableStyleIds(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Get all the unique style row ids the table maps to
- getAnchorU() - Method in class
Get the anchor u
- getAnchorUColumn() - Method in class
Get the anchor u column
- getAnchorUColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the anchor u column index
- getAnchorUOrDefault() - Method in class
Get the anchor u value or the default value of 0.5
- getAnchorV() - Method in class
Get the anchor v
- getAnchorVColumn() - Method in class
Get the anchor v column
- getAnchorVColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the anchor v column index
- getAnchorVOrDefault() - Method in class
Get the anchor v value or the default value of 1.0
- getAndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Get the Android Bindings SQLite Database connection
- getAndroidSQLiteDatabase() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Get the Android SQLite Database connection
- getApproximateZoomLevel(double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the approximate zoom level for the provided length in the default units.
- getApproximateZoomLevel(double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the approximate zoom level for the provided width and height in the default units.
- getArgs() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdQuery
Get the arguments
- getAttributesDao(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get an Attributes DAO from a table name
- getAttributesDao(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get an Attributes DAO from a table name
- getAttributesDao(AttributesTable) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get an Attributes DAO from a table
- getAttributesDao(AttributesTable) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get an Attributes DAO from a table
- getAttributesDao(Contents) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get an Attributes DAO from Contents
- getAttributesDao(Contents) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get an Attributes DAO from Contents
- getAttributesDb() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesDao
Get the Attributes connection
- getBaseId() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingRow
Get the base ID
- getBaseIdColumn() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingRow
Get the base ID column
- getBaseIdColumnIndex() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingRow
Get the base ID column index
- getBindingsCursorFactory() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageCursorFactory
Get the SQLite Android Bindings cursor factory
- getBindingsDb() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Get the SQLite bindings database connection
- getBitmap() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.GeoPackageTile
Get image bitmap
- getBlob(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getBoundingBox() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesDao
Not supported for Attributes
- getBoundingBox() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for the bounds of the feature table index
- getBoundingBox() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
- getBoundingBox() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for the feature index bounds
- getBoundingBox() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
- getBoundingBox() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually build the bounds of the feature table
- getBoundingBox() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Get bounding box
- getBoundingBox() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
- getBoundingBox() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomDao
- getBoundingBox(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Get the bounding box, possibly expanded for the zoom level
- getBoundingBox(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Get the bounding box, possibly expanded for the zoom level
- getBoundingBox(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the bounding box of tiles
- getBoundingBox(long, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for the bounds of the feature table index
- getBoundingBox(long, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the bounding box of tiles at the zoom level
- getBoundingBox(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for the bounds of the feature table index
- getBoundingBox(Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesDao
- getBoundingBox(Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for the feature index bounds and return in the provided projection
- getBoundingBox(Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
- getBoundingBox(Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for the feature index bounds and return in the provided projection
- getBoundingBox(Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
- getBoundingBox(Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually build the bounds of the feature table in the provided projection
- getBoundingBox(Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
- getBoundingBox(Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomDao
- getBufferPercentage() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Get the buffer percentage for drawing empty non features edges (i.e.
- getCache(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Get or create a feature row cache for the table name
- getCache(FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Get or create a feature row cache for the feature row
- getCachedTableIcons() - Method in class
Get the cached table icons, querying and caching if needed
- getCachedTableStyles() - Method in class
Get the cached table styles, querying and caching if needed
- getChunkLimit() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Get the SQL query chunk limit
- getChunkLimit() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Get the SQL query chunk limit
- getCircleFillPaint() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Get the paint object used to draw the filled circle
- getCirclePaddingPercentage() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Get the circle padding percentage around the text
- getCirclePaint() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Get the paint object used to draw the circle
- getClosestZoomLevel(double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the closest zoom level for the provided width and height in the default units
- getClosestZoomLevel(double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the closest zoom level for the provided width and height in the default units
- getColor() - Method in class
Get the style color
- getColorColumn() - Method in class
Get the color column
- getColorColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the color column index
- getColorOrDefault() - Method in class
Get the color or default value
- getColumnCount() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getColumnIndex(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getColumns() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesCursor
- getColumns() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesRow
- getColumns() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCursor
- getColumns() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow
- getColumns() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQueryResults
Get the feature columns
- getColumns() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Get the query columns
- getColumns() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileCursor
- getColumns() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
- getColumns() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomCursor
- getColumns() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomRow
- getColumns() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- getColumns() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getColumns() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Get the column names
- getColumnsAs() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Get the columns as values
- getCompressFormat() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the compress format
- getCompressFormat() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Get the compress format
- getCompressQuality() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Get the compress quality
- getConnection() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get the GeoPackage connection
- getConnection() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get the GeoPackage connection
- getConnectionSource() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
- getContentType() - Method in class
Get the content type
- getContentTypeColumn() - Method in class
Get the content type column
- getContentTypeColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the content type column index
- getContext() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get the application context
- getContext() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCreator
Get the context
- getContext() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get the application context
- getContext() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Get the application context
- getContext() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Get the application context
- getCount() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdCursor
- getCount() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdQuery
Get the number of ids
- getCount() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureTableData
Get the row count
- getCount() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- getCount() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getCoverageData(GeoPackage, TileDao) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
Get a Tiled Gridded Coverage Data, use the coverage data pixel tile size as the request size width and height
- getCoverageData(GeoPackage, TileDao, Integer, Integer, Projection) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
Get a Tiled Gridded Coverage Data
- getCoverageData(GeoPackage, TileDao, Projection) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
Get a Tiled Gridded Coverage Data, use the coverage data pixel tile size as the request size width and height, request as the specified projection
- getCursor() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesPaginatedCursor
Get the current paginated cursor
- getCursor() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexFeatureResults
Get the cursor
- getCursor() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeaturePaginatedCursor
Get the current paginated cursor
- getCursor() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TilePaginatedCursor
Get the current paginated cursor
- getCursor() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomPaginatedCursor
Get the current paginated cursor
- getCursor() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserPaginatedCursor
Get the current paginated cursor
- getCursorFactory() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Get the cursor factory
- getCursorFactory() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get the cursor factory
- getCursorFactory() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get the cursor factory
- getDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesPaginatedCursor
- getDao() - Method in class
- getDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeaturePaginatedCursor
- getDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TilePaginatedCursor
- getDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomPaginatedCursor
- getDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserPaginatedCursor
- getData() - Method in class
Get the data
- getData() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.GeoPackageTile
Get image data
- getDatabase() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
Get the database
- getDatabase(File) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Get the database name from the file
- getDatabaseAtExternalFile(DocumentFile) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Get the database name at the external file
- getDatabaseAtExternalFile(DocumentFile) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Get the database name at the external file
- getDatabaseAtExternalFile(File) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Get the database name at the external file
- getDatabaseAtExternalFile(File) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Get the database name at the external file
- getDatabaseAtExternalPath(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Get the database name at the external file path
- getDatabaseAtExternalPath(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Get the database name at the external file path
- getDatabaseConnection() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
Get the database connection
- getDataBitmap() - Method in class
Get the data bitmap
- getDataBitmap(BitmapFactory.Options) - Method in class
Get the data bitmap with decoding options
- getDataBounds() - Method in class
Read the data bounds without allocating pixel memory.
- getDataColumn() - Method in class
Get the data column
- getDataColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the data column index
- getDb() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Get the SQLite database connection
- getDb() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Get the SQLite database connection
- getDb() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
Get the database connection
- getDb() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Get the SQLite database connection
- getDb() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
- getDefault() - Method in class
Get the default icon
- getDefault() - Method in class
Default style
- getDensity() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the density
- getDerivedDimensions() - Method in class
Get the derived width and height from the values and icon data, scaled as needed
- getDerivedHeight() - Method in class
Get the height or derived height from the icon data and scaled as needed for the width
- getDerivedWidth() - Method in class
Get the width or derived width from the icon data and scaled as needed for the height
- getDescription() - Method in class
Get the description
- getDescription() - Method in class
Get the description
- getDescriptionColumn() - Method in class
Get the description column
- getDescriptionColumn() - Method in class
Get the description column
- getDescriptionColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the description column index
- getDescriptionColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the description column index
- getDirectory() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiffImage
Get the file directory
- getDistinct() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Get the distinct flag
- getDocumentFile(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Get the document file of the database
- getDocumentFile(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Get the document file of the database
- getDouble(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getErrors() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Get the most recent
results - getExternalAtPath(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Get external GeoPackage metadata by external path
- getExternalManager() - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageFactory
Get a GeoPackage Manager for operating only on external GeoPackages
- getExternalManager() - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageFactory
Get a GeoPackage Manager for operating only on external GeoPackages
- getExternalPath() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
Get the external path
- getFeatureBoundingBox(Projection, String, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
- getFeatureDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Get the feature DAO
- getFeatureDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Get the feature DAO
- getFeatureDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.OAPIFeatureGenerator
Get the feature DAO
- getFeatureDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Get the feature DAO
- getFeatureDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQueryResults
Get the feature DAO
- getFeatureDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the feature DAO
- getFeatureDao(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get a Feature DAO from a table name
- getFeatureDao(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get a Feature DAO from a table name
- getFeatureDao(Contents) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get a Feature DAO from Contents
- getFeatureDao(Contents) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get a Feature DAO from Contents
- getFeatureDao(GeometryColumns) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get a Feature DAO from Geometry Columns
- getFeatureDao(GeometryColumns) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get a Feature DAO from Geometry Columns
- getFeatureDao(FeatureTable) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get a Feature DAO from a table
- getFeatureDao(FeatureTable) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get a Feature DAO from a table
- getFeatureDaosForTileTable(String) - Method in class
Query for the feature tables linked to a tile table and return feature DAOs to those tables
- getFeatureDb() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
Get the Feature connection
- getFeatureIcons() - Method in class
Get all icons used by feature rows in the table
- getFeatureIcons(String) - Method in class
Get all icons used by feature rows in the table
- getFeatureIds() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQueryResults
Get the feature ids
- getFeatureIndexer() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Get the feature indexer, used to index in metadata tables
- getFeaturePaint(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePaintCache
Get the feature paint for the style row id
- getFeaturePaint(StyleRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePaintCache
Get the feature paint for the style row
- getFeatureRow(Cursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Get the feature row for the current place in the cursor
- getFeatureRow(GeometryMetadata) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Get the feature row for the Geometry Metadata
- getFeatureRow(GeometryIndex) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Get the feature row for the Geometry Index
- getFeatureRow(RTreeIndexTableRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Get the feature row from the RTree Index Table row
- getFeatureRow(UserCustomCursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Get the feature row from the RTree Index Table row
- getFeatureRow(UserCustomRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Get the feature row from the user custom row
- getFeatureStyle(long, GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the feature style (style and icon) of the feature, searching in order: feature geometry type style or icon, feature default style or icon, table geometry type style or icon, table default style or icon
- getFeatureStyle(String, long, GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the feature style (style and icon) of the feature, searching in order: feature geometry type style or icon, feature default style or icon, table geometry type style or icon, table default style or icon
- getFeatureStyle(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the feature style (style and icon) of the feature row, searching in order: feature geometry type style or icon, feature default style or icon, table geometry type style or icon, table default style or icon
- getFeatureStyle(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the feature style (style and icon) of the feature row, searching in order: feature geometry type style or icon, feature default style or icon, table geometry type style or icon, table default style or icon
- getFeatureStyle(FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the feature style for the feature row and geometry type
- getFeatureStyle(FeatureRow, GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the feature style (style and icon) of the feature row with the provided geometry type, searching in order: feature geometry type style or icon, feature default style or icon, table geometry type style or icon, table default style or icon
- getFeatureStyle(FeatureRow, GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the feature style (style and icon) of the feature row with the provided geometry type, searching in order: feature geometry type style or icon, feature default style or icon, table geometry type style or icon, table default style or icon
- getFeatureStyle(FeatureRow, GeometryType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the feature style for the feature row and geometry type
- getFeatureStyleDefault(long) - Method in class
Get the feature style (style and icon) of the feature, searching in order: feature geometry type style or icon, feature default style or icon, table geometry type style or icon, table default style or icon
- getFeatureStyleDefault(String, long) - Method in class
Get the feature style (style and icon) of the feature, searching in order: feature geometry type style or icon, feature default style or icon, table geometry type style or icon, table default style or icon
- getFeatureStyleDefault(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the feature style default (style and icon) of the feature row, searching in order: feature default style or icon, table default style or icon
- getFeatureStyleDefault(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the feature style default (style and icon) of the feature row, searching in order: feature default style or icon, table default style or icon
- getFeatureStyleExtension() - Method in class
Get the feature style extension
- getFeatureStyles() - Method in class
Get all styles used by feature rows in the table
- getFeatureStyles(long) - Method in class
Get the feature styles for the feature id
- getFeatureStyles(String) - Method in class
Get all styles used by feature rows in the table
- getFeatureStyles(String, long) - Method in class
Get the feature styles for the feature table and feature id
- getFeatureStyles(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the feature styles for the feature row
- getFeatureStyles(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the feature styles for the feature row
- getFeatureTableIndex() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Get the feature table index, used to index inside the GeoPackage as an extension
- getFeatureTableStyles() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the feature table styles
- getFeatureTiles() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Get the feature tiles
- getFile() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Get the DGIWG file
- getFile(DocumentFile) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Get a file from the document file
- getFile(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Get the file of the database
- getFile(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Get the file of the database
- getFileName() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Get the DGIWG file name
- getFillColor() - Method in class
Get the style fill color
- getFillColorColumn() - Method in class
Get the fill color column
- getFillColorColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the fill color column index
- getFillHexColor() - Method in class
Get the fill color
- getFillOpacity() - Method in class
Get the fill opacity
- getFillOpacityColumn() - Method in class
Get the fill opacity column
- getFillOpacityColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the fill opacity column index
- getFillOpacityOrDefault() - Method in class
Get the fill opacity or default value
- getFloat(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getFloatRectangle(long, long, BoundingBox, BoundingBox) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileBoundingBoxAndroidUtils
Get a rectangle with floating point boundaries using the tile width, height, bounding box, and the bounding box section within the outer box to build the rectangle from
