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Web application discovery, execution and streaming library

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Endpoint.js Endpoint.js enables modules within a web application to discover and use each other, whether that be on the same web page, other browser windows and tabs, iframes, servers, web workers and processes in a reactive way by providing discovery, execution and streaming interfaces.

Ad-hoc Network A robust ad-hoc application network, enabling multi-hop communication across any topology, including browser windows, tabs, web workers, web servers, processes, and peer-to-peer

Increased Performance Increased application performance, allowing easy off-loading and routing of complex processing to background workers, processes or browser tabs

Save Time Develop Here, Deploy There: Develop to uniform APIs, reducing deployment and integration details to a configuration exercise

Built-in Security Built-in security features enables fine-grained control over movement of data

How do I use it (aka "Documentation")?

Take a look at our Basic Usage, Configuration Guide, API at a Glance, Advanced Usage, Security Guide, read the suggested integration document, or check out the Architecture Diagram.

Copyright and Legal

(C) 2016 Booz Allen Hamilton, All rights reserved

Powered by InnoVision, created by the GIAT

Endpoint.js was developed at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) in collaboration with Booz Allen Hamilton. The government has "unlimited rights" and is releasing this software to increase the impact of government investments by providing developers with the opportunity to take things in new directions.

This documentation uses icons designed by Freepik.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0