All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract overlay which provides bounding returned tiles by zoom levels and/or a bounding box
Composite overlay comprised of multiple overlays, checking each in order for a tile
Feature Info Builder for building feature result based info messages or table data from feature results
Feature overlay which draws tiles from a feature table
Used to query the features represented by tiles, either being drawn from or linked to the features
Map shapes and metadata shapes for a single feature shape
Maintains a collection of feature map shapes by database, table name, and feature id
GeoPackage Map Activity
GeoPackage Map Overlay Tile Provider
Get a tile provider for the Tile DAO
Google Map Shape
Provides conversions methods between geometry object and Google Maps Android API v2 Shapes
Google Map Shape with markers
Enumeration of Map shape types for handling geometry hierarchies
Lat Lng Bounding Box, contains left, up, right, and down coordinates as opposed to the LatLngBounds two corners
Map utilities
Multiple LatLng object
Multiple Marker object
Multiple Polygon object
Multiple Polygon Markers object
Multiple Polygon Options object
Multiple Polyline object
Multiple Polyline Markers object
Multiple Polyline Options object
Polygon Hole with Markers object
Polygon with Markers object
Orientation types of polygon exterior and hole rings
Polyline with Markers object
Shape markers interface for handling marker changes
Shape markers interface for handling marker changes on shapes that have children
Style utilities for populating markers and shapes.
Style utilities for populating markers and shapes
Tile Bounding Box utility methods relying on Android map libraries
XYZ GeoPackage Map Overlay Tile Provider, assumes XYZ tiles