- getGeometry() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCursor
Get the geometry
- getGeometry() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow
Get the geometry
- getGeometry() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
Get the geometry
- getGeometryColumn() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow
Get the geometry feature column
- getGeometryColumn() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
Get the geometry column name
- getGeometryColumnIndex() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow
Get the geometry column index
- getGeometryColumnName() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
Get the Geometry Column name
- getGeometryColumnName() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow
Get the geometry column name
- getGeometryColumns() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
Get the Geometry Columns
- getGeometryData() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
Get the geometry data
- getGeometryEnvelope() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow
Get the geometry envelope
- getGeometryEnvelope() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
Get the geometry envelope
- getGeometryId(Cursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Get the Geometry Metadata id for the current place in the cursor
- getGeometryMetadata(Cursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Get the Geometry Metadata for the current place in the cursor
- getGeometryType() - Method in class
Get the geometry type
- getGeometryType() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
Get the Geometry Type
- getGeometryType() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow
Get the simple features geometry type
- getGeometryType() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
Get the geometry type
- getGeometryTypeName() - Method in class
Get the geometry type name
- getGeometryTypeNameColumn() - Method in class
Get the geometry type name column
- getGeometryTypeNameColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the geometry type name column index
- getGeometryValue() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow
Get the simple features geometry value
- getGeoPackage() - Method in class
- getGeoPackage() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
- getGeoPackage() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexExtension
- getGeoPackage() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.OAPIFeatureGenerator
- getGeoPackage() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Get the GeoPackage
- getGeoPackage() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Get the GeoPackage
- getGeoPackage() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Get the GeoPackage
- getGeoPackageId() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Get the GeoPackage id
- getGeoPackageId() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
Get the GeoPackage id
- getGeoPackageId(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Get a GeoPackage id from the name
- getGeoPackageId(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadataDataSource
Get a GeoPackage id from the name
- getGroupBy() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Get the group by value
- getHaving() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Get the having value
- getHeight() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPngImage
- getHeight() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiffImage
- getHeight() - Method in class
Get the height
- getHeight() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTilePointIcon
Get the height
- getHeight() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.GeoPackageTile
Get height
- getHeight() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Get the requested tile height
- getHeightColumn() - Method in class
Get the height column
- getHeightColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the height column index
- getHeightDrawOverlap() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the height draw overlap
- getHexColor() - Method in class
Get the color
- getHexColorOrDefault() - Method in class
Get the color or default value
- getHttpHeader() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
Get the HTTP Header fields and field values
- getHttpHeaderValues(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
Get the HTTP Header field values
- getHttpMethod() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
Get the HTTP request method, when null default is "GET"
- getIcon() - Method in class
Get the icon row
- getIcon() - Method in class
Get the icon, either the default or single geometry type icon
- getIcon() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTilePointIcon
Get the icon
- getIcon(long, GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the icon of the feature, searching in order: feature geometry type icon, feature default icon, table geometry type icon, table default icon
- getIcon(String, long, GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the icon of the feature, searching in order: feature geometry type icon, feature default icon, table geometry type icon, table default icon
- getIcon(String, long, GeometryType, boolean) - Method in class
Get the icon of the feature, searching in order: feature geometry type icon, feature default icon, when tableIcon enabled continue searching: table geometry type icon, table default icon
- getIcon(IconRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the icon bitmap from the icon row
- getIcon(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the icon of the feature row, searching in order: feature geometry type icon, feature default icon, table geometry type icon, table default icon
- getIcon(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the icon of the feature row, searching in order: feature geometry type icon, feature default icon, table geometry type icon, table default icon
- getIcon(FeatureRow, GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the icon of the feature row with the provided geometry type, searching in order: feature geometry type icon, feature default icon, table geometry type icon, table default icon
- getIcon(FeatureRow, GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the icon of the feature row with the provided geometry type, searching in order: feature geometry type icon, feature default icon, table geometry type icon, table default icon
- getIcon(GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the icon for the geometry type
- getIconBitmap() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileCanvas
Get the icon bitmap
- getIconCanvas() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileCanvas
Get the icon canvas
- getIconDao() - Method in class
Get a icon DAO
- getIconDao() - Method in class
Get a icon DAO
- getIconDefault(long) - Method in class
Get the default icon of the feature, searching in order: feature default icon, table default icon
- getIconDefault(String, long) - Method in class
Get the default icon of the feature, searching in order: feature default icon, table default icon
- getIconDefault(String, long, boolean) - Method in class
Get the default icon of the feature, searching in order: feature default icon, when tableIcon enabled continue searching: table default icon
- getIconDefault(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the default icon of the feature row, searching in order: feature default icon, table default icon
- getIconDefault(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the default icon of the feature row, searching in order: feature default icon, table default icon
- getIconMappingDao() - Method in class
Get a Icon Mapping DAO
- getIconMappingDao(String) - Method in class
Get a Icon Mapping DAO
- getIcons() - Method in class
Get the icons
- getIcons() - Method in class
Get all icons used by the feature table
- getIcons() - Method in class
Get an unmodifiable mapping between specific geometry types and icons
- getIcons(long) - Method in class
Get the icons for the feature id
- getIcons(String) - Method in class
Get all icons used by the feature table
- getIcons(String, long) - Method in class
Get the icons for the feature table and feature id
- getIcons(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the icons for the feature row
- getIcons(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the icons for the feature row
- getId() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Get the id
- getId() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
Get the id
- getId() - Method in class
Get the id
- getId() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesRow
Get the id
- getId() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableRow
Get the ID
- getId() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
Get the id
- getId() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- getId() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getId(Cursor) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Get the geometry metadata geometry id
- getIdAndGeometryColumnNames() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
Get the Id and Geometry Column names
- getIdColumn() - Method in class
Get the id column
- getIdColumn() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesRow
Get the id column
- getIdColumn() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Get the feature table id column name, the default column ordering
- getIdColumn() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
Get the Id Column
- getIdColumn() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
Get the id column name
- getIdColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the id column index
- getIdColumnIndex() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesRow
Get the id column index
- getIdColumnName() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
Get the Id Column name
- getIds() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdQuery
Get the set of ids
- getIgnoredInternals() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Get the ignored internal databases
- getIgnoredInternals() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Get the ignored internal databases
- getImageBytes() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPngImage
Get the image bytes
- getImageBytes() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiffImage
Get the image bytes
- getIndexedType() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Get the first ordered indexed type
- getIndexedTypes() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Get the indexed types that are currently indexed
- getIndexLocation() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Get the index location
- getIndexLocationQueryOrder() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Get the ordered set of ordered index query locations
- getIndexManager() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the index manager
- getInt(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getInternalFile(Context, String) - Static method in class
Get the internal storage file for the file path
- getInternalFilePath(Context, String) - Static method in class
Get the internal storage patch for the file path
- getInvalidPositions() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
Get the invalid positions found when retrieving rows
- getLastIndexed() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Get the date last indexed
- getLastIndexed() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
Get the last indexed date
- getLastIndexed() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Get the date last indexed
- getLastIndexed(FeatureIndexType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Get the date last indexed
- getLimit() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Get the feature query limit
- getLimit() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Get the limit value
- getLineAlpha() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get line alpha
- getLineBitmap() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileCanvas
Get the line bitmap
- getLineCanvas() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileCanvas
Get the line canvas
- getLineColor() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get line color
- getLinePaint(FeatureStyle) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the line paint for the feature style, or return the default paint
- getLinePaintCopy() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get a copy of the line paint, must call
to update the paint - getLineStrokeWidth() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get line stroke width
- getLocation() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Get a feature index location to iterate over indexed types
- getLong(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getManager(Context) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageFactory
Get a GeoPackage Manager
- getManager(Context) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageFactory
Get a GeoPackage Manager
- getMapMaxZoom() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the map max zoom level
- getMapMinZoom() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the map min zoom level
- getMappingDao(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Get a User Mapping DAO from a table name
- getMappingDao(ExtendedRelation) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Get a User Mapping DAO from an extended relation
- getMappingsForBase(String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Get the related id mappings for the base id
- getMappingsForBase(ExtendedRelation, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Get the related id mappings for the base id
- getMappingsForRelated(String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Get the base id mappings for the related id
- getMappingsForRelated(ExtendedRelation, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Get the base id mappings for the related id
- getMapZoom(boolean, TileMatrix) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
- getMapZoom(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the map zoom level from the tile matrix zoom level
- getMapZoom(TileMatrix) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the map zoom level from the tile matrix
- getMapZoomRange() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the map zoom level range
- getMaxCacheSize() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Get the max cache size used when creating new feature row caches
- getMaxFeaturesPerTile() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the max features per tile
- getMaxFeaturesTileDraw() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the max features tile draw, the custom tile drawing implementation for tiles with more features than the max at #getMaxFeaturesPerTile
- getMaxLength() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the max length in default units that contains tiles
- getMaxM() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Get max M
- getMaxSize() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCache
Get the cache max size
- getMaxSize(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Get the cache max size for the table name
- getMaxX() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Get max X
- getMaxX() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableRow
Get the max x
- getMaxY() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Get max Y
- getMaxY() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableRow
Get the max y
- getMaxZ() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Get max Z
- getMaxZoom() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Get the max zoom
- getMaxZoom() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the max zoom
- getMediaDao(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Get a related media table DAO
- getMediaDao(ExtendedRelation) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Get a related media table DAO
- getMediaDao(MediaTable) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Get a related media table DAO
- getMetadataWhereNameLike(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Get metadata where the name is like
- getMetadataWhereNameNotLike(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Get metadata where the name is not like
- getMinLength() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the min length in default units that contains tiles
- getMinM() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Get min M
- getMinX() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Get min X
- getMinX() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableRow
Get the min x
- getMinY() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Get min Y
- getMinY() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableRow
Get the min y
- getMinZ() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Get min Z
- getMinZoom() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Get the min zoom
- getMinZoom() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the min zoom
- getName() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
Get the name
- getName() - Method in class
Get the name
- getName() - Method in class
Get the name
- getName() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.GeometryFunction
Get the function name
- getName() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureTableData
Get the table name
- getNameColumn() - Method in class
Get the name column
- getNameColumn() - Method in class
Get the name column
- getNameColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the name column index
- getNameColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the name column index
- getOpacity() - Method in class
Get the opacity
- getOpacityColumn() - Method in class
Get the opacity column
- getOpacityColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the opacity column index
- getOpacityOrDefault() - Method in class
Get the opacity or default value
- getOptimizeZoom() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
- getOrBuildSql() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Get or build the SQL statement
- getOrCreate(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Get GeoPackage metadata or create it if it does not exist
- getOrCreate(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadataDataSource
Get a table metadata or create if it does not exist
- getOrderBy() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Get the order by value
- getOrNoCacheOpen(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCache
Get the cached GeoPackage or open the GeoPackage file without caching it
- getOrNoCacheOpen(String, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCache
Get the cached GeoPackage or open the GeoPackage file without caching it
- getOrOpen(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCache
Get the cached GeoPackage or open and cache the GeoPackage
- getOrOpen(String, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCache
Get the cached GeoPackage or open and cache the GeoPackage
- getPagination(AttributesCursor) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesPaginatedCursor
Get the pagination offset and limit
- getPagination(FeatureCursor) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeaturePaginatedCursor
Get the pagination offset and limit
- getPagination(TileCursor) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TilePaginatedCursor
Get the pagination offset and limit
- getPagination(UserCustomCursor) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomPaginatedCursor
Get the pagination offset and limit
- getPaint(long, FeatureDrawType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePaintCache
Get the paint for the style row id and draw type
- getPaint(StyleRow, FeatureDrawType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePaintCache
Get the paint for the style row and draw type
- getPaint(FeatureDrawType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePaint
Get the paint for the draw type
- getPath(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Get the path of the database
- getPath(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Get the path of the database
- getPixel(int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPngImage
Get the pixel at the coordinate
- getPixel(int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiffImage
Get the pixel at the coordinate
- getPixelValue(byte[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Get the pixel value as a 16 bit unsigned integer value
- getPixelValue(byte[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Get the pixel value as a float from the image and the coordinate
- getPixelValues(byte[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Get the pixel values of the image as 16 bit unsigned integer values
- getPixelValues(byte[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Get the pixel values of the image as floats
- getPkColumnName() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Get the primary key column name
- getPkColumnName() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Get the primary key column name
- getPointBitmap() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileCanvas
Get the point bitmap
- getPointCanvas() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileCanvas
Get the point canvas
- getPointIcon() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the point icon
- getPointPaint() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get point paint
- getPointPaint(FeatureStyle) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the point paint for the feature style, or return the default paint
- getPointRadius() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the point radius
- getPolygonAlpha() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get polygon alpha
- getPolygonBitmap() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileCanvas
Get the polygon bitmap
- getPolygonCanvas() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileCanvas
Get the polygon canvas
- getPolygonColor() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get polygon color
- getPolygonFillAlpha() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get polygon fill alpha
- getPolygonFillColor() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get polygon fill color
- getPolygonFillPaint(FeatureStyle) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the polygon fill paint for the feature style, or return the default paint
- getPolygonFillPaintCopy() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the polygon fill paint
- getPolygonPaint(FeatureStyle) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the polygon paint for the feature style, or return the default paint
- getPolygonPaintCopy() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get a copy of the polygon paint, must call
to update the paint - getPolygonStrokeWidth() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get polygon stroke width
- getPosition() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getProgress() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Get the progress tracker
- getProjection() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Get the feature projection
- getProjection() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
- getProjectionToWebMercatorTransform(Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Create a projection transformation from provided projection to Web Mercator
- getPropertiesExtension(GeoPackage) - Method in class
- getQuery() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
Get the user query
- getRasters() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiffImage
Get the rasters, read if needed
- getReader() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPngImage
Get the PNG reader
- getRectangle(long, long, BoundingBox, BoundingBox) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileBoundingBoxAndroidUtils
Get a rectangle using the tile width, height, bounding box, and the bounding box section within the outer box to build the rectangle from
- getRelatedId() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingRow
Get the related ID
- getRelatedIdColumn() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingRow
Get the related ID column
- getRelatedIdColumnIndex() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingRow
Get the related ID column index
- getRelatedTables() - Method in class
- getReprojectTileDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Get the reprojection tile DAO
- getRequestProjection() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Get the request projection
- getResults() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesPaginatedCursor
- getResults() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeaturePaginatedCursor
- getResults() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TilePaginatedCursor
- getResults() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomPaginatedCursor
- getResults() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserPaginatedCursor
- getRoundedFloatRectangle(long, long, BoundingBox, BoundingBox) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileBoundingBoxAndroidUtils
Get a rectangle with rounded floating point boundaries using the tile width, height, bounding box, and the bounding box section within the outer box to build the rectangle from
- getRow() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- getRow() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getRow(int[], Object[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesCursor
- getRow(int[], Object[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCursor
- getRow(int[], Object[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileCursor
- getRow(int[], Object[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomCursor
- getRow(int[], Object[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getRow(AttributesCursor) - Method in class
Get the style row from the current cursor location
- getRow(AttributesRow) - Method in class
Get a style row from the attributes row
- getRow(UserCustomCursor) - Method in class
Get the icon row from the current cursor location
- getRow(UserCustomCursor) - Method in class
Get the style mapping row from the current cursor location
- getRow(UserCustomCursor) - Method in class
Get the media row from the current cursor location
- getRow(UserCustomCursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesDao
Get the simple attributes row from the current cursor location
- getRow(UserCustomCursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Get the user mapping row from the current cursor location
- getRow(UserCustomCursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Get the RTree Index Table row from the current cursor location
- getRow(UserCustomRow) - Method in class
Get a icon row from the user custom row
- getRow(UserCustomRow) - Method in class
Get a style mapping row from the user custom row
- getRow(UserCustomRow) - Method in class
Get a media row from the user custom row
- getRow(UserCustomRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesDao
Get a simple attributes row from the user custom row
- getRow(UserCustomRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Get a user mapping row from the user custom row
- getRow(UserCustomRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Get the RTree Index Table row from the user custom row
- getRows() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureTableData
Get the feature rows
- getRows(List<Long>) - Method in class
Get the media rows that exist with the provided ids
- getRows(List<Long>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesDao
Get the simple attributes rows that exist with the provided ids
- getRTreeIndexExtension() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Get the RTree index extension
- getRTreeIndexTableDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Get the RTree Index Table DAO
- getScaling() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.GeoPackageTileRetriever
Get the Tile Scaling options
- getScaling() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Get the tile scaling options
- getScaling() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Get the tile scaling settings
- getSelection() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Get the selection value
- getSelectionArgs() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- getSelectionArgs() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getSelectionArgs() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Get the selection args
- getShort(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getSimpleAttributesDao(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Get a related simple attributes table DAO
- getSimpleAttributesDao(ExtendedRelation) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Get a related simple attributes table DAO
- getSimpleAttributesDao(SimpleAttributesTable) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Get a related simple attributes table DAO
- getSize() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCache
Get the current cache size, number of feature rows cached
- getSize(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Get the current cache size, number of feature rows cached, for the table name
- getSql() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdQuery
Get the SQL statement
- getSql() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- getSql() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getSql() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Get the raw SQL value
- getSrs() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
Get the Spatial Reference System
- getSrs() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the Spatial Reference System
- getSrsId() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
Get the Spatial Reference System id
- getSrsId() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the Spatial Reference System id
- getString(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getStyle() - Method in class
Get the style row
- getStyle() - Method in class
Get the style, either the default or single geometry type style
- getStyle(long, GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the style of the feature, searching in order: feature geometry type style, feature default style, table geometry type style, table default style
- getStyle(String, long, GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the style of the feature, searching in order: feature geometry type style, feature default style, table geometry type style, table default style
- getStyle(String, long, GeometryType, boolean) - Method in class
Get the style of the feature, searching in order: feature geometry type style, feature default style, when tableStyle enabled continue searching: table geometry type style, table default style
- getStyle(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the style of the feature row, searching in order: feature geometry type style, feature default style, table geometry type style, table default style
- getStyle(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the style of the feature row, searching in order: feature geometry type style, feature default style, table geometry type style, table default style
- getStyle(FeatureRow, GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the style of the feature row with the provided geometry type, searching in order: feature geometry type style, feature default style, table geometry type style, table default style
- getStyle(FeatureRow, GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the style of the feature row with the provided geometry type, searching in order: feature geometry type style, feature default style, table geometry type style, table default style
- getStyle(GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the style for the geometry type
- getStyleDao() - Method in class
Get a style DAO
- getStyleDao() - Method in class
Get a style DAO
- getStyleDefault(long) - Method in class
Get the default style of the feature, searching in order: feature default style, table default style
- getStyleDefault(String, long) - Method in class
Get the default style of the feature, searching in order: feature default style, table default style
- getStyleDefault(String, long, boolean) - Method in class
Get the default style of the feature, searching in order: feature default style, when tableStyle enabled continue searching: table default style
- getStyleDefault(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the default style of the feature row, searching in order: feature default style, table default style
- getStyleDefault(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the default style of the feature row, searching in order: feature default style, table default style
- getStyleMappingDao() - Method in class
Get a Style Mapping DAO
- getStyleMappingDao(String) - Method in class
Get a Style Mapping DAO
- getStyles() - Method in class
Get the styles
- getStyles() - Method in class
Get all styles used by the feature table
- getStyles() - Method in class
Get an unmodifiable mapping between specific geometry types and styles
- getStyles(long) - Method in class
Get the styles for the feature id
- getStyles(String) - Method in class
Get all styles used by the feature table
- getStyles(String, long) - Method in class
Get the styles for the feature table and feature id
- getStyles(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the styles for the feature row
- getStyles(FeatureRow) - Method in class
Get the styles for the feature row
- getTable() - Method in class
- getTable() - Method in class
- getTable() - Method in class
- getTable() - Method in class
- getTable() - Method in class
- getTable() - Method in class
- getTable() - Method in class
- getTable() - Method in class
- getTable() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesDao
- getTable() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesRow
- getTable() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
- getTable() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingRow
- getTable() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
Get the table
- getTable() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- getTable() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getTable() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Get the table name
- getTableDao(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexExtension
Get a RTree Index Table DAO for the feature table
- getTableDao(FeatureDao) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexExtension
Get a RTree Index Table DAO for the feature dao
- getTableFeatureStyles() - Method in class
Get the table feature styles
- getTableFeatureStyles(String) - Method in class
Get the feature table default feature styles
- getTableFeatureStyles(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Get the feature table default feature styles
- getTableIcon(String, GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the icon of the feature table and geometry type
- getTableIcon(GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the table icon of the geometry type
- getTableIconDefault() - Method in class
Get the table icon default
- getTableIconDefault(String) - Method in class
Get the default icon of the feature table
- getTableIconMappingDao() - Method in class
Get a Table Icon Mapping DAO
- getTableIconMappingDao(String) - Method in class
Get a Table Icon Mapping DAO
- getTableIcons() - Method in class
Get the table icons
- getTableIcons(String) - Method in class
Get the feature table default icons
- getTableIcons(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Get the feature table default icons
- getTableName() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Get the table name
- getTableName() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
Get the table name
- getTableName() - Method in class
Get the feature table name
- getTableName() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Get the table name
- getTableName() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- getTableName() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getTables() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Get the feature table names with a feature row cache
- getTableStyle(String, GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the style of the feature table and geometry type
- getTableStyle(GeometryType) - Method in class
Get the table style of the geometry type
- getTableStyleDefault() - Method in class
Get the table style default
- getTableStyleDefault(String) - Method in class
Get the default style of the feature table
- getTableStyleMappingDao() - Method in class
Get a Table Style Mapping DAO
- getTableStyleMappingDao(String) - Method in class
Get a Table Style Mapping DAO
- getTableStyles() - Method in class
Get the table styles
- getTableStyles(String) - Method in class
Get the feature table default styles
- getTableStyles(FeatureTable) - Method in class
Get the feature table default styles
- getTextPaint() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Get the paint object used to draw the text
- getTile(int, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.GeoPackageTileRetriever
Get a tile from the x, y, and zoom
- getTile(int, int, int) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileRetriever
Get a tile from the x, y, and zoom
- getTile(int, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.XYZGeoPackageTileRetriever
Get a tile from the x, y, and zoom
- getTile(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Get the tile from the request bounding box in the request projection
- getTile(BoundingBox, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Get the tile from the request bounding box in the request projection, only from the zoom level
- getTileBorderPaint() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Get the tile border paint object used to draw a border around the tile
- getTileColumn() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Get the tile column
- getTileColumnColumn() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Get the tile column column
- getTileColumnColumnIndex() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Get the tile column column index
- getTileCount() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Get the tile count of tiles to be generated
- getTileDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
Get the tile dao
- getTileDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Get the tile DAO
- getTileDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Get the tile dao
- getTileDao(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Get the corresponding tile dao
- getTileDao(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get a Tile DAO from a table name
- getTileDao(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get a Tile DAO from a table name
- getTileDao(Contents) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get a Tile DAO from Contents
- getTileDao(Contents) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get a Tile DAO from Contents
- getTileDao(TileMatrixSet) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get a Tile DAO from Tile Matrix Set
- getTileDao(TileMatrixSet) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get a Tile DAO from Tile Matrix Set
- getTileDao(TileTable) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get a Tile DAO from a table
- getTileDao(TileTable) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get a Tile DAO from a table
- getTileDaosForFeatureTable(String) - Method in class
Query for the tile tables linked to a feature table and return tile DAOs to those tables
- getTileData() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Get the tile data
- getTileDataBitmap() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Get the tile data bitmap
- getTileDataBitmap(BitmapFactory.Options) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Get the tile data bitmap with decoding options
- getTileDataColumn() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Get the tile data column
- getTileDataColumnIndex() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Get the tile data column index
- getTileDb() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the Tile connection
- getTileFillPaint() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Get the tile fill paint object used to color the entire tile
- getTileGrid(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the tile grid of the zoom level
- getTileHeight() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the tile height
- getTileMatrices() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the tile matrices
- getTileMatrices(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
- getTileMatrix() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTileMatrixResults
Get the tile matrix
- getTileMatrix(boolean, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
- getTileMatrix(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the tile matrix at the zoom level
- getTileMatrixAtMinZoom() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the tile matrix at the min (first) zoom
- getTileMatrixDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get a tile matrix DAO
- getTileMatrixSet() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Get the tile matrix set
- getTileMatrixSet() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the tile matrix set
- getTileMatrixSet(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
- getTileMatrixSetDao() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get a tile matrix set DAO
- getTileResults() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTileMatrixResults
Get the tile results
- getTileRow() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Get the tile row
- getTileRowColumn() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Get the tile row column
- getTileRowColumnIndex() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Get the tile row column index
- getTileSetBoundingBox() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Get the tile set bounding box
- getTilesProjection() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Get the tiles projection
- getTileWidth() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the tile width
- getTolerance() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Get the query range tolerance
- getTolerance() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Get the query range tolerance
- getTolerance() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Get the query range tolerance
- getTolerance() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Get the query range tolerance
- getType(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getUserCustomDao(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get a User Custom DAO from a table name
- getUserCustomDao(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get a User Custom DAO from a table name
- getUserCustomDao(UserCustomTable) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get a User Custom DAO from a table
- getUserCustomDao(UserCustomTable) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get a User Custom DAO from a table
- getUserDao(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Get a User Custom DAO from a table name
- getUserDao(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Get a User DAO from a table
- getUserDao(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Get a User DAO from a table
- getUserDb() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomDao
Get the User Custom connection
- getValue(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.CursorResult
- getValue(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- getValue(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getValue(int, GeoPackageDataType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.CursorResult
- getValue(int, GeoPackageDataType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- getValue(int, GeoPackageDataType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getValue(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- getValue(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getValue(GriddedTile, byte[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
Get the coverage data value
- getValue(GriddedTile, byte[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Get the coverage data value
- getValue(GriddedTile, byte[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Get the coverage data value
- getValue(GriddedTile, CoverageDataPngImage, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
- getValue(GriddedTile, CoverageDataTiffImage, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
- getValue(GriddedTile, TileRow, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
Get the coverage data value of the pixel in the tile row image
- getValue(GriddedTile, TileRow, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Get the coverage data value of the pixel in the tile row image
- getValue(GriddedTile, TileRow, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Get the coverage data value of the pixel in the tile row image
- getValue(FeatureColumn) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCursor
Handles geometries
- getValue(TileRow, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
Get the coverage data value of the pixel in the tile row image
- getValue(TColumn) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- getValue(TColumn) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- getValues() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
Get the values
- getValues(CoverageDataRequest, Integer, Integer) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
- getValues(GriddedTile, byte[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
Get the coverage data values
- getValues(GriddedTile, byte[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Get the coverage data values
- getValues(GriddedTile, byte[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Get the coverage data values
- getValuesUnbounded(CoverageDataRequest) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
- getWgs84ToWebMercatorTransform() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Create a projection transformation from WGS84 to Web Mercator
- getWhere() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Get the where clause
- getWhereArgs() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Get the where arguments
- getWidth() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPngImage
- getWidth() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiffImage
- getWidth() - Method in class
Get the width
- getWidth() - Method in class
Get the width
- getWidth() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTilePointIcon
Get the width
- getWidth() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.GeoPackageTile
Get width
- getWidth() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Get the requested tile width
- getWidthColumn() - Method in class
Get the width column
- getWidthColumn() - Method in class
Get the width column
- getWidthColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the width column index
- getWidthColumnIndex() - Method in class
Get the width column index
- getWidthDrawOverlap() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Get the width draw overlap
- getWidthOrDefault() - Method in class
Get the width value or default width
- getWriter() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPngImage
Get the PNG writer
- getXOffset() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTilePointIcon
Get the x offset
- getYOffset() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTilePointIcon
Get the y offset
- getZoomLevel() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Get the zoom level
- getZoomLevel(double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the zoom level for the provided width and height in the default units
- getZoomLevel(double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the zoom level for the provided width and height in the default units
- getZoomLevelColumn() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Get the zoom level column
- getZoomLevelColumnIndex() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Get the zoom level column index
- getZoomLevels() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Get the zoom levels (read only)
- getZoomLevels() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Get the zoom levels
- GROUP_BY - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQueryParamType
Group by
- has() - Method in class
Determine if the GeoPackage has the extension for the table
- has() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Determine if this feature table has the RTree extension
- has(UserQueryParamType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Check if there is a param value
- hasColor() - Method in class
Check if the style has a color
- hasDefault() - Method in class
Determine if there is a default icon
- hasDefault() - Method in class
Determine if there is a default style
- hasFillColor() - Method in class
Check if the style has a fill color
- hasIcon() - Method in class
Check if the feature style has an icon row
- hasIconRelationship() - Method in class
Determine if an icon relationship exists for the feature table
- hasIconRowMapping(long) - Method in class
Determine if a mapping to the icon row id exists
- hasIconRowMapping(IconRow) - Method in class
Determine if a mapping to the icon row exists
- hasId(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdQuery
Check if the query has the id
- hasInvalidPositions() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
Determine if invalid positions were found when retrieving rows or if all are invalid (null)
- hasMapping(String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Determine if a mapping to the table and id exists
- hasMapping(String, long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Determine if the base id and related id mapping exists
- hasMappingToBase(String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Determine if a mapping to the base table and id exists
- hasMappingToBase(Collection<ExtendedRelation>, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Determine if a mapping in the extended relations to the base id exists
- hasMappingToBase(ExtendedRelation, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Determine if a mapping in the extended relation to the base id exists
- hasMappingToRelated(String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Determine if a mapping to the related table and id exists
- hasMappingToRelated(Collection<ExtendedRelation>, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Determine if a mapping in the extended relations to the related id exists
- hasMappingToRelated(ExtendedRelation, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
Determine if a mapping in the extended relation to the related id exists
- hasRelationship() - Method in class
Check if feature table has a style, icon, table style, or table icon relationships
- hasStyle() - Method in class
Check if the feature style has a style row
- hasStyleRelationship() - Method in class
Determine if a style relationship exists for the feature table
- hasStyleRowMapping(long) - Method in class
Determine if a mapping to the style row id exists
- hasStyleRowMapping(StyleRow) - Method in class
Determine if a mapping to the style row exists
- hasTableIconRelationship() - Method in class
Determine if feature table icon relationship exists
- hasTableStyleRelationship() - Method in class
Determine if feature table style relationship exists
- hasTile(int, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.GeoPackageTileRetriever
Check if there is a tile for the x, y, and zoom
- hasTile(int, int, int) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileRetriever
Check if there is a tile for the x, y, and zoom
- hasTile(int, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.XYZGeoPackageTileRetriever
Check if there is a tile for the x, y, and zoom
- hasTile(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Check if the tile table contains a tile for the request bounding box
- HAVING - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQueryParamType
- height - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.GeoPackageTile
Tile height
- heightOverlap - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Height overlapping pixels between tile images
- HIGH_DENSITY - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileUtils
High density scale
- IconCache - Class in
Icon Cache of icon bitmaps
- IconCache() - Constructor for class
Constructor, created with cache size of
- IconCache(int) - Constructor for class
- IconDao - Class in
Icon DAO for reading icon tables
- IconDao(UserCustomDao) - Constructor for class
- IconRow - Class in
Icon Row containing the values from a single cursor row
- IconRow() - Constructor for class
Constructor to create an empty row
- IconRow(IconRow) - Constructor for class
Copy Constructor
- IconRow(IconTable) - Constructor for class
Constructor to create an empty row
- IconRow(UserCustomRow) - Constructor for class
- Icons - Class in
Icons for a single feature geometry or feature table default
- Icons() - Constructor for class
- Icons(boolean) - Constructor for class
- id - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Geometry id, "foreign key" to a user table
- id - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
- ids() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.FeatureIndexRTreeResults
Iterable for iterating over feature ids in place of feature rows
- ids() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexFeatureResults
Iterable for iterating over feature ids in place of feature rows
- ids() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexGeoPackageResults
Iterable for iterating over feature ids in place of feature rows
- ids() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexListResults
Iterable for iterating over feature ids in place of feature rows
- ids() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexMetadataResults
Iterable for iterating over feature ids in place of feature rows
- ids() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexResults
Iterable for iterating over feature ids in place of feature rows
- ids() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.MultipleFeatureIndexResults
Iterable for iterating over feature ids in place of feature rows
- ids() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQueryResults
Iterable for iterating over feature ids in place of feature rows
- ids() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- ids() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- ignoreFeatureTableStyles() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Ignore the feature table styles within the GeoPackage
- ignoreInternal(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Ignore an internal database by name
- ignoreInternal(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Ignore an internal database by name
- importGeoPackage(DocumentFile) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(DocumentFile) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(DocumentFile, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(DocumentFile, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(DocumentFile, boolean, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(DocumentFile, boolean, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(DocumentFile, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(DocumentFile, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(File) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(File) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(File, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(File, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(File, boolean, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(File, boolean, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(File, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(File, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, DocumentFile) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, DocumentFile) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, DocumentFile, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, DocumentFile, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, DocumentFile, boolean, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, DocumentFile, boolean, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, DocumentFile, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, DocumentFile, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, File) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, File) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, File, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, File, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, File, boolean, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, File, boolean, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, File, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, File, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file
- importGeoPackage(String, InputStream) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage stream
- importGeoPackage(String, InputStream) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage stream
- importGeoPackage(String, InputStream, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage stream
- importGeoPackage(String, InputStream, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage stream
- importGeoPackage(String, InputStream, boolean, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage stream
- importGeoPackage(String, InputStream, boolean, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage stream
- importGeoPackage(String, InputStream, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage stream
- importGeoPackage(String, InputStream, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage stream
- importGeoPackage(String, URL) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file from a URL
- importGeoPackage(String, URL) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file from a URL
- importGeoPackage(String, URL, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file from a URL
- importGeoPackage(String, URL, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file from a URL
- importGeoPackage(String, URL, boolean, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file from a URL
- importGeoPackage(String, URL, boolean, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file from a URL
- importGeoPackage(String, URL, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import a GeoPackage file from a URL
- importGeoPackage(String, URL, GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import a GeoPackage file from a URL
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(DocumentFile) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(DocumentFile) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(DocumentFile, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(DocumentFile, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(DocumentFile, String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(DocumentFile, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(DocumentFile, String, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(DocumentFile, String, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(File) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(File) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(File, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(File, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(File, String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(File, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(File, String, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(File, String, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(String, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(String, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(String, String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- importGeoPackageAsExternalLink(String, String, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Import an GeoPackage as an external file link without copying locally
- includeInternal(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Do not ignore an internal database by name
- includeInternal(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Do not ignore an internal database by name
- index() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Index the feature table if needed
- index() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Index the feature table if needed, using the set index location
- index(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Index the feature table
- index(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Index the feature table, using the set index location
- index(boolean, List<FeatureIndexType>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Index the feature tables for the index types
- index(List<FeatureIndexType>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Index the feature tables if needed for the index types
- index(FeatureIndexType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Index the feature table if needed
- index(FeatureIndexType, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Index the feature table
- index(FeatureIndexType, FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Index the feature row.
- index(FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Index the feature row.
- index(FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Index the feature row.
- index(FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Index the feature row, using the set index location.
- index(FeatureRow, List<FeatureIndexType>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Index the feature row for the index types.
- indexManager - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
When not null, features are retrieved using a feature index
- indexTable(TableIndex) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
- initializeTable() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.OAPIFeatureGenerator
- insert(ContentValues) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
Inserts a new row
- insert(String, String, ContentValues) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Insert into a table
- insert(String, String, ContentValues) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Insert into a table
- insert(String, String, ContentValues) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Insert into a table
- insert(String, String, ContentValues) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Insert into a table
- insert(TRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
- insertOrThrow(ContentValues) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
Inserts a new row
- insertOrThrow(String, String, ContentValues) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Insert into a table
- insertOrThrow(String, String, ContentValues) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Insert into a table
- insertOrThrow(String, String, ContentValues) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Insert into a table
- insertOrThrow(String, String, ContentValues) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Insert into a table
- integrityCheck() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Perform an integrity check on the database
- integrityCheck() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Perform an integrity check on the database
- internalCount() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Get the count of internal GeoPackage databases
- internalCount() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Get the count of internal GeoPackage databases
- internalDatabases() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
List all internal GeoPackage databases sorted alphabetically
- internalDatabases() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
List all internal GeoPackage databases sorted alphabetically
- internalDatabaseSet() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Set of all internal GeoPackage databases
- internalDatabaseSet() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Set of all internal GeoPackage databases
- inTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Determine if currently within a transaction
- inTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Determine if currently within a transaction
- inTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
- inTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Determine if currently within a transaction
- inTransaction() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Determine if currently within a transaction
- inTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
- inTransaction() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
- isBindingsWritable() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Is the SQLite bindings database connection writable
- isCacheGeometries() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Is caching geometries enabled?
- isContinueOnError() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Is the continue on error flag enabled
- isDatabaseHeaderValid(SQLiteDatabase) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
Determine if the header of the database file is valid
- isDebugLogQueries() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageCursorFactory
Is debug log queries enabled
- isDrawUnindexedTiles() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Is the draw unindexed tiles option enabled
- isEmpty() - Method in class
Determine if this icons is empty
- isEmpty() - Method in class
Determine if this styles is empty
- isExternal() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
Is the GeoPackage external
- isExternal(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Determine if the GeoPackage is external
- isExternal(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Determine if the database is a linked external file
- isExternal(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Determine if the database is a linked external file
- isFillPolygon() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Is fill polygon
- isGeodesic() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Geometries indexed using geodesic lines
- isGeodesic() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Geometries indexed using geodesic lines
- isGeodesic() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Geometries indexed using geodesic lines
- isGeodesic() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Geometries indexed using geodesic lines
- isGeodesic() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Are geometries drawn using geodesic lines? Default is false
- isIgnoredInternal(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Is the database an ignored internal database by name
- isIgnoredInternal(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Is the database an ignored internal database by name
- isImportHeaderValidation() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Is import database header validation enabled.
- isImportHeaderValidation() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Is import database header validation enabled.
- isImportIntegrityValidation() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Is import database integrity validation enabled.
- isImportIntegrityValidation() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Is import database integrity validation enabled.
- isIndexed() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Determine if the database table is indexed after database modifications
- isIndexed() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Determine if the feature table is indexed
- isIndexed(FeatureIndexType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Is the feature table indexed in the provided type location
- isIndexQuery() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Is index query
- isInvalidRequery() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
Is the invalid requery flag enabled? When enabled (default is true) large invalid user rows are requeried and handled.
- isLinkTables() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Is the feature table going to be linked with the tile table? Defaults to true.
- isManual() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Is manual bounding box query enabled for non indexed and empty contents bounds feature tables
- isOpenHeaderValidation() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCreator
Is open database header validation enabled.
- isOpenHeaderValidation() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Is open database header validation enabled.
- isOpenHeaderValidation() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Is open database header validation enabled.
- isOpenIntegrityValidation() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCreator
Is open database integrity validation enabled.
- isOpenIntegrityValidation() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Is open database integrity validation enabled.
- isOpenIntegrityValidation() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Is open database integrity validation enabled.
- isPaginated(AttributesCursor) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesPaginatedCursor
Determine if the cursor is paginated
- isPaginated(FeatureIndexFeatureResults) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Determine if the results are paginated
- isPaginated(FeatureIndexResults) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Determine if the results are paginated
- isPaginated(FeatureCursor) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeaturePaginatedCursor
Determine if the cursor is paginated
- isPaginated(TileCursor) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TilePaginatedCursor
Determine if the cursor is paginated
- isPaginated(UserCustomCursor) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomPaginatedCursor
Determine if the cursor is paginated
- isSameProjection() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Is the request and tile projection the same
- isSameUnit() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Is the request and tile projection the same unit
- isSimplifyGeometries() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Is the simplify geometries flag set? Default is true
- isSkipExisting() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Is skip existing tiles on
- isSqliteWriteAheadLogging() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCreator
Is the SQLite write ahead logging setting enabled for connections.
- isSqliteWriteAheadLogging() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Is the SQLite write ahead logging setting enabled for connections.
- isSqliteWriteAheadLogging() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Is the SQLite write ahead logging setting enabled for connections.
- isTableIcon() - Method in class
Is a table icon
- isTableIcons() - Method in class
Is table icons
- isTableStyle() - Method in class
Is a table style
- isTableStyles() - Method in class
Is table styles
- isTms() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
- isTransparent(Bitmap) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Determine if the bitmap is a transparent image (must be in expected tile dimensions)
- isUseBindings() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Is SQLite Android Bindings connection enabled
- isUseBindings() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
Get the cursor SQLite connection origination as bindings or standard
- isValid() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Is the GeoPackage valid according to the DGIWG GeoPackage Profile
- isValid() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserRow
Check if the row is valid
- isValid(Rect) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileBoundingBoxAndroidUtils
Check if the rectangle is valid
- isValid(RectF) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileBoundingBoxAndroidUtils
Check if the rectangle is valid
- isValid(DGIWGGeoPackage) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Is the GeoPackage valid according to the DGIWG GeoPackage Profile
- isValidAllowEmpty(Rect) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileBoundingBoxAndroidUtils
Check if the rectangle is valid allowing empty ranges
- isValidAllowEmpty(RectF) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileBoundingBoxAndroidUtils
Check if the rectangle is valid allowing empty ranges
- isWritable() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Is the SQLite database connection writable
- isXYZTiles() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Is the XYZ Tiles flag set to generate XYZ tile format tiles.
- isXYZTiles() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Determine if the tiles are in the XYZ tile coordinate format
- iterator() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.FeatureIndexRTreeResults
- iterator() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexFeatureResults
- iterator() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexGeoPackageResults
- iterator() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexListResults
- iterator() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexLocation
- iterator() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexMetadataResults
- iterator() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.MultipleFeatureIndexResults
- iterator() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQueryResults
- iterator() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- iterator() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- jsonCompatible() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
Build a JSON compatible object
- jsonCompatible() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureTableData
Build a JSON compatible object
- jsonCompatible(boolean, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
Build a JSON compatible object
- jsonCompatible(boolean, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureTableData
Build a JSON compatible object
- jsonCompatibleWithGeometries(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
Build a JSON compatible object
- jsonCompatibleWithGeometries(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureTableData
Build a JSON compatible object
- jsonCompatibleWithPoints(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureRowData
Build a JSON compatible object
- jsonCompatibleWithPoints(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay.FeatureTableData
Build a JSON compatible object
- lastIndexed - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
Time in milliseconds since epoch when the table was last indexed
- LIMIT - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQueryParamType
- linePaint - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Line paint
- lineStrokeWidth - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Line stroke width
- ManualFeatureQuery - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.user
Performs manual brute force queries against feature rows.
- ManualFeatureQuery(FeatureDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
- ManualFeatureQuery(FeatureDao, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
- ManualFeatureQueryResults - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.user
Manual Feature Query Results which includes the ids used to read each row
- ManualFeatureQueryResults(FeatureDao, String[], List<Long>) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQueryResults
- ManualFeatureQueryResults(FeatureDao, List<Long>) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQueryResults
- maxFeaturesPerTile - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Optional max features per tile.
- maxFeaturesTileDraw - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
When not null and the number of features is greater than the max features per tile, used to draw tiles for those tiles with more features than the max
- maxM - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Max M
- maxX - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Max X
- maxY - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Max Y
- maxZ - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Max Z
- MediaDao - Class in
User Media DAO for reading user media data tables
- MediaDao(UserCustomDao) - Constructor for class
- MediaDao(UserCustomDao, MediaTable) - Constructor for class
- MediaRow - Class in
User Media Row containing the values from a single cursor row
- MediaRow(MediaRow) - Constructor for class
Copy Constructor
- MediaRow(MediaTable) - Constructor for class
Constructor to create an empty row
- MediaRow(UserCustomRow) - Constructor for class
- METADATA - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexType
Metadata tables within the Android app
- mil.nga.geopackage - package mil.nga.geopackage
- mil.nga.geopackage.attributes - package mil.nga.geopackage.attributes
- mil.nga.geopackage.db - package mil.nga.geopackage.db
- mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata - package mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata
- mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg - package mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg
- mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage - package mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage
- mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index - package mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index
- - package
- - package
- - package
- mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related - package mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related
- - package
- mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple - package mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple
- mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree - package mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree
- mil.nga.geopackage.features - package mil.nga.geopackage.features
- mil.nga.geopackage.features.index - package mil.nga.geopackage.features.index
- mil.nga.geopackage.features.user - package mil.nga.geopackage.features.user
- - package
- mil.nga.geopackage.tiles - package mil.nga.geopackage.tiles
- mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features - package mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features
- mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom - package mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom
- mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay - package mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.overlay
- mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject - package mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject
- mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever - package mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever
- mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user - package mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user
- mil.nga.geopackage.user - package mil.nga.geopackage.user
- mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom - package mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom
- minM - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Min M
- minX - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Min X
- minY - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Min Y
- minZ - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Min Z
- moveToFirst() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- moveToNext() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexerIdCursor
- moveToNext() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- moveToNext() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- moveToPosition(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- MultipleFeatureIndexResults - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features.index
Iterable Feature Index Results to iterate on feature rows from a combination of multiple Feature Index Results
- MultipleFeatureIndexResults(Collection<FeatureIndexResults>) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.MultipleFeatureIndexResults
- MultipleFeatureIndexResults(FeatureIndexResults...) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.MultipleFeatureIndexResults
- name - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
- newCursor(SQLiteDatabase, SQLiteCursorDriver, String, SQLiteQuery) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageCursorFactory
- newRow() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesDao
- newRow() - Method in class
- newRow() - Method in class
- newRow() - Method in class
- newRow() - Method in class
- newRow() - Method in class
- newRow() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesDao
- newRow() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
- newRow() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureDao
- newRow() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
- newRow() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomDao
- NONE - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexType
No index
- NumberFeaturesTile - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom
Draws a tile indicating the number of features that exist within the tile, visible when zoomed in closer.
- NumberFeaturesTile(Context) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
- OAPIFeatureGenerator - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.features
OGC API Feature Generator
- OAPIFeatureGenerator(GeoPackage, String, String, String) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.features.OAPIFeatureGenerator
- onCreate(SQLiteDatabase) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDb
- onCreate(Bundle) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageActivity
- onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDb
- open() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDb
Open database
- open(boolean, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Open the database
- open(boolean, GeoPackageFile) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Open the database
- open(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Open the database
- open(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Open the database
- open(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Open the database
- open(String, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Open the database
- open(String, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Open the database
- open(String, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Open the database
- open(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Open the database
- open(GeoPackageFile) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Open the database
- open(GeoPackageFile, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Open the database
- open(GeoPackageFile, boolean, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Open the database
- openDatabase(String, boolean) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
Open a database
- openDatabase(String, boolean, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
Open a database
- openExternal(boolean, File) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageFactory
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(boolean, String) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageFactory
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(DocumentFile) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(DocumentFile) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(DocumentFile, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(DocumentFile, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(File) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageFactory
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(File) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageFactory
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(File) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(File) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(File, boolean) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageFactory
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(File, boolean) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageFactory
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(File, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(File, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(File, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageFactory
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(String) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageFactory
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(String) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageFactory
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(String, boolean) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageFactory
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(String, boolean) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageFactory
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(String, boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(String, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageFactory
Open an external GeoPackage
- openExternal(String, String, boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCreator
Open an external GeoPackage
- openReadOnlyDatabase(String) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
Open a readable database
- openReadOnlyDatabase(String, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
Open a readable database
- openReadWriteDatabase(String) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
Open a writable database
- openReadWriteDatabase(String, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
Open a writable database
- openReadWriteDatabaseAttempt(String) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
Attempt to open a writable database, logging any errors
- openReadWriteDatabaseAttempt(String, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
Attempt to open a writable database, logging any errors
- ORDER_BY - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQueryParamType
Order by
- paginate(FeatureIndexResults) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Paginate the results
- paginate(FeatureDao, FeatureIndexResults) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Paginate the results
- pinIcon() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTilePointIcon
Pin the icon to the point, lower middle on the point
- pointIcon - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Optional point icon in place of a drawn circle
- pointPaint - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Point paint
- pointRadius - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Point radius
- polygonFillPaint - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Polygon fill paint
- polygonPaint - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Polygon paint
- polygonStrokeWidth - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Polygon stroke width
- populate(long, String, long, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Populate a new geometry metadata from an envelope
- prepareResult(TResult) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
- preTileGeneration() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Called after set up and right before tile generation starts for the first zoom level
- preTileGeneration() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Called after set up and right before tile generation starts for the first zoom level
- preTileGeneration() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
Called after set up and right before tile generation starts for the first zoom level
- prioritizeQueryLocation(Collection<FeatureIndexType>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Prioritize the query location order.
- prioritizeQueryLocation(FeatureIndexType...) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Prioritize the query location order.
- progress - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
- projection - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Feature DAO Projection
- projection - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Tiles projection
- PropertiesExtension - Class in
GeoPackage properties extension for defining GeoPackage specific properties, attributes, and metadata
- PropertiesExtension(GeoPackage) - Constructor for class
- PropertiesManager - Class in
Properties Manager, utilizes the Properties Extension on a collection of GeoPackages
- PropertiesManager() - Constructor for class
- PropertiesManager(Collection<GeoPackage>) - Constructor for class
- PropertiesManager(GeoPackage) - Constructor for class
- PropertiesManager(GeoPackageCache) - Constructor for class
- put(long, Bitmap) - Method in class
Cache the icon bitmap for the icon row id
- put(IconRow, Bitmap) - Method in class
Cache the icon bitmap for the icon row
- put(FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCache
Cache the feature row
- put(FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Cache the feature row
- query() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all Geometry Metadata
- query() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results
- query() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results
- query(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(boolean, double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds
- query(boolean, double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(boolean, double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(boolean, double, double, double, double, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(boolean, double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(boolean, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results
- query(boolean, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(boolean, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
- query(boolean, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results
- query(boolean, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds
- query(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(boolean, String[], String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results
- query(boolean, String[], String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(boolean, String[], String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
- query(boolean, String[], String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
- query(boolean, String[], String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results
- query(boolean, String[], String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(boolean, String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
- query(boolean, String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
- query(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results
- query(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(boolean, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results
- query(boolean, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(boolean, String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- query(boolean, String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- query(boolean, String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- query(boolean, String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(boolean, String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(boolean, String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Query the table
- query(boolean, String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(boolean, String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- query(boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results
- query(boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(boolean, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box
- query(boolean, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(boolean, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(boolean, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(boolean, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(boolean, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds
- query(double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(double, double, double, double, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(long, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata
- query(long, String, boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata matching the envelope
- query(long, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata
- query(long, String, String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata matching the bounding box in the same projection
- query(long, String, String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata matching the envelope
- query(long, String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata matching the bounding box in the same projection
- query(long, String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata matching the envelope
- query(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results
- query(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all Geometry Metadata
- query(String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results
- query(String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(String[], double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds
- query(String[], double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(String[], double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(String[], double, double, double, double, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(String[], double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds
- query(String[], String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results
- query(String[], String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(String[], String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results
- query(String[], String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(String[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results
- query(String[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for Geometry Metadata within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box
- query(String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(String[], BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(String[], BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(String[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for Geometry Metadata within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(String[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(String[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(String[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for Geometry Metadata within the Geometry Envelope
- query(String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata
- query(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results
- query(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- query(String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- query(String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- query(String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Query the table
- query(String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- query(String, String, boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata matching the envelope
- query(String, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata
- query(String, String, String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata matching the bounding box in the same projection
- query(String, String, String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata matching the envelope
- query(String, String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata matching the bounding box in the same projection
- query(String, String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata matching the envelope
- query(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results
- query(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features
- query(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for Geometry Metadata within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box
- query(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly
- query(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box
- query(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for Geometry Metadata within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection
- query(UserQuery) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
Query using the user query arguments
- query(UserQuery) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
Query using the user query arguments
- query(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for Geometry Metadata within the Geometry Envelope
- query(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope
- query(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope
- query(TResult) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
Query using the query from a previous query result
- query(TResult) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
Query using the previous result query arguments
- queryByBaseFeatureId(long) - Method in class
Query for style mappings by base id
- queryByBaseId(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Query by base id
- queryByBaseId(UserMappingRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Query by base id
- queryByIds(long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Query by both base id and related id
- queryByIds(UserMappingRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Query by both base id and related id
- queryByRelatedId(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Query by related id
- queryByRelatedId(UserMappingRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Query by related id
- queryByTileGrid(TileGrid, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Query by tile grid and zoom level
- queryByTileGrid(TileGrid, long, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Query by tile grid and zoom level
- queryFeatures() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features
- queryFeatures() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all Features
- queryFeatures() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features
- queryFeatures(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features
- queryFeatures(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all Features
- queryFeatures(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features
- queryFeatures(boolean, double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(boolean, double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(boolean, double, double, double, double, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(boolean, double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(boolean, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all Features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(boolean, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(double, double, double, double, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features
- queryFeatures(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features
- queryFeatures(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features
- queryFeatures(String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features
- queryFeatures(String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all Features
- queryFeatures(String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features
- queryFeatures(String[], double, double, double, double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(String[], double, double, double, double, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(String[], double, double, double, double, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(String[], double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds
- queryFeatures(String[], String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features
- queryFeatures(String[], String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features
- queryFeatures(String[], String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features
- queryFeatures(String[], String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features
- queryFeatures(String[], String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features
- queryFeatures(String[], String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features
- queryFeatures(String[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features
- queryFeatures(String[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features
- queryFeatures(String[], Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(String[], GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features
- queryFeatures(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features
- queryFeatures(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features
- queryFeatures(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features
- queryFeatures(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features
- queryFeatures(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryFeatures(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for Features within the Geometry Envelope
- queryFeatures(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(double, double, double, double, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(double, double, double, double, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(double, double, double, double, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(double, double, double, double, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(double, double, double, double, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(double, double, double, double, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(double, double, double, double, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(double, double, double, double, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(double, double, double, double, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for all features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, double, double, double, double, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, double, double, double, double, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(double, double, double, double, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(double, double, double, double, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], double, double, double, double, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], double, double, double, double, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.nga.index.FeatureTableIndex
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryFeaturesForChunkIdOrder(GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for features within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, double, double, double, double, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], double, double, double, double, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Manually query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(double, double, double, double, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(double, double, double, double, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(double, double, double, double, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], double, double, double, double, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounds, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String[], GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for all feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(BoundingBox, Projection, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query for rows within the geometry envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, String, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunk(GeometryEnvelope, Map<String, Object>, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(boolean, GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(String[], BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(String[], GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box, projected correctly, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(BoundingBox, Projection, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the bounding box in the provided projection, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(GeometryEnvelope, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkIdOrder(GeometryEnvelope, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Query for feature index results ordered by id within the Geometry Envelope, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkWhere(boolean, String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkWhere(boolean, String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkWhere(boolean, String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkWhere(boolean, String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkWhere(String[], String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkWhere(String[], String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkWhere(String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForChunkWhere(String, int, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query for features, starting at the offset and returning no more than the limit
- queryForIdRow(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
Handles requery of invalid id row
- queryForRow(StyleMappingRow) - Method in class
Query for the icon row from a style mapping row
- queryForRow(StyleMappingRow) - Method in class
Query for the style row from a style mapping row
- queryForTile(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Query for Tiles at a zoom level
- queryForTile(long, long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Query for a Tile
- queryForTileDescending(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Query for Tiles at a zoom level in descending row and column order
- queryForTileGrid(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Query for the bounding
- queryForTilesInColumn(long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Query for Tiles at a zoom level and column
- queryForTilesInRow(long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
Query for Tiles at a zoom level and row
- queryGeoPackageDMFMetadata() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Query for GeoPackage DGIWG Metadata Foundation (DMF) metadata
- queryGeoPackageMetadata(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Query for GeoPackage metadata
- queryGeoPackageNASMetadata() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Query for GeoPackage NSG Metadata Foundation (NMF) NSG Application Schema (NAS) metadata
- queryIds() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for all Geometry Metadata ids
- queryIds(long, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata geometry ids
- queryIds(long, String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata ids matching the bounding box in the same projection
- queryIds(long, String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata ids matching the envelope
- queryIds(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata geometry ids
- queryIds(String, String, BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata ids matching the bounding box in the same projection
- queryIds(String, String, GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query for all table geometry metadata ids matching the envelope
- queryIds(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for Geometry Metadata ids within the bounding box, projected correctly
- queryIds(BoundingBox, Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for Geometry Metadata ids within the bounding box in the provided projection
- queryIds(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Query for Geometry Metadata idswithin the Geometry Envelope
- queryIndexedFeatures(int, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Query for feature results in the x, y, and zoom level by querying features in the tile location
- queryIndexedFeatures(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Query for feature results in the bounding box
- queryIndexedFeaturesCount(int, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Query for feature result count in the x, y, and zoom
- queryIndexedFeaturesCount(BoundingBox) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Query for feature result count in the bounding box
- queryResults(String, String[], GeoPackageDataType[], Integer) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
- querySingleColumnResults(String, String[], int, GeoPackageDataType, Integer) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
- querySingleResult(String, String[], int, GeoPackageDataType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
- querySQL() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Get the query SQL for a GeoPackage id and table name
- querySQL(boolean, String, String[], String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- querySQL(boolean, String, String[], String[], String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- querySQL(boolean, String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- querySQL(boolean, String, String[], String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- querySQL(String, String[], String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- querySQL(String, String[], String[], String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- querySQL(String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- querySQL(String, String[], String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- querySQL(GeometryEnvelope) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Get the query SQL for an envelope, GeoPackage id, and table name
- querySQLArgs(long, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Get the query SQL args for a GeoPackage id and table name
- querySQLArgs(GeometryEnvelope, long, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Get the query SQL args for an envelope, GeoPackage id, and table name
- quickCheck() - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Perform a quick integrity check on the database
- quickCheck() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Perform a quick integrity check on the database
- quoteWrap(ContentValues) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLUtils
Wrap the content values names in quotes
- rawQuery(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Raw query
- rawQuery(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Raw query
- rawQuery(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
Perform a raw database query
- rawQuery(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Raw query
- rawQuery(String, String[]) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Raw query
- rawQuery(String, String[]) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Perform a raw query on the database
- rawQuery(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Perform a raw query on the database
- rawQuery(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- rawQuery(String, String[], String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- rawQueryWithFactory(GeoPackageCursorFactory, String, String[], String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Raw query with factory
- rawQueryWithFactory(GeoPackageCursorFactory, String, String[], String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Raw query with factory
- rawQueryWithFactory(GeoPackageCursorFactory, String, String[], String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Raw query with factory
- rawQueryWithFactory(GeoPackageCursorFactory, String, String[], String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Raw query with factory
- readableSize(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Get a readable version of the database size
- readableSize(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Get a readable version of the database size
- readBlobValue(UserDao, UserCoreResult, UserRow, UserColumn) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
Read the blob column value in chunks
- readTable(GeoPackage, String) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomDao
Read the database table and create a DAO
- recycle() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileCanvas
Recycle the layered bitmaps
- registerCursorWrapper(String, GeoPackageCursorWrapper) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackage
Register a GeoPackage Cursor Wrapper for table name
- registerCursorWrapper(String, GeoPackageCursorWrapper) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageImpl
Register a GeoPackage Cursor Wrapper for table name
- registerCursorWrapper(GeoPackage) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomDao
Register the cursor wrapper into the GeoPackage
- registerTable(String, GeoPackageCursorWrapper) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageCursorFactory
Register a cursor wrapper for the provided table name.
- relatedTables - Variable in class
Related Tables extension
- RelatedTablesExtension - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related
Related Tables extension
- RelatedTablesExtension(GeoPackage) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.RelatedTablesExtension
- remove(long) - Method in class
Remove the cached bitmap for the icon row id
- remove(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCache
Remove the cached feature row by id
- remove(String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Remove the cached feature row by id
- remove(IconRow) - Method in class
Remove the cached bitmap for the icon row
- remove(FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCache
Remove the cached feature row
- remove(FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Remove the cached feature row
- rename(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Rename the GeoPackage name to the new name
- rename(String, String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Rename the database to the new name
- rename(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Rename the database to the new name
- rename(GeoPackageMetadata, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadataDataSource
Rename the GeoPackage metadata to the new name
- renameTableColumn(String, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
Alter Table in SQLite does not support renaming columns until version 3.25.0 Once Android supports column rename alter table statements, this method override can be removed.
- reproject(long, long, BoundingBox, long, long, long, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
- reproject(GeoPackage, String, String, TileReprojectionOptimize) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Reproject a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table within the GeoPackage
- reproject(GeoPackage, String, String, Projection) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Reproject a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table within the GeoPackage
- reproject(GeoPackage, String, GeoPackage, String, TileReprojectionOptimize) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Reproject a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table in a specified GeoPackage
- reproject(GeoPackage, String, GeoPackage, String, Projection) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Reproject a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table in a specified GeoPackage
- reproject(GeoPackage, String, GeoPackage, TileDao) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Reproject a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table
- reproject(GeoPackage, String, TileReprojectionOptimize) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Reproject a GeoPackage tile table, replacing the existing tiles
- reproject(GeoPackage, String, TileDao) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Reproject a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table
- reproject(GeoPackage, String, Projection) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Reproject a GeoPackage tile table, replacing the existing tiles
- reproject(TileDao, GeoPackage, String, TileReprojectionOptimize) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Reproject a tile table to a new tile table in a specified GeoPackage
- reproject(TileDao, GeoPackage, String, Projection) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Reproject a tile table to a new tile table in a specified GeoPackage
- reproject(TileDao, GeoPackage, TileDao) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Reproject a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table
- reproject(TileDao, TileDao) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Reproject a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table
- resize(int) - Method in class
Resize the cache
- resize(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCache
Resize the cache
- resize(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Resize all caches and update the max cache size
- resize(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePaintCache
Resize the cache
- resize(String, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Resize the feature table cache
- retainIndex(Collection<FeatureIndexType>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Retain the feature index from the index types and delete the others
- retainIndex(FeatureIndexType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Retain the feature index from the index types and delete the others
- RTREE - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexType
RTree Index extension
- RTreeIndexExtension - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree
RTree Index Extension TODO User defined functions that return values are not currently supported for Android
- RTreeIndexExtension(GeoPackage) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexExtension
- RTreeIndexExtension(GeoPackage, boolean) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexExtension
- RTreeIndexTableDao - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree
RTree Index Table DAO for reading geometry index ranges
- RTreeIndexTableRow - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree
RTree Index Table Row containing the values from a single cursor row
- SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Single sample coverage data
- saveFeature(FeatureRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.OAPIFeatureGenerator
Save the feature row
- saveFeature(Geometry, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.OAPIFeatureGenerator
- SELECTION - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQueryParamType
- SELECTION_ARGS - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQueryParamType
Selection arguments
- set(UserQueryParamType, Object) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Set the value for the param type
- setAnchorU(Double) - Method in class
Set the anchor u
- setAnchorV(Double) - Method in class
Set the anchor v
- setBaseId(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingRow
Set the base ID
- setBitmapCompressionConfig(Bitmap.Config) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Set the Bitmap Compress Config
- setBufferPercentage(double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Set the buffer percentage for drawing empty non features edges (i.e.
- setCacheGeometries(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Set the cache geometries flag
- setChunkLimit(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Set the SQL query chunk limit
- setChunkLimit(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Set the SQL query chunk limit
- setCircleFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Set the paint object used to draw the filled circle
- setCirclePaddingPercentage(float) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Set the circle padding percentage to pad around the text, value between 0.0 and 1.0
- setCirclePaint(Paint) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Set the paint object used to draw the circle
- setColor(String) - Method in class
Set the color
- setColor(Color) - Method in class
Set the color
- setColumns(UserColumns<TColumn>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
Set the columns
- setCompressFormat(Bitmap.CompressFormat) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the compress format
- setCompressFormat(Bitmap.CompressFormat) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Set the compress format
- setCompressQuality(Integer) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Set the compress quality.
- setContentType(String) - Method in class
Set the content type
- setContentValue(ContentValues, String, Object) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLUtils
Set the content value into the content values
- setContext(Context) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCreator
Set the context
- setContinueOnError(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Set the continue on error flag
- setData(byte[]) - Method in class
Set the data
- setData(Bitmap, Bitmap.CompressFormat) - Method in class
Set the data from a full quality bitmap
- setData(Bitmap, Bitmap.CompressFormat, int) - Method in class
Set the data from a bitmap
- setDb(SQLiteDatabase) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Set the SQLite database connection
- setDebugLogQueries(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageCursorFactory
Set the debug log queries flag
- setDefault(IconRow) - Method in class
Set the default icon
- setDefault(StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the default style icon
- setDensity(float) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the density
- setDescription(String) - Method in class
Set the description
- setDescription(String) - Method in class
Set the description
- setDrawOverlap(float) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Manually set the width and height draw overlap
- setDrawUnindexedTiles(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Set the draw unindexed tiles option
- setExternalPath(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
Set the external path
- setFeatureStyle(long, GeometryType, FeatureStyle) - Method in class
Set the feature style (style and icon) of the feature
- setFeatureStyle(String, long, GeometryType, FeatureStyle) - Method in class
Set the feature style (style and icon) of the feature
- setFeatureStyle(FeatureRow, FeatureStyle) - Method in class
Set the feature style (style and icon) of the feature row
- setFeatureStyle(FeatureRow, FeatureStyle) - Method in class
Set the feature style (style and icon) of the feature row
- setFeatureStyle(FeatureRow, GeometryType, FeatureStyle) - Method in class
Set the feature style (style and icon) of the feature row for the specified geometry type
- setFeatureStyle(FeatureRow, GeometryType, FeatureStyle) - Method in class
Set the feature style (style and icon) of the feature row for the specified geometry type
- setFeatureStyleDefault(long, FeatureStyle) - Method in class
Set the feature style (style and icon) of the feature
- setFeatureStyleDefault(String, long, FeatureStyle) - Method in class
Set the feature style (style and icon) of the feature
- setFeatureStyleDefault(FeatureRow, FeatureStyle) - Method in class
Set the feature style default (style and icon) of the feature row
- setFeatureStyleDefault(FeatureRow, FeatureStyle) - Method in class
Set the feature style default (style and icon) of the feature row
- setFeatureStyles(long, FeatureStyles) - Method in class
Set the feature styles for the feature table and feature id
- setFeatureStyles(String, long, FeatureStyles) - Method in class
Set the feature styles for the feature table and feature id
- setFeatureStyles(FeatureRow, FeatureStyles) - Method in class
Set the feature styles for the feature row
- setFeatureStyles(FeatureRow, FeatureStyles) - Method in class
Set the feature styles for the feature row
- setFeatureTableStyles(FeatureTableStyles) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the feature table styles
- setFillColor(String) - Method in class
Set the fill color
- setFillColor(Color) - Method in class
Set the color
- setFillOpacity(Double) - Method in class
Set the fill opacity
- setFillPolygon(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the fill polygon
- setGeodesic(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Set the geodestic flag, true to index geodesic geometries
- setGeodesic(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Set the geodestic flag, true to index geodesic geometries
- setGeodesic(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Set the geodestic flag, true to index geodesic geometries
- setGeodesic(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Set the geodestic flag, true to index geodesic geometries
- setGeodesic(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the geodestic flag, true to draw geodesic geometries
- setGeometry(GeoPackageGeometryData) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow
Set the geometry data
- setGeometryCacheSize(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.DefaultFeatureTiles
Set / resize the geometry cache size
- setGeometryType(GeometryType) - Method in class
Set the geometry type
- setGeoPackageId(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Set the GeoPackage id
- setGeoPackageId(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
Set the GeoPackage id
- setHeight(Double) - Method in class
Set the height
- setHeightDrawOverlap(float) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Manually set the height draw overlap
- setHttpMethod(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
Set the HTTP request method
- setIcon(long, GeometryType, IconRow) - Method in class
Get the icon of the feature, searching in order: feature geometry type icon, feature default icon, table geometry type icon, table default icon
- setIcon(String, long, GeometryType, IconRow) - Method in class
Get the icon of the feature, searching in order: feature geometry type icon, feature default icon, table geometry type icon, table default icon
- setIcon(IconRow) - Method in class
Set the icon row
- setIcon(IconRow, GeometryType) - Method in class
Set the icon for the geometry type
- setIcon(FeatureRow, IconRow) - Method in class
Set the icon of the feature row
- setIcon(FeatureRow, IconRow) - Method in class
Set the icon of the feature row
- setIcon(FeatureRow, GeometryType, IconRow) - Method in class
Set the icon of the feature row for the specified geometry type
- setIcon(FeatureRow, GeometryType, IconRow) - Method in class
Set the icon of the feature row for the specified geometry type
- setIconCacheSize(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set / resize the icon cache size
- setIconDefault(long, IconRow) - Method in class
Set the default icon of the feature
- setIconDefault(String, long, IconRow) - Method in class
Set the default icon of the feature
- setIconDefault(FeatureRow, IconRow) - Method in class
Set the default icon of the feature row
- setIconDefault(FeatureRow, IconRow) - Method in class
Set the default icon of the feature row
- setIcons(long, Icons) - Method in class
Set the icons for the feature table and feature id
- setIcons(String, long, Icons) - Method in class
Set the icons for the feature table and feature id
- setIcons(Icons) - Method in class
Set the icons
- setIcons(FeatureRow, Icons) - Method in class
Set the icons for the feature row
- setIcons(FeatureRow, Icons) - Method in class
Set the icons for the feature row
- setId(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Set the id
- setId(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
Set the id
- setImportHeaderValidation(boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Set the import database header validation setting.
- setImportHeaderValidation(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Set the import database header validation setting.
- setImportIntegrityValidation(boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Set the import database integrity validation setting.
- setImportIntegrityValidation(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Set the import database integrity validation setting.
- setIndexLocation(FeatureIndexType) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Set the index location
- setIndexLocationOrder(Collection<FeatureIndexType>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Set the index location order, overriding all previously set types
- setIndexLocationOrder(FeatureIndexType...) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Set the index location order, overriding all previously set types
- setIndexManager(FeatureIndexManager) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the index
- setInvalidRequery(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
Set the invalid requery flag.
- setLastIndexed(Long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
Set the last indexed date
- setLimit(Integer) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Set the feature query limit
- setLineAlpha(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set line alpha
- setLineColor(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set line color
- setLinePaint(Paint) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the line paint
- setLineStrokeWidth(float) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set line stroke width
- setLinkTables(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTileGenerator
Set the link tables flag
- setManual(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Set the manual bounding box query flag for non indexed and empty contents bounds feature tables
- setMaxCacheSize(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureCacheTables
Set the max cache size to use when creating new feature row caches
- setMaxFeaturesPerTile(Integer) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the max features per tile.
- setMaxFeaturesTileDraw(CustomFeaturesTile) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the max features tile draw, used to draw tiles when more features for a single tile than the max at #getMaxFeaturesPerTile exist
- setMaxM(Double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Set max M
- setMaxX(double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Set max X
- setMaxY(double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Set max Y
- setMaxZ(Double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Set max Z
- setMinM(Double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Set min M
- setMinX(double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Set min X
- setMinY(double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Set min Y
- setMinZ(Double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Set min Z
- setName(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
Set the name
- setName(String) - Method in class
Set the name
- setName(String) - Method in class
Set the name
- setOpacity(Double) - Method in class
Set the opacity
- setOpenHeaderValidation(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCreator
Set the open database header validation setting.
- setOpenHeaderValidation(boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Set the open database header validation setting.
- setOpenHeaderValidation(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Set the open database header validation setting.
- setOpenIntegrityValidation(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCreator
Set the open database integrity validation setting.
- setOpenIntegrityValidation(boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Set the open database integrity validation setting.
- setOpenIntegrityValidation(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Set the open database integrity validation setting.
- setPaint(long, FeatureDrawType, Paint) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePaintCache
Set the paint for the style id and draw type
- setPaint(StyleRow, FeatureDrawType, Paint) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePaintCache
Set the paint for the style id and draw type
- setPaint(FeatureDrawType, Paint) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePaint
Set the paint for the draw type
- setPixelValue(int[], int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Set the pixel value
- setPixelValue(int[], int, short) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Set the pixel value
- setPixelValue(ImageLineInt, int, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Set the pixel value
- setPixelValue(ImageLineInt, int, short) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Set the pixel value
- setPixelValue(CoverageDataTiffImage, int, int, float) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Set the pixel value into the image
- setPointIcon(FeatureTilePointIcon) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the point icon
- setPointPaint(Paint) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the point paint
- setPointRadius(float) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the point radius
- setPolygonAlpha(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set polygon alpha
- setPolygonColor(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set polygon color
- setPolygonFillAlpha(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set polygon fill alpha
- setPolygonFillColor(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set polygon fill color
- setPolygonFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the polygon fill paint
- setPolygonPaint(Paint) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the polygon paint
- setPolygonStrokeWidth(float) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set polygon stroke width
- setProgress(GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Set the progress tracker
- setProgress(GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Set the progress tracker
- setProgress(GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexManager
Set the GeoPackage Progress
- setProgress(GeoPackageProgress) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Set the progress tracker
- setProjection(Projection) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Set the feature projection
- setQuery(UserQuery) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
Set the user query
- setRelatedId(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingRow
Set the related ID
- setScaling(TileScaling) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.GeoPackageTileRetriever
Set the Tile Scaling options
- setScaling(TileScaling) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Set the tile scaling options
- setScaling(TileScaling) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Set the tile scaling settings
- setSimplifyGeometries(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the simplify geometries flag
- setSkipExisting(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Set the skip existing tiles flag
- setSqliteWriteAheadLogging(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageCreator
Set the SQLite write ahead logging setting for connections.
- setSqliteWriteAheadLogging(boolean) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Set the SQLite write ahead logging setting for connections.
- setSqliteWriteAheadLogging(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Set the SQLite write ahead logging setting for connections.
- setStyle(long, GeometryType, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the style of the feature
- setStyle(String, long, GeometryType, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the style of the feature
- setStyle(StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the style row
- setStyle(StyleRow, GeometryType) - Method in class
Set the style for the geometry type
- setStyle(FeatureRow, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the style of the feature row
- setStyle(FeatureRow, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the style of the feature row
- setStyle(FeatureRow, GeometryType, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the style of the feature row for the specified geometry type
- setStyle(FeatureRow, GeometryType, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the style of the feature row for the specified geometry type
- setStyleDefault(long, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the default style of the feature
- setStyleDefault(String, long, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the default style of the feature
- setStyleDefault(FeatureRow, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the default style of the feature row
- setStyleDefault(FeatureRow, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the default style of the feature row
- setStylePaintCacheSize(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set / resize the style paint cache size
- setStyles(long, Styles) - Method in class
Set the styles for the feature table and feature id
- setStyles(String, long, Styles) - Method in class
Set the styles for the feature table and feature id
- setStyles(Styles) - Method in class
Set the styles
- setStyles(FeatureRow, Styles) - Method in class
Set the styles for the feature row
- setStyles(FeatureRow, Styles) - Method in class
Set the styles for the feature row
- setTable(TTable) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
Set the table
- setTable(TTable) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
Set the table
- setTableFeatureStyles(String, FeatureStyles) - Method in class
Set the feature table default feature styles
- setTableFeatureStyles(FeatureStyles) - Method in class
Set the feature table default feature styles
- setTableFeatureStyles(FeatureTable, FeatureStyles) - Method in class
Set the feature table default feature styles
- setTableIcon(boolean) - Method in class
Set table icon flag
- setTableIcon(String, GeometryType, IconRow) - Method in class
Set the feature table icon for the geometry type
- setTableIcon(FeatureTable, GeometryType, IconRow) - Method in class
Set the feature table icon for the geometry type
- setTableIcon(GeometryType, IconRow) - Method in class
Set the feature table icon for the geometry type
- setTableIconDefault(String, IconRow) - Method in class
Set the feature table icon default
- setTableIconDefault(IconRow) - Method in class
Set the feature table icon default
- setTableIconDefault(FeatureTable, IconRow) - Method in class
Set the feature table icon default
- setTableIcons(boolean) - Method in class
Set table icons flag
- setTableIcons(String, Icons) - Method in class
Set the feature table default icons
- setTableIcons(Icons) - Method in class
Set the feature table default icons
- setTableIcons(FeatureTable, Icons) - Method in class
Set the feature table default icons
- setTableName(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Set the table name
- setTableName(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
Set the table name
- setTableStyle(boolean) - Method in class
Set table style flag
- setTableStyle(String, GeometryType, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the feature table style for the geometry type
- setTableStyle(FeatureTable, GeometryType, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the feature table style for the geometry type
- setTableStyle(GeometryType, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the feature table style for the geometry type
- setTableStyleDefault(String, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the feature table style default
- setTableStyleDefault(StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the feature table style default
- setTableStyleDefault(FeatureTable, StyleRow) - Method in class
Set the feature table style default
- setTableStyles(boolean) - Method in class
Set table styles flag
- setTableStyles(String, Styles) - Method in class
Set the feature table default styles
- setTableStyles(Styles) - Method in class
Set the feature table default styles
- setTableStyles(FeatureTable, Styles) - Method in class
Set the feature table default styles
- setTextPaint(Paint) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Set the paint object used to draw the text
- setTileBorderPaint(Paint) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Set the tile border paint object used to draw a border around the tile
- setTileColumn(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Set the tile column
- setTileData(byte[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Set the tile data
- setTileData(Bitmap, Bitmap.CompressFormat) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Set the tile data from a full quality bitmap
- setTileData(Bitmap, Bitmap.CompressFormat, int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Set the tile data from a bitmap
- setTileFillPaint(Paint) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.custom.NumberFeaturesTile
Set the tile fill paint object used to color the entire tile
- setTileHeight(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the tile height
- setTileRow(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Set the tile row
- setTileWidth(int) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Set the tile width
- setTms(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
Set the TMS URL flag
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.FeatureIndexer
Set the query range tolerance
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Set the query range tolerance
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Set the query range tolerance
- setTolerance(double) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Set the query range tolerance
- setUseBindings(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
Set the active SQLite connection as the bindings or standard
- setUseBindings(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Set the active SQLite connection as the bindings or standard
- setUseBindings(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
Set the cursor SQLite connection origination as bindings or standard
- setUseBindings(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
Set the active SQLite connection as the bindings or standard
- setValid(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserRow
Set the row valid state
- setValue(int, Object) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureRow
- setWhere(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Set the where clause
- setWhereArgs(String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeaturePreview
Set the where arguments
- setWidth(Double) - Method in class
Set the width
- setWidth(Double) - Method in class
Set the width
- setWidthDrawOverlap(float) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Manually set the width draw overlap
- setXOffset(float) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTilePointIcon
Set the x offset
- setXYZTiles(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
Set the XYZ Tiles flag to true to generate XYZ tile format tiles.
- setYOffset(float) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTilePointIcon
Set the y offset
- setZoomLevel(long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Set the zoom level
- SimpleAttributesDao - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple
User Simple Attributes DAO for reading user simple attributes data tables
- SimpleAttributesDao(UserCustomDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesDao
- SimpleAttributesDao(UserCustomDao, SimpleAttributesTable) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesDao
- SimpleAttributesRow - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple
User Simple Attributes Row containing the values from a single cursor row
- SimpleAttributesRow(SimpleAttributesRow) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesRow
Copy Constructor
- SimpleAttributesRow(SimpleAttributesTable) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesRow
Constructor to create an empty row
- SimpleAttributesRow(UserCustomRow) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.simple.SimpleAttributesRow
- simplifyGeometries - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
When true, geometries are simplified before being drawn.
- simplifyPoints(double, List<Point>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
When the simplify tolerance is set, simplify the points to a similar curve with fewer points.
- size(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Size of the database in bytes
- size(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Size of the database in bytes
- SQL - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQueryParamType
Raw SQL string
- SQLiteDatabaseUtils - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db
SQLite Database utilities
- SQLiteDatabaseUtils() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
- SQLUtils - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db
Core SQL Utility methods
- SQLUtils() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLUtils
- STROKE - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureDrawType
Stroke for a line or polygon
- StyleDao - Class in
Style DAO for reading style tables
- StyleDao(AttributesDao) - Constructor for class
- StyleMappingDao - Class in
Style Mapping DAO for reading style mapping data tables
- StyleMappingDao(UserCustomDao) - Constructor for class
- StyleMappingRow - Class in
Style Mapping Row containing the values from a single cursor row
- StyleMappingRow(StyleMappingRow) - Constructor for class
Copy Constructor
- StyleMappingRow(StyleMappingTable) - Constructor for class
Constructor to create an empty row
- StyleMappingRow(UserCustomRow) - Constructor for class
- StyleRow - Class in
Style Row containing the values from a single cursor row
- StyleRow() - Constructor for class
Constructor to create an empty row
- StyleRow(AttributesRow) - Constructor for class
- StyleRow(StyleRow) - Constructor for class
Copy Constructor
- StyleRow(StyleTable) - Constructor for class
Constructor to create an empty row
- Styles - Class in
Styles for a single feature geometry or feature table default
- Styles() - Constructor for class
- Styles(boolean) - Constructor for class
- table - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- TABLE - Enum constant in enum mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQueryParamType
Table name
- TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
Table name
- TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeoPackageMetadata
Table name
- TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
Table name
- TableMetadata - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata
Metadata about tables within a GeoPackage
- TableMetadata() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
- TableMetadataDataSource - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata
Table metadata Data Source
- TableMetadataDataSource(GeoPackageMetadataDb) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadataDataSource
- tableName - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadata
GeoPackage table name
- tableName - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadata
GeoPackage table name
- TILE_DP - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileUtils
Displayed device-independent pixels
- TILE_PIXELS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileUtils
Tile pixels for default dpi tiles
- TILE_PIXELS_HIGH - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileUtils
Tile pixels for high dpi tiles
- TileBoundingBoxAndroidUtils - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles
Tile Bounding Box utility methods relying on Android libraries
- TileBoundingBoxAndroidUtils() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileBoundingBoxAndroidUtils
- TileConnection - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user
GeoPackage Tile Connection
- TileConnection(GeoPackageConnection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileConnection
- TileCreator - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever
Tile Creator, creates a tile from a tile matrix to the desired projection
- TileCreator(TileDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Constructor, tile tables tile size and projection
- TileCreator(TileDao, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Constructor, tile tables projection with specified tile size
- TileCreator(TileDao, Integer, Integer, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Constructor, specified tile size and projection
- TileCreator(TileDao, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.TileCreator
Constructor, tile tables tile size and requested projection
- TileCursor - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user
Tile Cursor to wrap a database cursor for tile queries
- TileCursor(TileTable, Cursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileCursor
- TileCursor(TileTable, String[], Cursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileCursor
- tileDao - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageData
Tile DAO
- TileDao - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user
Tile DAO for reading tile user tables
- TileDao(String, GeoPackageConnection, TileMatrixSet, List<TileMatrix>, TileTable) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileDao
- tileDensity(float, int) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileUtils
Get the tile density based upon the display density scale and tile length (width or height)
- tileDensity(float, int, int) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileUtils
Get the tile density based upon the display density scale and tile dimensions
- TileGenerator - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles
Creates a set of tiles within a GeoPackage
- TileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, int[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
- TileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, int, int, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
- TileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, int, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
- TileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, Collection<Integer>, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
- TileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileGenerator
- tileHeight - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Tile height
- TileInvalidCursor - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user
Tile Invalid Cursor wrapper for tile requery to handle failed rows due to large blobs
- TileInvalidCursor(TileDao, TileCursor, List<Integer>, List<TileColumn>) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileInvalidCursor
- tileLength(float) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileUtils
Get the tile side (width and height) dimension based upon the display density scale
- TilePaginatedCursor - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user
Tile Paginated Cursor for iterating and querying through tiles in chunks
- TilePaginatedCursor(TileDao, TileCursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TilePaginatedCursor
- TileReprojection - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject
Tile Reprojection for reprojecting an existing tile table
- TileReprojection(TileDao, GeoPackage, String, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Constructor, reproject a tile table to a new tile table in a specified GeoPackage
- TileReprojection(TileDao, GeoPackage, TileDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Constructor, reproject a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table
- TileReprojection(TileDao, TileDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.reproject.TileReprojection
Constructor, reproject a GeoPackage tile table to a new tile table
- TileRetriever - Interface in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever
Interface defining the get tile retrieval method
- TileRow - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user
Tile Row containing the values from a single cursor row
- TileRow(TileRow) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRow
Copy Constructor
- TileRowSync - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user
Tile Row Sync to support reading a single tile row copy when multiple near simultaneous asynchronous requests are made
- TileRowSync() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileRowSync
- TileUtils - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles
Tile utilities and constants
- TileUtils() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.TileUtils
- tileWidth - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Tile width
- TileWrapperConnection - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user
to query tile tables - TileWrapperConnection(GeoPackageConnection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileWrapperConnection
- toBitmap(byte[]) - Static method in class
Decode the bytes to a bitmap
- toBitmap(byte[], BitmapFactory.Options) - Static method in class
Decode the bytes to a bitmap, with options
- toBytes(Bitmap, Bitmap.CompressFormat) - Static method in class
Compress the bitmap to a byte array at full quality
- toBytes(Bitmap, Bitmap.CompressFormat, int) - Static method in class
Compress the bitmap to a byte array
- toContentValues() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserRow
Convert the row to content values
- toContentValues(boolean) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserRow
Convert the row to content values
- tolerance - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Query range tolerance
- tolerance - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.rtree.RTreeIndexTableDao
Query range tolerance
- tolerance - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.ManualFeatureQuery
Query range tolerance
- uniqueBaseIds() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Get the unique base ids
- uniqueRelatedIds() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
Get the unique related ids
- update(ContentValues, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
Update all rows matching the where clause with the provided values
- update(String, ContentValues, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidBindingsSQLiteDatabase
Update the table
- update(String, ContentValues, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.AndroidSQLiteDatabase
Update the table
- update(String, ContentValues, String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageDatabase
Update the table
- update(String, ContentValues, String, String[]) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageSQLiteDatabase
Update the table
- update(GeometryMetadata) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.GeometryMetadataDataSource
Update the geometry metadata
- update(TRow) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
- updateLastIndexed(long, String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadataDataSource
Update the last indexed time
- updateLastIndexed(String, String, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadataDataSource
Update the last indexed time
- updateLastIndexed(TableMetadata, long) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.metadata.TableMetadataDataSource
Update the last indexed time
- UrlTileGenerator - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles
Creates a set of tiles within a GeoPackage by downloading the tiles from a URL
- UrlTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, String, int[], BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
- UrlTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, String, int, int, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
- UrlTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, String, int, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
- UrlTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, String, Collection<Integer>, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
- UrlTileGenerator(Context, GeoPackage, String, String, BoundingBox, Projection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.UrlTileGenerator
- useIcon() - Method in class
Determine if an icon exists and should be used.
- UserConnection<TColumn extends UserColumn,
TTable extends UserTable<TColumn>, TRow extends UserRow<TColumn, TTable>, TResult extends UserCursor<TColumn, TTable, TRow>> - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user -
GeoPackage Connection used to define common functionality within different connection types
- UserConnection(GeoPackageConnection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserConnection
- UserCursor<TColumn extends UserColumn,
TTable extends UserTable<TColumn>, TRow extends UserRow<TColumn, TTable>> - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user -
Abstract User Cursor
- UserCursor(TTable, Cursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- UserCursor(TTable, String[], Cursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- UserCursor(TTable, UserColumns<TColumn>, Cursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserCursor
- UserCustomConnection - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom
GeoPackage User Custom Connection
- UserCustomConnection(GeoPackageConnection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomConnection
- UserCustomCursor - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom
User Custom Cursor to wrap a database Cursor for tile queries
- UserCustomCursor(UserCustomTable, Cursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomCursor
- UserCustomCursor(UserCustomTable, String[], Cursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomCursor
- UserCustomDao - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom
User Custom DAO for reading user custom data tables
- UserCustomDao(String, GeoPackageConnection, UserCustomTable) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomDao
- UserCustomDao(UserCustomDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomDao
- UserCustomDao(UserCustomDao, UserCustomTable) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomDao
- UserCustomInvalidCursor - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom
User Custom Invalid Cursor wrapper for user custom requery to handle failed rows due to large blobs
- UserCustomInvalidCursor(UserCustomDao, UserCustomCursor, List<Integer>, List<UserCustomColumn>) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomInvalidCursor
- UserCustomPaginatedCursor - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom
User Custom Paginated Cursor for iterating and querying through user customs in chunks
- UserCustomPaginatedCursor(UserCustomDao, UserCustomCursor) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomPaginatedCursor
- UserCustomRow - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom
User Custom Row containing the values from a single cursor row
- UserCustomRow(UserCustomRow) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomRow
Copy Constructor
- UserCustomRow(UserCustomTable) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomRow
Constructor to create an empty row
- UserCustomRow(UserCustomTable, UserCustomColumns, int[], Object[]) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomRow
- UserCustomRowSync - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom
User Custom Row Sync to support reading a single user mapping row copy when multiple near simultaneous asynchronous requests are made
- UserCustomRowSync() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomRowSync
- UserCustomWrapperConnection - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom
to query user custom tables - UserCustomWrapperConnection(GeoPackageConnection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomWrapperConnection
- UserDao<TColumn extends UserColumn,
TTable extends UserTable<TColumn>, TRow extends UserRow<TColumn, TTable>, TResult extends UserCursor<TColumn, TTable, TRow>> - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user -
Abstract User DAO for reading user tables
- UserDao(String, GeoPackageConnection, UserConnection<TColumn, TTable, TRow, TResult>, TTable) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserDao
- userDb - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomDao
User Custom connection
- UserInvalidCursor<TColumn extends UserColumn,
TTable extends UserTable<TColumn>, TRow extends UserRow<TColumn, TTable>, TCursor extends UserCursor<TColumn, TTable, TRow>, TUserDao extends UserDao<TColumn, TTable, TRow, TCursor>> - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user -
Abstract User Invalid Cursor for handling failed rows due to large blobs
- UserInvalidCursor(TUserDao, TCursor, List<Integer>, List<TColumn>) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- UserMappingDao - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related
User Mapping DAO for reading user mapping data tables
- UserMappingDao(UserCustomDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
- UserMappingDao(UserCustomDao, UserMappingTable) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingDao
- UserMappingRow - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related
User Mapping Row containing the values from a single cursor row
- UserMappingRow(UserMappingRow) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingRow
Copy Constructor
- UserMappingRow(UserMappingTable) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingRow
Constructor to create an empty row
- UserMappingRow(UserCustomRow) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.related.UserMappingRow
- UserPaginatedCursor<TColumn extends UserColumn,
TTable extends UserTable<TColumn>, TRow extends UserRow<TColumn, TTable>, TResult extends UserCursor<TColumn, TTable, TRow>> - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user -
User Paginated Cursor for iterating and querying through chunks
- UserPaginatedCursor(UserDao<TColumn, TTable, TRow, TResult>, UserCursor<TColumn, TTable, TRow>) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserPaginatedCursor
- UserQuery - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user
User Query parameter types
- UserQuery() - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
- UserQuery(Boolean, String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
- UserQuery(Boolean, String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
- UserQuery(Boolean, String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
- UserQuery(Boolean, String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
- UserQuery(String, String[]) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Constructor for raw query
- UserQuery(String, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
Constructor for raw query
- UserQuery(String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
- UserQuery(String, String[], String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
- UserQuery(String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
- UserQuery(String, String[], String, String[], String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQuery
- UserQueryParamType - Enum in mil.nga.geopackage.user
User Query parameter types
- UserRow<TColumn extends UserColumn,
TTable extends UserTable<TColumn>> - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user -
User Row containing the values from a single cursor row
- UserRow(UserRow<TColumn, TTable>) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserRow
Copy Constructor
- UserRow(TTable) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserRow
Constructor to create an empty row
- UserRow(TTable, UserColumns<TColumn>, int[], Object[]) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserRow
- UserWrapperConnection<TColumn extends UserColumn,
TTable extends UserTable<TColumn>, TRow extends UserRow<TColumn, TTable>, TResult extends UserCursor<TColumn, TTable, TRow>> - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.user -
to query user tables - UserWrapperConnection(GeoPackageConnection) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserWrapperConnection
- validate() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Validate the GeoPackage against the DGIWG GeoPackage Profile
- validate(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Validate the GeoPackage table against the DGIWG GeoPackage Profile
- validate(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Validate the database header and integrity.
- validate(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Validate the database header and integrity.
- validate(List<String>) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackage
Validate the GeoPackage tables against the DGIWG GeoPackage Profile
- validate(DGIWGGeoPackage) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.dgiwg.DGIWGGeoPackageManager
Validate the GeoPackage against the DGIWG GeoPackage Profile
- validateDatabase(SQLiteDatabase, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
Validate the database header and integrity.
- validateDatabaseAndClose(SQLiteDatabase, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
Validate the database and close it.
- validateDatabaseAndCloseOnError(SQLiteDatabase, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
Validate the database and close when validation fails.
- validateDatabaseHeader(SQLiteDatabase) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
Validate the header of the database file to verify it is a sqlite database
- validateDatabaseIntegrity(SQLiteDatabase) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.SQLiteDatabaseUtils
Validate the integrity of the database
- validateHeader(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Validate the database header.
- validateHeader(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Validate the database header.
- validateImageType(PngReader) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataPng
Validate that the image type is single channel 16 bit
- validateImageType(FileDirectory) - Static method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiff
Validate that the image type
- validateIntegrity(String) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManager
Validate the database integrity.
- validateIntegrity(String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.GeoPackageManagerImpl
Validate the database integrity.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureDrawType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQueryParamType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum mil.nga.geopackage.features.index.FeatureIndexType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureDrawType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserQueryParamType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- wasNull() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.CursorResult
- wasNull() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserInvalidCursor
- WEB_MERCATOR_PROJECTION - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Web Mercator Projection
- WGS_84_PROJECTION - Static variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
WGS84 Projection
- width - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.GeoPackageTile
Tile width
- widthOverlap - Variable in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.features.FeatureTiles
Width overlapping pixels between tile images
- wrapCursor(Cursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.attributes.AttributesWrapperConnection
Deprecated.Wrap the cursor in a result
- wrapCursor(Cursor) - Method in interface mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageCursorWrapper
Wrap the cursor
- wrapCursor(Cursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.features.user.FeatureWrapperConnection
Deprecated.Wrap the cursor in a result
- wrapCursor(Cursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.user.TileWrapperConnection
Deprecated.Wrap the cursor in a result
- wrapCursor(Cursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.custom.UserCustomWrapperConnection
Deprecated.Wrap the cursor in a result
- wrapCursor(Cursor) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.user.UserWrapperConnection
Deprecated.Wrap the cursor in a result
- wrapCursor(Cursor, String) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageCursorFactory
Wrap the cursor
- wrapQuery(String, String[]) - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.db.GeoPackageConnection
Perform the query and wrap as a result
- writeTiff() - Method in class mil.nga.geopackage.extension.coverage.CoverageDataTiffImage
Write the TIFF file to the image bytes
- XYZGeoPackageTileRetriever - Class in mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever
XYZ GeoPackage Tile Retriever, assumes XYZ tiles
- XYZGeoPackageTileRetriever(TileDao) - Constructor for class mil.nga.geopackage.tiles.retriever.XYZGeoPackageTileRetriever
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values
to query attributes tables